Chapter 15-Concert prep

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*Jenny's POV*

"Does all she ever do is sleep?"

"She's like a dog they always sleep."

"She's doorling."

"It's kinda cute."

"Shut up Liam it's kinda cute for a dog."

"Whenever I have to go to her room she's always asleep."

"Guys it's a long drive zayn is asleep too."

That's the conversation I woke up to but they thought I was still asleep. Of course they're talking about me, I mentally rolled my eyes. Why not get back at them? I started to move a little in my sleep, and mumble. I had to hold myself back from laughing.

"Shhh. I think she's waking up!" I think Louis said.

I started to move my arms like I was trying to swipe something away.

"Is she having a bad dream?" Liam asked. Now it was time for some fun. I furrowed my brows and started swinging my arms and mumbling more.


My hand had made contact with Harry's face, since he was closest to me. "OW!" I here Liam say?! I almost opened my eyes but knew if I did they'd probably hate me more for messing with them. I put my arms down and started to turn in my seat. "I'm waking her up." Harry said and started to shake my shoulders. I tired to make it believable so I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Liam rubbing a hand over his cheek, I felt kinda bad I was aiming for Harry or Louis, more to Louis actually.
"You were having a bad dream yeah?" Harry said looking at me.
"Yeah" I laughed a little and looked down so they didn't notice.
"You smacked Liam real good. He was just trying to see if you were ok" Louis said he had an amused look on his face. Did he think is was funny that I smacked him?
"You should of smacked Louis it'd been pay back for me when he slapped me." Niall said looking a Louis and they both laughed. They started all talking amongst themselves and I just leaned on the window again but this time instead of sleeping I was looking out the window at the sky and the passing cars. I wish I brought my head phones, I could block them out for a little bit.

*Louis' POV*

When Jenny smacked Liam it was hilarious, of course she wasn't sleeping I've pulled that prank multiple times on my sisters 'you fake your asleep so you can just slap someone' then when you wake up you say 'oops it was a nightmare' it's full proof. Unless someone knows that trick. But I wasn't gonna call her out on it, Liam quite annoyed me this morning with his speech about her. Jenny wasn't that bad though she seemed like a prankster, I bet she was aiming for Harry. It must be horrible having to have a fake boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm infuriated with management for coming up with this idea. I was pulled from my thoughts when the van came to a hard stop.

"Sorry mates! We're here though. Pile out!" Paul said and Niall opened the door. We all got out of the van and faced the arena we are preforming at tonight. It's massive!
"Welp boys let's get this show on the road." I said I could feel my nerves kicking in as we headed inside. My girlfriend was gonna be here and I haven't seen her in 3 months. I missed her so much I couldn't wait to see her front row tonight so I could sing straight to her as cheesy as it sounds. I am a romantic at times.

"Okay Jenny you can go sit in the stands or walk around the boys have sound check and all that, but don't go to far we don't want you lost, the boys are enough a hassle we don't need you being one" Paul said to Jenny and laughed in the end. She just nodded and walked away with Chris a little ways behind her.

"Okay run through the songs you feel you need practice on then in order, I'll go check if the stage is ready for testing on. Oh! then go to wardrobe I'll be back in a few." Paul said then walked towards the stage. The boys and I started singing strong.

*Paul's POV*

I walked towards the stage and saw it was ready for tonight. I talked to Debra the new girl who was working lighting she seemed about Jenny's age so I made a mental note to introduce them, I'd be more relaxed if Jenny had some friends with the crew or tour family. Next I went to our veteran sound board gal, Andrea, she said it was all set up, just need the microphones to charge. After that I went to check on the other new addition to our tour family, Kiara, she works with Caroline in wardrobe. Caroline was called out to pick her son up from daycare.
"Kiara nice to meet you I'm Paul." I shook hands with her. She smiled.
"Hi, I have all the outfits set out and ready when they are." She said, I liked how focused she was on her job.
"Okay I'll get them when it's time." I said as I walked out the door. I headed to get them to practice on the stage. It's gonna be a big show tonight, little did the boys knows their families would all be attending tonight and girlfriends, but Louis new about that part she 'accidentally' let it slip. I got to the boys right as they were singing little things.
"Okay boys, the stage is ready, let's head there to practice so you get a better feel for it." They nodded and followed after me. Once on the stage they started their usual shenanigans. Louis decided to start sounding country, Niall started hip thrusting, Harry and Zayn were ball room dancing or at least trying to, and Liam was beat boxing.
"COME ON BOYS" Chris said.
"Chris aren't you suppose to be with Jenny?" I asked him he just pointed in response, I looked in the direction of his finger and there was Jenny sitting laughing really hard, most likely at the boys. I looked back at the boys and they we're having piggy-back races and Louis was counting down to 1.
"This is sound check you have the whole concert to mess around!" I Yelled to them. They just laughed and kept racing.
"Ok after that go back to singing Diana." Chris, James and I had to grab all them and psychically pull Niall and Harry off Zayn and Liam's backs. We got through Diana and now on to Through the Dark. They sang it but danced crazy I herd Jenny laughing and thought it was cause if the boys but I turned around and say her with a boy when he turned so I could see his face it made my jaw drop.

----------------------------------------------WHOA ! ITS A DOUBLE UPDATE !!!


I'm watching scooby doo 😂

I have really bad sunburn & can't leave bed 😭

But it's not like I ever leave my bed anywayyyyyyy😜

Until next update


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