Chapter 2- Rude boys, Rude girls

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*Jenny's POV*

As I stepped out of the car I saw Rebecca, the lady I talked to on the phone. Her red hair was blowing in the slight breeze her skirt and jacket skirt suit was a vibrant red, interesting choice for a day like this. There was also a guy in a very obvious tailored suit. He stood tall, his salt and pepper hair stayed in place due to the gel that was obvious because of the shine. Last my eyes landed on him, Harry Styles, or as I refer to him, man whore, I've seen enough tabloids to back me up. His brow was furrowed and I could just tell because his sunglasses covered most of that region on his face. He wasn't smiling like the other two and his arms were crossed in a stif way. I guess he wasn't happy with this. Well feelings mutual styles.

Rachel said she got my number from my ad in the paper. I put the ad in ages ago, I totally forgot about it. I'm trying to be an actress it's what I've always wanted to do since I was cast in my fourth grade play, 'The Tortoise and the Hair.' I was cast as the hair and that's when t became my dream, my passion. Ever since then I always auditions for in school and out of school plays. I put the ad in because I was desperate, it was my last resort. I was very happy when she called until she informed me on my new job. I'm not sold on this idea of me being Mr.big shots girlfriend, like I said I've seen the tabloids he's nothing but trouble, but to be honest he is very attractive. I hope this isn't for long. I thought as the salt and pepper hair man walked up to me going in for a hand shake.

"Hello Jenny, I'm Steve" he said smiling at me. Holy cow did he have a tough grip. After that painful greeting he lead me towards the front door where Harry and Rebecca stood.

"Jenny good to see you again, this is Harry let's go inside and talk over some things" Rebecca started leading us through the main doors. WOW was she always this excited and preppy? I thought. We ended up in a big conference room. Rebecca pointed me toward a seat next to Harry. Me and him where on one end and they where in the other end. I glanced around the room. Around the rectangle room hung very artsy pictures taken from around the city with inspirational quotes on them. One read "follow your dreams." I wanted to snort at it, how could they possibly help anyone? Quotes are suppose to make you feel something. Other than the cheesy quotes the conference room was pretty bland.

"So to start we need to set some rules" Steve said passing us black laminated folders.

"First we have to date and have rules too?" Harry said looking and sounding annoyed. Wasn't he just a peachy boy now isn't he? This is gonna be fun. I internally groaned. Is it to late to back out of this? Not only is he a womanizer, but also quite a big baby.

"They aren't big rules Harry but you need to know them. First rule..."she went on and on and on about how we should act, talk, and be around the paps and the other boys. I was surprise his own band mates wouldn't be in on this. I was very broad so I decided to text my friend, Natalie, Nat for short. She's the only person I told about this whole thing. I wasn't suppose to tell anyone though. Oh well.

"Jenny did you get that?" Steve asked giving me a stern look. Him and Rachel were polar opposite and I'm surprised they work so well together.

"Um.... Yeah!...sure.." I tried playing it off that I had no clue what he said. Back in high school I could always get away with this stuff, now not so much.

"You need to be paying attention this is serious" he demanded. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry smirking did he think it's funny that I was caught paying not attention or was it something on his phone?

"How hard can it be we date like normal people but we have to pretend to actually like each other and pretend we want to be kissing, holding hands , and hugging or even touching for that matter."
"What a way to knock someone's confidence." I sneered. He rolled his eyes in response at least that shut him up, I smiled to myself.

Although what he said kind of hurt my feelings he didn't even know me, who is he to judge? This whole "dating" thing is not gonna work out I think wait no, I know its not. The good thing in this deal is I am getting paid that's something to look forward too. That's what I'll have to say focused on. When I get paid I'll be able to support myself a lot better than I have been, I can start paying off some of my never ending student loans, and lastly I can start my career by buying acting lessons.

Welp how was it? Bad? Comment/vote/anything plz I like feed back haha :) update soooooonnn! <3

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