Chapter 16-Rough Patch

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*Paul's POV*

"Paulllllllll" Naill called which made me stop staring shocked at Jenny cuddled up to him. I looked over at Niall
"Yeah?" I asked looking up to him on the stage.

"Can we take a break?" Zayn finished for him. I nodded in a yes motion and they all thanked me.
"Harry come here for a minute." I called to
Him. He quickly jogged over pulling a funny face I chuckled, gotta love this crazy lad.
"5 Seconds of Summer cannot know your relationship with Jenny is fake, so you have to go stop that." I said and pointed to where Jenny was sitting with Luke cuddled up next to her side. His gaze followed, was that a flash of jealousy I just saw from Harry? Did he actually like Jenny? Oh no. He just looked at me again then nodded and walked over to them. I know Harry won't do anything harsh to his 'emos' as he likes to call them I walked off to the lunch room.

*Harry's POV*

Why am I mad at Luke for talking to her? Oh cause he's not talking to her, he's flirting. What did she tell him? Did she tell him it was a fake relationship? Oh god. Those were just a few things flying around in my mind. I don't understand why I feel jealous of Luke. Is it cause he actually makes her laugh? I finally made it over to them as they just finished laughing over something.
"Hey babe" I said looking at her. That made Luke immediately remove his arm from around her and then he looked at me with a shocked expression.
"Sorry Harry! I didn't know..uh yeah." he said wiping his hands on his jeans.
"It's ok you didn't know, Jenny I need to talk to you." I said with a fake smile to not show I was somewhat jealous.

What was she acting this way? Nice to me? I don't get her at all. But she's interesting. I hate all this crap. I wasn't sure where we should talk to I headed to the tour bus cause I know it'd be empty. I kept thinking about how her and Luke were flirting, it made me kinda angry, so by the time we got to the tour bus I'm fuming. Once inside after I closed the door. I turned around
"Why we're you flirting with him!" I said harshly and raising my voice slightly. She looked surprised.
"We weren't flirting, we were talking about mean girls." she said now looking pissed at me. "His arm was around you and you both were leaning in if I didn't get there sooner I bet you'd be snogging!!" I said I could even hear the anger in my voice but I couldn't control it.
"It was nothing, calm down." She rolled her eyes at me, I hate when people tell me to calm down.

"GOD WHY DID MANAGEMENT PICK ME A SLUT!" I yelled at her. Her jaw dropped and anger became evident in her facial features.
"OH IM THE SLUT YOU MANWHORE!! AND WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT LUKE TALKING TO ME THIS IS A FAKE RELATIONSHIP!" She yelled at me maybe even a little louder than when I yelled at her and with that she stormed out of the bus.

*Jenny's POV*

"Oh my goodness he called me a slut cause I was talking to Luke! Like it's talking I wasn't giving him head or anything like what the hell. Nat I'm so pissed off right now, I want to quite this, oh my goodness the tabloids are right he's just UGHH!!!!" I groaned and told Nat everything as soon as that happened I found an empty room in the arena to sit in and talk to Nat she always helps.

"Jenny maybe Harry likes you and was jealous." She suggested.

"PUH-LEASE!! Harry styles doesn't like me! He called me a slut is that really how you show someone you like them?" I sat down after pacing around for the start of the call.

"Well he is jealous and we all know Luke Hemmings is attractive so."

I just groaned in response.
"I think you don't see it cause you're mad at him right now, but watch he'll come apologize." I didn't believe her, he's a self centered prick.

"Thanks Nat." I smiled even though she couldn't see me.
"Are you good? can I talk to you later Mark is coming over!" she squealed in the end, mark was her boyfriend of 1 year tomorrow.

"Talk to you later! Oh and Nat USE PROTECTION!" I laughed in the end and so did she then hung up. I looked at my phone and was deciding if I wanted to leave this room. I sat for a few more minutes them got up off the ground and headed for the door, the handle wouldn't turn. Uh oh.

*Paul's POV*

I saw Harry walk into the room and he sat down quietly he looked sad like when he was home sick. But I know it's not that. I walked over to him.
"Harry did you talk to Jenny?" he looked at me then mumbled a barley audible 'yeah'.
"Ok well what happened? you were happy 5 minutes ago." I said sitting next to him. "Nothing." Was all he said before getting up and walking out of the room. This is why we don't bring girls on tour, I thought to myself. They is always trouble and drama when you bring a significant other on tour. Being cramped together in the tour busses and changing hotels like crazy, isn't good for relationships.

----------------------------------------------Hi !

Have an update :)

Would you like fries with that ?



Until next up date babes !

~Kenna <3

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