Chapter 12-"I'm sorry."

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*Harry's POV*

Niall, Liam and I are sharing a room. Then Zayn and Louis are next door. But at the moment we are all in Louis' and Zayn's room. Paul came in the said we needed to head to bed as the three of us got up to leave, but Paul pulled me to the side.

"Steve called me, you need to go say goodnight to Jenny the paps will catch you doing so, so go now. Then come back and get some sleep. Have a good night" he explained and I sighed, I'm exhausted and really don't want to. I trudged unhappily to her room but when I saw a sign of the paps I tried to look not miserable. I knocked on her answer. I knocked answer, again.

"Maybe she's with another man!" One of the paps behind me laughed. They're unbelievable today we announced the 'relationship' and they already accuse someone of cheating. This time I banged on the door.
"Babe it's me!" I herd shuffling and a crazy wet haired, confused, tired looking Jenny opened the door.
"Oh sorry babe were you sleeping?" I asked looking apologetic. I have her my signature smirk to look innocent.
"Yeah but that's ok I wanted to say goodnight to you sorry I feel asleep." I was impressed she caught on quick. She stepped back and let me in you could hear the endless clicks of cameras. I can't wait for the front cover of the tabloids tomorrow

I sat on the little couch in the suite and she sat on the bed, it was an awkward silence.
"Uh goodnight." she said laughing a little. "Goodnight.." I said back with that I stood up and headed for the door. She walked over too. When I opened the door before walking out I turned and kissed her in the cheek. The paps when into a frenzy of clicking their cameras. I said goodnight one last time and. Walked back to my hotel room.


*Liam's POV*
I woke up at 6:00am on the dot for when the hotels complementary breakfast starts. I pulled on a hoodie and put in sunglasses and headed down. No one else was awake so why not have some food. When I got down to the lobby I was happy to see it not busy at all. I got coffee, toast, a muffin, and some fruit then found a table on the corner. I was on twitter when I herd a group of excited screams saying "JENNY!!!" I looked up and saw her she had a deer in the head lights look on her face. But she didn't try to disguise herself at all so it was her own fault. I watched as she signed some stuff, took pictures, and talked to them she was good with them. When they left I saw her look at the ground and sigh then fix her hair and head to get some juice.
"Jenny!" I whispered yelled to get her attention she turned and smiled.
"Oh..hi" she responded her eyebrows furrowed

I couldn't help but tell her smile dropped some. Did I do something?
"You can sit here I doubt anyone will notice you." She agreed and sat down. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I finally spoke "How'd you sleep?" She looked up from her phone and a mouth full of toast she chewed super fast than swallowed hard. With a little laugh from both of us.
"I fell asleep early but then Harry woke me up by knocking at the door, but I went back to bed like 10 minutes after that." she laughed then added
"What about you?"
"Quite good! Harry, Niall and I watched The Purge" I smiled taking a bite of my muffin.
"I love that movie!" She said excitedly. I smiled at her, it was cute how excited she got over it. "Uh...Jenny?" I said after finishing my mouth full and ending so it sounded like a question.
"Yeah?" She said looking up from her plate.
"I would like to, I want to apologize on all of the boys and myself on my behalf of yesterday when we all pretended not to know you." I looked down, I actually did feel really bad. It was on my mind the whole night, I'm glad I'm getting the chance to apologize. she half smiled at me
"Thanks, I accept your apology." She ended with a little laugh. We both finished then I suggested to see if the rest of the guys were up so we headed to Harry, Niall and I's room.

HIIIII !!! Well it's July 23rd so HAPPY 4 YEARS ONE DIRECTION MY LOVES !!!!!!
Well here's an update :) thanks for keeping with me love you all so much please tell me what you think :) & vote !
Idk what to say but also-
Until next update :)
~McKenna <3

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