Chapter 39-Second Chances

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*Jenny's POV*

As I shifted and started to become fully awake I felt Nat still laying next to me. I sat up and leaned my head against the head board and recalled all the past events to mind. Harry cheated on me, Nat and I snuck out, and I don't know where Harry is as of now. Harry did cheat but he was forced by management I think. I have to talk to him about this. He said he wouldn't but he did? I feel I should be upset but I'm not. I shook my head as to try and clear bad thoughts as I stood and walked to the bathroom to shower. Not feeling upset about this meant I didn't really like Harry as much as I thought I did. I have to tell him that we should just go back to being fake and not for real.
I sighed as the warm water splashed against my skin. Showers helped people think and made everything better. I scrubbed the make-up off my face and washed my hair, I was already starting to feel better. My mother told me to fake it tell I make it once and that's what I'm going to have to start doing. I'm going to follow exactly what Rachel asks of me as my job and soon enough this contract will end and hopefully I will have made it in the acting business. I shut off the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack and dried off. I walked out to get some clothes to change into, I was feeling lazy day today so I grabbed my favorite running pants and a Adidas shirt that was white and black, walking back into the bathroom I heard Nat stir in her sleep. I got dressed and blow dryed my hair leaving it how it was, straight with some wave to it and great volume from the blow dryer. I put on my usual make-up but extra concealer due to the dark bags under my eyes.
"Jenny!" Nat screamed as I walked out of the bathroom.
"What?" I asked giving her a odd look.
"I was on Twitter and Harry is a cheater is trending." She said looking worried. As if on cue my phone started to ring, it was Rachel.

"Yes?" I answered trying to think of my plan I had made up in the shower.
"Have you seen the number one trend on Twitter? Of course you have. You have to tweet that you don't believe he cheated and you still love him blah Blah blah." Rachel instructed without letting me get a word in.
"Okay I will have a nice day!" I said with a sickly sweet tone. She didn't respond and just hung up probably stunned by my tone I know I was. I switched over to the Twitter app and typed out a tweet:

'I know what you all think #Harryisacheater but it's just good photoshop, I know he would never cheat on me. I love and trust him.'

I know that will shut up management for awhile.
"What was that?" Nat asked looking shocked.
"I've decided to take this very seriously it's my first job I have to stick to my plan." I said seriously. Nat didn't seem to be buying what I was saying but brushed it off, I'm glad she did.
"I'm going to find Harry see you later." I smiled at her as I slid in my white shoes. Looking down at my self I saw I was repping all adidas clothing. With a chuckle I grabbed the door handle and walked down the hall way to Harry's room.

I raised my fist to knock on the door but something was holding me back. Be strong Jenny. I told myself over and over but I couldn't seem to find the courage to knock on the door. I went to turn and leave but the door opened and out walked Lucy.
"what are you still doing here?" I quested harshly, rage instantly filling my mind.
"Why do you care? It's a fake relationship." She said her accent thick as anger came off her words as she spoke.
"I care cause I don't want Harry getting a STD from you." I shot back at her holding in a giggle.
"You're just jealous I slept with him!" He yelled back at me.
"Actually this whole this is fake I'm getting paid for it you're not." I laughed and She scoffed and flipped me off as she stumbled lightly as she walked away in her six inch heels. I turned back around and saw Harry standing tiredly at the door. My mouth dropped a little as I realized he heard me. I was expecting him to get on to me for the things I said to her but instead he quickly said.
"We didn't sleep together." He liked worried as if I wouldn't believe him not that I did though.
"Can we talk." I said ignoring what he told me as he let me in.
"Good idea." He said and we both walked into his suite and I sat on the couch he followed and sat down as well.
"I think cause of everything that happened-" he cut me off.
"Sorry to interrupt but could I please explain before you say whatever it is you're going to say." He rushed out. Wow he looks really distraught over this.
"Ok but I was there last night, Natalie and I snuck out and went to the club." I spoke honestly. I couldn't read his facial expressions but he didn't say anything about it.
"Last night I shouldn't of did what I did, I'm so sorry Jenny. I'm bad at being a boyfriend. Lucy and I got a special room for celebrities and they brought complementary shots and I got carried away. I promised you I wouldn't kiss her but I did and I take full responsibility for that and I am truly deeply sorry for hurting you. If there is anyway we could start over and have a clean slate to this because I really do have feelings for you I would prove to you that I'm not a cheater and that I can and will be good boyfriend. I've never dated someone like you, someone who isn't trying to use me for fame or my money. How we met is kind of odd and what we have to do is odd but if we can push that aside I would love to actually be with you. I can promise you I won't ever let management do that again." He said pouring out his feelings to me. I was at a loss for words, I had came in here to officially end it and make this strictly business but now, I don't know what to say.
"I understand if you don't have an answer now I want you to take into thought everything I just said to you I just want you to know my feelings for you are real." He said and with that I nodded and stood to walk out of the room. Before I could take a step Harry grabbed me by my lower back and his other hand was on the back of my neck and he pulled me into a passionate kiss I could have almost got lost in it but I had to stand my ground I kissed back for a moment but pulled away early.
"I'll think about it." I said the left the room. I felt a blush rising to my cheeks as I recalled the moment we just had, none of our other kisses had ever been like that. I moved my fingers to trace my lips thinking that moments ago Harry's lips were on mine.  I sighed somewhat of sadness and content, I had a lot to think about. We're my feelings actually real for Harry? Would it be better if this was just business? Is a real relationship with the Harry Styles a good choice?

