Chapter 14-Knock knock jokes

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*Harry's POV*

The boys and I got back to the hotel at 2:45 we just explored and met some fans. It was quite fun spending time with the boys and joking around. In one shower tried on funny hats and Niall took a picture for Instagram later.
"Harry go get Jenny and meet us back at my room." Paul said as we all walked into the elevator. I mentally groaned, the conversation Liam had with us at breakfast was stuck in my mind but she's not making an effort at all to change are opinions on her. As soon as the elevator dinged on the 9th floor I walked out as the rest of them rode it to the 10th to Paul's room. I walked to Jenny's room, 969 I laughed and took a quick picture if it before knocking. "Jenny, uh Jenny." I knocked for the 4th time. "Who is it?" I herd her mumble she sounded tired.
"It's Harry." I said then she opened the door. I couldn't help but laugh at her disheveled look, her hair was crazy looking and her eye liner was smeared looking like a black eye. She gave me a confused look.
"Ugh come in." She walked into the bathroom probably realizing that she looked crazy, but it was cute in a way, she was a pretty girl. I sat on the edge of the unmade bed while she was in the bathroom.
"Uh we need to go to Paul's room soon cause it's almost 3:00" I said so she could hear over the running water. She poked her head out of the bathroom with a tooth brush in her mouth and gave me a thumbs up. I laughed a little cause it looked like she had rabies cause of the foam on the corners of her mouth. But I also noticed she had fixed her make-up she cleans up quick. I'm surprised most girls take forever, not that I'm complaining I get girls want to look good for themselves and it makes them more confident but it'd be nice to have all women realize they are beautiful without make-up. I was dragged from my thoughts when jenny came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a Ramones T-shirt and so was I.
"Nice shirt." I said and smirked at her, she looked down and then up at me then down at my own shirt and laughed.

"That's what the paps ment today! They said they thought it cute or something that we had matching outfits!" She laughed. It was kinda cute how she laughed so hard over a little thing, it made me laugh too but not as hard.

"Come on we need to go before we get yelled at." I said then walked towards the door with her following behind me.

*Jenny's POV*

I was following behind Harry still smiling about the matching T-shirt thing, I don't know why but Nat always got annoyed with me cause I could laugh for hours over the smallest,most unimportant things ever. Harry and I walked to the elevators and waited for a minute before it came. We didn't talk and it was getting awkward, I hate awkward silences so I did what any normal person would do.

"Awkward silence." I whispered. He did that thing were you blow air out your nose cause it's kinda funny. *Ding* the elevator was on the 10th  floor, finally it seemed like it was a long ride just up one floor.

"Come on, this way." Harry said and walked out taking a left to then knocked on the first door. Paul answered letting us in right away, we walked in and Harry sat on the couch with Zayn and Niall. All the seats were taken so I just stood awkwardly in the back. Paul started talking to the boys about their concert tonight. It's sounds amazing getting to preform on stage with millions of people watching. In my opinion millions fans going crazy over you sounds amazing. It makes me wish I could sing.

Since the conversation didn't really concern me I went on my phone, liked a few pics on Instagram and tried not to freak out by the notifications that popped up about 100+ new followers, wow directioners really new how to find everything out about a person, I didn't know anyone knew of my Instagram. I got off Instagram then went on wattpad to read it was one of my favorite stories called The Strange kind of Perfect. This book makes me want a Lucas in real life. After I finished the recent update I got a text from my brother, Jonas, he's 25 and in his junior year of college to become a lawyer.

'Hows THE Harry Styles' his text said which made me laugh to myself him and I got got along very well and we're like twins but 6 years apart.

"What's so funny?"Louis asked, everyone looked up at me.

"O-oh nothing my brother just texted me." I trailed off, I hate how socially awkward I am, I'm usually fine and love meeting new people, I guess cause I know they don't like me.
"Oh really now, what'd he say?" Louis asked cocking up his eyebrow. I couldn't just tell them it was a joke about his best mate when he's sitting right there and everyone else around.
"Uh it's a knock knock joke." I tried to cover up. I didn't sound too convincing though and knock knock jokes aren't that funny.
"Go on." He said still giving me a mocking/disgusted look.
"Ok..uhm. Knock Knock." I said trying not to let my voice waver to show I was intimated by Louis.
"Who's there?" Louis said again with the same look.
"king tut." I continued the joke, I know they aren't gonna laugh so I'm dreading the punch line.
"King tut who?" Louis said continuing the joke, his look softening barley.
"King tut-ing fried chicken." I finished. Harry and Liam actually laughed. I did a little to, to make it seem believable, like my brother actually sent it to me.
"Jenny you need to work on your jokes." Louis said to me.
"Louis mate that was funny come on." Harry said. I had a start of a small smile because he was being nice and defending me in a way. Louis just rolled his eyes though.
"Thanks for the joke jenny but come on boys to the van time for sound Check!" Paul said. They all stood and exited out of the room.
"You also jenny, if the paps see you at all you have to be with Harry." Paul instructed as he waited for me to walk through the door. I nodded and walked through the hotel room door. The 5 of them walked together and I was left behind like a loner.
"Harry." Paul said snapping his fingers making him turn around. "Hold hands with jenny." He said. Harry made a face but came and held my hand.
We walked through the back exit of the hotel it has became our main entrance and exit now due to fans and paps. We loaded the van and took off to the arena they are preforming at tonight. It seemed like a long drive and I started to doze off leaning against the window.


HI or HEY !

So few things

1) Hi. I. Exist. Is areal story being written by my friend ! Check it out her user is mykaylynn

2) Who's going to a WWA concert ? If so message me I'm going September 11th

3) vote, comment, follow, share & yeah

4) sorry I haven't updated in a couple days it's been kinda a busy week haha

5) So this cute guy he go toy kingdom all (like church but not) and he's so cute I had to share ! Haha

Have a wonderful day/evening/night

~Kenna until next update !!!!

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