Chapter 10-Introductions

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When I pulled Jenny into the car our safe haven away from the crazy girls outside. I instantly realized the boys facial expressions change. I'd been texting them about the whole situation, like how she's pretty stuck up and rude and I might have put in how this was going to be a tough struggle to get through. Jenny didn't notice cause she was on her phone. I might have over exaggerated a few things...but it was before the fun car ride and the kiss. I don't know why but I felt some sorta way kissing her and I think I liked it. I wonder and hope she did too. When that girl spilt her coffee on Jenny I thought it was quite funny I guess you could call it karma? She was being rude to me before but I don't think she saw me trying to hide my smile. I understand where she is coming from though, this whole being thrown into the game of fame. I guess I got lost in my thoughts cause Liam cleared his throat and then introduced himself to Jenny.


I'm glad One of them finally talked. I don't understand why they we're giving weird looks. Was it a joke? Do I have something on my face? I know I have a horrible coffee stain but I'm trying to cover it with my arms. Liam? I think he said his name was talked to me first he looks so much like David beckam just a younger version. Nat would freak out she's been in love with David for 3 years. There is a giant poster of him on her wall and it's from an underwear ad. Trust me it's not to bad to wake up to in the morning. After Liam introduced himself Harry talked before I could respond to him.

"This is Jenny sorry lads I zoned out." He laughed at the end.

"Oh so this is your 'girlfriend'? said one of the boys with an odd tic tac toe tattoo on his arm. The way he said 'girlfriend' was not in a good tone. I should've known they wouldn't like me. I think I'm a like able person but if some doesn't like me I don't put in effort to make them, treat people the way you want to be treated.

"Hello jenny" said another one he had a very strong Irish accent.

"I'm Niall." He continued.

"Hi guys" I finally talked.

"Oh so she speaks" said the last boy to talk he had many tattoos and black hair. I haven't ever met them before and I know they aren't fond of me. After he said that I didn't really know what to say so I kept my mouth shut, but the boys didn't.

"Are you American?" Liam asked me.

"Yeah" I laughed a little.

"Oh so cool an american!" said the one with the tic tac toe tattoo you could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice. I didn't know whether to be hurt or laugh it off.


Louis and Zayn are being brutal Naill isn't talking much and Liam is being Liam. Before anything else was said I butted in by clearing my throat.

"Jenny this is Louis, Niall, Zayn, & Liam" I pointed to them so she knew. Maybe I should tell them she's not bad, but if she does keep her bad attitude I don't think she deserves the kindness from all the boys. It sounds really mean but the boys and I have been screwed over so many times by people and I don't want that to happen to them or me. For example when Sophia was with Liam she was trying to get Zayn even though he's engaged and when I got jumbled in that Taylor swift drama it was ALL for her to bump up her fame status. I hope Jenny isn't one of those kinds of people. Before anyone else could talk we pulled up to our hotel, and Paul pulled the door open.


Ok I'm sorry it's short :/ but it's an update !!!! Vote/comment/follow plz it's means a lot & I love you all :-*

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