Chapter 11-Rough Day

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*Paul's POV*

When I opened the van door. All the boys looked angry and annoyed, jenny on the other hand looked relived.
"Okay everyone out follow Jim he'll take you to your rooms. I'll be behind you all." I instructed them. They quickly piled out of the van Liam leading.

"Hi jenny nice to finally put a face to a name, I'm Paul the tour manager." I greeted Jenny as she was the last one out.

"Hi Paul nice to finally meet you." She smiled, she seemed nice. I'll have to talk to the boys later about why they had those expressions on their faces was is cause of her? Or a rude 'fan'? The paps? Guess I'll find out later.  The boys act like small boys most of the time so it couldn't be that awful of a reason.

"Well you better catch up to the boys or you'll get caught in the sea of fans" I told her before climbing back in the van to park it. She quickly ran off to get back with the group.

*Jenny's POV*

Looks like I got caught in the sea of fans Paul warned me about. I guess most of them don't recognize me they think I'm another fan, one girl asked me who my favorite was but warned me not to say Zayn or she'd claw my eyes out. Gotta love the crazy fans. I just want a shower and my Nat. I've made it to the front of the crowd but just my luck a security guard won't let me in.

"Excuse me I assure you I'm Harry's girlfriend, please let me in." I said again

"Sorry ma'am but I've herd that line about 100 times in the last three hours 'hi I'm Harry Edward styles girlfriend I'm surprising him pwease let me in or I'm gonna have a BF!!!' He mocked in a high pitched annoying, totally not possible girls voice, please leave or wait. Stop distracting me." He wouldn't even look up at me. The doors opened signaling a guest leaving. I saw the boys all waking together in a group. The crowd behind me stared going ballistic calling out to there destined future husbands. Some were bawling some were yelling so hard there vocal cords would burst, and some were laughing.

Harry! Harry! Can you please tell them I'm with you?" I yelled as hard as I could so they're hear me. Thankfully they did and  all walked over. That caused the crowd to push and get even louder.

"Is she with you guys?" The society guard asked having to shout right in their ears for them to hear. Harry opened his mouth but before he could talk Louis cut in.

"Uhm sorry mate we'ev never seen her before in our lives, hi love want us to sign something for you?" He asked me at the end. My jaw dropped I couldn't believe what he just did. I was infuriated at what he did.

"Guess not, crazy girl. Sorry to bother you boys. Hope you enjoy your stay." The security guard said.

"Thank you mate, have a nice night." Louis said back to him. Then they walked off. I was fuming I never hated anyone so much in my life. Oh was I gonna get Louis 'the asshole' Tomlinson back! The one thing that was a little more shocking was that Liam didn't even help he probably doesn't like me either but he was nice to me in the car. I'll get in my own way.

After some time I got out of the crowd that seemed to keep growing. I called Steve or the contact 'management' but Steve answered.

"Hi Steve I got away from the guys when they were going into the hotel and the society guard thinks I'm a fan and won't let me in. Could you help me at all?" I asked all that before he even said hello. I was just so done with today I want a bed and a candy bar. Chocolate is the best comfort food there is.

"Hi jenny. I'll call Paul. Walk behind the hotel and wait by the van. He'll help you in, have a nice night and remember keep up the couple look and vibe, also we won't text you everytime you too need to be romantic in public you two will need to get use to that on your own." He instructed me.

"Ok bye." I said quickly and hung up. I don't even wanna think about being romantic with Harry. Sure the kiss was pretty good but he's not my type. I don go for fame hungry, womanizing assholes who think it's funny to leave someone,their 'girlfriend,' stranded outside a hotel when it starts to get cold. I'm being forced to date him but I can't wait for my reward at the end. That's all I can think of at the moment. Finally, I get to the back of the hotel and I see Paul waiting for my by the van.

"Told you not to get separated from them." He laughed.

"Yeah oops is all I can say about that." I laughed a little. Paul doesn't deserve for my to take my anger out on him, I'll rant to Nat later.

"Come on let's get ya to your room, it's late you're probably tired I know I am! And tomorrow is a big day" he said walking to the back way entrance I followed quickly behind, I'm not getting separated from him.

"Yeah I am tired!" I laughed and exaggerated 'tired'. He smiled and walked up to the front desk getting my room key for me. He handed it to me with a smile
"Your bags are waiting for you up there." I thanked him them headed to the elevator, thankfully There no one in here, it's always just awkward riding the elevator with strangers and it's also to unusually quite. I leaned against the wall up to the 9th floor for me. I reached room 969 and quickly swiped my key but not before laughing at the '69' part on my door and insatgraming a pic of it. I'm somewhat immature at things like this, but it's fun to be immature. shower time I thought and grabbed my pjs and a towel then headed to the bathroom.

I took the longest shower ever. I started to plan on living in here while Dope by lady Gaga was playing the entire time, like everyone else you think so much better in showers. I didn't know it would turn out that all of them hated me. But the money is what I'm here for not friends sadly it has to be this way. My thoughts sound way over dramatic then the actual situation. I tend to overthink certain things or make up insane ideas of scenarios.  I finally got out of the shower and put on my comfiest and favoritest pair of sweats and my summer camp counselor T-shirt. I climbed into the giant queen bed and sunk in while still playing music this time it was Never Stop by safety suit. I texted Nat quickly telling her I made it to my hotel and her to text me when she wakes up knowing the time difference would mess up our texting convos. Then I got comfy and fell asleep.

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