I sighed again as I got to the lobby of the hotel. I can think about this over some good McDonald's breakfast. I asked her a taxi and surprisingly got one pretty fast.
"Closest McDonald's please." I requested from the driver, he simply nodded and stared to drive. I looked out the window like the main female role in sad movies only it wasn't raining, it was actually quite a nice sunny day.
"Okay what's your story?" The driver asked me.
"What?" I questioned confused by boldness in asking and how he knew I had a story.
"My name is Carlos I was born in Mexico and when I was five my family immigrated here, I stared driving a taxi at the age of 16 and since my first day I picked up someone to this day whoever gets in my taxi they have a story to tell. That was my story what's yours" he said and smiled at me through the review mirror.
"Boy troubles." I laughed hoping that would stop his pressure to tell.
"Spill all the beans uncle Carlos is here for you." He said seriously.
"Okay well I got hired to date someone and I agreed to it without know who and well I actually started to like him and he has such good qualities and he helped me when I scrapped my knee once and we got matching 'friendship' rings and he defended me to his rude friends but then last night he cheated on me and I went to talk to him and he apologized and said that he was forced to do this as part of the contract and he confessed all his true feelings and now I'm here on my way to McDonald's to think it over, over a egg mcmuffin and two hash browns." I got all out in one huge breath after saying it all, I realized it sounded quite pathetic but also it was a lot to take in. Also I probably shouldn't be confessing that to a random stranger but I oddly trusted Carlos.
"Chica chica it will all work itself out. Give the poor chico another chance if he wants you that bad he'll fix his mistakes and make up for them everyday. You and him already seem to have a good connection and make a very good couple I would like to hear you're still together when you get in my cab sometime in the future." He smiled at me through the rear view mirror again as he came to a stop in front of McDonald's.
"Thanks Carlos." I smiled as I grabbed a 20 dollar bill from behind my phone case.
"Keep the change." I said as I handed it to him.
"Gracias chica!" He smiled as me then drove off. Surprisingly he really made me feel better, but I still needed a egg mcmuffin and two hash browns. I walked inside, happily it wasn't too busy. I placed my order and got it rather quickly. Sitting down in a back booth by the window I started to eat my food and drink my coffee trying to think about everything. I wanted to go with Carlos' advice but I also had to chose for myself.

After swallowing my last bite of my last hash brown and drinking the last bit of coffee I had made up my mind. I'm going to give Harry another chance but after we talk it all out and make some new rules for management. I texted Nat where I was and asked her to come pick me up from McDonald's because I didn't have enough money to take another cab. She responded quickly and told me she was sending Harry. Just my luck.

Hey! Long time no update huh? Well I entered this short story contest and I just posted and that inspired me to update so if you would be so kind to please read that and vote or just vote lol that'd be greatly appreciated! Love you all thanks for reading !!!! ❤️

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