Chapter 44- Damage Control

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*Jenny's POV*

The feeling in my chest is tight and my stomach feels like I just took the plunging drop on the Superman ride at six flags. I run out of the back rooms and find myself sprinting to the stage, hoping I can catch Harry before they go one. My eyes are stinging as tears start to fall. I can't determine if it's because of the stress or the fear that I could possibly loose Harry over this.
"Harry!" I call once he's within my sights. The screams from the crowd as the count down starts almost drowns my voice out. He turns and I lock eyes with his chocolate brown ones. His effortless puppy dog eyes furrow at my expression and he takes a step toward me before one of the crew members holds an arm out and ushers him onto stage. I catch his glance one more time but I'm sure my expression only reads panic. I wipe my tears and try to compose myself as I ask to remain backstage for tonight instead of the seats I usually have reserved. I walk back to the snack room and lay on the couch. Before I take any actions I want to talk to Harry. I can still hear all the screams from the crowd even being a distance away and sigh as I check the time, there's still some hours before I'll get to talk to him.

A crew member peaking his head into the room surprises me, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him quizzically waiting for him to speak.

"Hey Jenny, Harry needs you." He says like it's simple statement. I furrow my eyebrows and consider his words. Like Harry whose on stage right now? I question in my mind but instead I nod and follow him. I stare at the large letters spelling "crew" on the back of his jacket as I walk behind him. We're at the side of the stage now and I see Harry close to the edge with a large smile on his face. I feel my cheeks pulling upward just looking at him.

"And here she is. Hi beautiful." He speaks to his microphone and the crowd cheers loudly. I finally understand his request for me. I feel chills run through my body, nervous energy.

"Hi." I laugh as I pull him close to me in a hug. His shirt is feeling damp but I'm sure he's been dancing around throwing water. Or at least I hope. I don't want it to be sweat.

"Come here." He chuckles softly, I can feel his chest move under my body. He grasps my hand and pulls be from the shadows onto center stage. The crowd cheers but I can't help but hear booing as well. I block it out and the thought of the tweet. Or else my poker face will falter. But maybe this should be a time to talk about it.

"Say hi love." He encourages as he looks down at me. My eyes find his and hold contact. But before I address the crowd I can't help but reach my hand to turn his face more and kiss him.

"Ooooh it's getting hot in here!" Louis yells into his mic at our actions. His comment causes us all to laugh and people in the crowd to cheer. The boos are no longer within my ear shot, but I'm sure people are still doing it.

"So I brought you up here for a reason. We're playing a game." He explains and I laugh feeling nervous at his intentions.

"We're playing who knows who better.." Niall interjects as he walks closer to us. I nod feeling confident and relieved. This game could definitely counter the tweet and prove to everyone this is real. Although that's dishonest if everyone knew it'd be awful press for One Direction; more specifically though, Harry.

"I'm ready!" I respond once a crew member hands me my own microphone. The crowd cheers again and the lights up here are so bright I can't see anyone's faces in the sea of people.

"What is Harry's favorite meal?" Louis questions holding a few index cards. I lick my lips before answering.

"Spaghetti?" My answer sounds more of a question but I've only ever had a few meals with the guy.

"Correct!" Niall cheers as he pulls our attention toward him, he now holds a few cards as well. The crowd cheers for my correct answer and Louis prompts them as he waves his hands. "That's one point for Jenny. Now Harry, what is Jenny's favorite song at the moment?" He Asks giving him an intense look. I chuckle to myself as Harry strokes his chin with his thumb and pointer finger in thought.

"I'll go with Photograph but our pal Ed Sheeran. Although I think my girlfriends favorite song should be one from my band. But oh well." He laughs after throwing in his comment. Everyone else laughs too even myself. I shrug my shoulder and grimace at him in a silent apology which erupts more laughter and cheers from the fans.

"Correct Mr. Styles!" Liam calls before holding eye contact with me. "It's one to one. Jenny, what is Harry's morning routine?" Liam asks.

"Well he hits the snooze button about four times. And then he'll shower and get dressed and he'll have two scrambled eggs and a side of sausage and bacon with a tall glass of chocolate milk." I answer as detailed as possible trying not to leave anything out. I oddly want to win this. As I talk about Harry everyone is cheering loudly. He nods along with my words confirming them as he pulls me into his side again.

"Correct!" Zayn calls but not as enthusiastic as the other boys. He's still sitting as well and isn't holding eye contact with any of us. I make a mental note to talk to him after the show. Maybe he's home sick.

"Final question Harry. What is Jenny's middle name?" Zayn asks while shaking his head softly. It's almost as if he's disapproving something on the paper before him.

"Grace!" Harry calls confidently his hand raised in the air like a victory fist bump. I laugh at how proud he is of himself but he just lucked out. I told him that last night.

"Bonus round! What is Harry's shoe size Jenny?" Niall calls from across the stage.

"11 and a half?" I answer very unsure. I only have glanced at his shoes.

"Ladies and gentleman we have a draw! It seems like Jenny and Harry are the perfect match!" Liam ends the game with his final words. Everyone cheers and Harry sneaks a kiss onto my cheek as I exit the stage. I give my microphone back and before I step far enough away a hand touches my arm. I turn around quickly expecting to see Harry but I'm face to face with Zayn.

"I'm sorry." He says quickly before turning around and walking back into view of the audience and singing his part. I feel my eyebrows furrow at his words and start racking my brain for what he could be sorry for. He's never done me wrong. At least that I know of.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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