Chapter 9- Smooch time

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*Harry's POV*

After that kiss it had me thinking maybe me and Jenny might not always hate each other but she wasn't acting very different than before. We have been talking and joking around more. At least maybe we'll be more friendly that's what I hope.

*Jenny's POV*

Me and Harry are still walking around hand in hand my phone has 10% so I told Nat I had to go. Harry was about to lead us into another store but two girls ran up to us.

"ARE YOU TWO DATING!?" One screamed in a very high pitched voice.

"OMG THEY ARE YOU CAN TELL THEY JUST KISSED LOOK I GOT A PIC". The other said. They were screaming right at me Harry and I's face. Do they not have any respect for our ear drums I thought.

"Yes we are this is Jenny" Harry said smiling.

"BUT HARRY YOURE SUPPOSE TO MARRY ME!!" The first girl said. I saw the other one giving me a death start then behind me someone screamed "IT'S HARRY STYLES!!!!" Next thing I know all these girls are around us me and Harry in the middle first the paps and now this. I feel squished. Everyone was screaming "Harry sign this!". "Harry take a pic please". "Harry where are the rest of the boys?" And many more things  like that. Soon me and Harry got separated in the crowd. I finally got to the outside of the mob and didn't have a choice but to wait till they left. So here I am standing on the edge of this giant mob waiting for my 'boyfriend'. It's starting to rain and the wind is picking up. I pulled the sleeves to my sweater over my hands trying to warm up. The crowd seems to be getting smaller. I'm not sure. This girl was walking up to me maybe she was gonna talk to me about Harry. I was wrong. As soon as she got up to me she spilled or should I say threw her coffee on me. It's gonna leave a stain considering this is a white sweater and my favorite I might add. I was about to say something when a black van pulled up and a tall buff man got out. Soon all the girls were screaming "PAUL!!!" who the heck is Paul!? was all I could think. He walked into the big crowd and pulled Harry out then came over to me. I was getting napkins to wipe off my sweater. He grabbed my arm and lead me to the van. I saw Harry sitting in the back seat with four other guys. Well this must be the band. I got in and sat next to Harry. They didn't look very happy to see me. Uh oh.

---------------------------------------------- well I think this is short or idk haha but I'm sick and I feel like taylor swift horrible. So yeah I'll try and update again soon but for those who are staying with me and this story and keep reading it thank you !!! Ily !!!! All so much ! And follow my insta I follow back it's @harrys_features_ :) thx!!!! And follow my friends cuz they have amazing stories as well!!!! First is Mykaylynn and she has 3 stories on her wattpad that are SO GOOD! And the other is called the forgotten violin which is also so good!!!!! And my other friend her user is disneydirection she has a sweet story up right now and might be posting another one so thank you again and go check out my friends ! :-* <33

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