Chapter 38-Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater

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*Harry's POV*

"Wow okay, tension." Rachel laughed trying to make this situation a joke. I felt my chest rising and falling fastly due to my outburst. I was staring Jenny in the eye trying to read her expression. I hope she knows I wasn't serious. I hope she understands what's going on.
"Come on." Natalie said dragging Jenny in the opposite direction.
"Jenny!" Rachel called after her heels cockling quickly so she could to catch up to them.
"Well it looks likes it's just the two of us." Lucy said walking over to me.
"I know you don't want to do this, but we're both going to benefit from this and it's getting you more fame." She tried to convince me.
"It's not the good kind of fame." I said and walked off. I needed to cool down. I texted Mark to meet me in the make shift gym area of this stadium and to bring the boxing gloves. He replied quickly and said he was already there. I sped up my pace to get there, I wanted to hit something.

*Jenny's POV*

"What?" I asked trying not to sound angry. Before she spoke she leaned in closely to my ear probably making sure Nat couldn't hear.
"Wow! Grouchy! Anyways darling. That was Lucy and Harry is suppose to 'cheat' tonight to cause drama and get you two more fame and all that jazz. So tonight make sure you're on Twitter and all that to make a comment on it! Gotta go get my afternoon coffee now bye!" She whispered quickly in my ear and walked off with a creepy smile plastered on her face.
"What the fuck?" Nat spat looking at me like k was crazy, Rachel obviously wasn't a good whisperer.
"Is this what you have to deal with on a daily bases?" She asked giving me a sympathy stare now.
"Pretty much." I said and turned to walk back to the room with the comfy couch and food.
"Hey wanna talk about it?" She asked catching up and falling in toe with my pace. I just sighed and tried to think of the recent events. Harry and I still had to act like we hate each other when around management people so that could explain that but who was on phone? What deal?

"Hey love!" Liam smiled as Nat and I worked back into the room. Harry was the only one not in the room with us all.
"Hi." I smiled and took a seat next to Niall on the couch. Nat was getting some chips off the back table. Then she came and set on my right.

*Harry's POV*

  "Harry...Harry...HARRY!" Mark yelled making me stop my repeated punches on the bag in front of me.
"Take a breather." He instructed and handed me a water after I slid off one of my gloves. My chest was heaving up and down rapidly, I hadn't realized how long and fast I had been hitting that bag just trying to get my anger out. It's not fair I have to now cheat. I'm not a cheater.

"Wanna talk about what's going on?" Mark asked as he motioned for me to sit with him. I wiped the sweat off my forehead before replying.
"It's just-" he cut me off.
"Jenny? Yeah girls on tour don't mix." He laughed lightly. He doesn't know Jenny and I are fake or were, or we could be fake again after what she herd me say.
"Yeah you're telling me. We just had a disagreement." I said chugging the last bit of water in the bottle.
"It yes tough sometimes but just follow heart and make sure your brain is slightly involved in your choices because you don't want to be some love sick boy!" He spoke his best advice then placed his hand on my shoulder in a fatherly way.
"Thanks Mark, I needed to hear that." I smiled at him and stood ready to get back to the punching bag.
"Anytime Harry!" He smiled and walked over with me to the punching bag. I took a deep breath and started hitting it with all my anger.

*Jenny's POV*

"You beat me again!" Niall yelled his accent thick in anger.
"I'm just that good!" Nat laughed as she held the Xbox controller up in victory.
"Well Liam looks were both in second." Louis said with a fake sad look.
"Me and Zayn are last." I laughed and high fived Zayn. I'm thankful Harry talked to the boys because they're actually very fun and entertaining.
"I've been doing nothing but playing Mario kart at home, of course I'm gonna win." Nat laughed and pushed the buttons on the controller to start a new game.
"Hey guys don't add me on this one, I'm gonna go take a nap." Zayn spoke and got up to leave after we all said our goodbyes.
"Get set. Ready. GO!!!" Niall cheered out as he slammed the gas button his kart flying past everyone.
"Watch out!" I yelled as I shot him with one of my powers.
"Fuck you!" He chuckled making everyone laugh.
"Sorry Jenny!" Nat said as she hit me with a oil spill.
"Rude!" I laughed but tried to get back in the lead.
"Liam you're catching up to me, can't let that happen!" Louis laughed evilly as he hit Liam with a bubble. As the last lap came around Nat and Niall passed it at the same time.
"No way a tie!" Liam laughed.
"Looks like you've met your match Niall." He continued.
"Well know that I know you can beat me in Mario kart, wanna get married?" He joked cause everyone to erupt in laughter.

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