Chapter 42- Its not over yet

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*Harry's POV*

The two of us in my car yelling at the top of our voices to wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus, it's perfect. This moment is perfect. I glance over at Jenny and she's dancing with her arms flailing everywhere I would be too but I have to drive. There isn't a lot of perfect moments in life, people think every moment being famous is perfect but it's not. Two perfect moments that come to mind for me is, 1. Right now and 2. When Simon announced that the boys and I were a group on the X-factor. Those to moments I had this feeling in me and a smile that I couldn't stop.

"Harry why are you smiling like that?" Jenny asked looking at me. She had a 100 watt smile on her face too.

"This moment is close to perfect." I explained. The song was long over and I turned down the radio to a more comfortable volume as Masterpiece by Jessie J came on. I didn't want to say it is perfect because she may not feel the same way.

"Well what would make this moment perfect?" She asked shifting her body towards me some.

"I'll show you." I winked and continued driving. It was silent but a comfortable one, the two of us just enjoying each others presence. I'm so happy and relieved, a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and since I was so worried about this, I must really be falling for Jenny. I should be worried that I care this much for someone but I'm not, I'm glad I'm falling for her and not anyone else. I continued driving tell we got back to tonight's arena. I could see a puzzled look on Jenny's face which made me smirk, she has no idea. I parked beside the tour bus and ran around to open her door.

"Wait right here." I instructed as I left her standing by the tour bus well I walked to my car and pulled a blanket from the trunk. I quickly jogged back to her and grabbed her hand, leading her to the back of the tour bus.

"Ok take off your shoes you're not climbing in those heels." I pointed to her heels.
"Climbing?" She asked confused but started taking her shoes off.
"Trust me." I smiled and after her shoes were off I pointed to the ladder attached to the back of the tour bus.
"One step at a time." I smiled to her. She got a huge smile on her face and excitedly started to climb up the ladder.
"When you get to the top wait for me by the ladder!" I yelled up to her and started climbing. Her dress was quite short and I got a glimpse of her underwear but looked away quickly. I climbed up rather fast and met her by the side with the blanket tucked under my arm. I stood and laid it out by the front of the bus, she followed behind me quietly.

"C'mere." I turned and smiled at her. She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, my hand found a comfortable place on her hips.

  "Now it's perfect?" She asked looking up at me.
"Not quite." I smirked and leaned down to kiss her. I don't remember the last time we kissed on our own accord and want. This kiss isn't like any others before. The one before were mere pecks and only lasted a few seconds, this one was deeper than a peck and is lasting way longer. Her hands reached up to the back of my neck and she started to tug on my hair. I was moving my hands, rubbing her hips softly and when we pulled away to catch our breaths it sounded like we went jogging. I wish that the kiss wouldn't have had to end.
"It's perfect now." I smiled at her and she nodded. This night was already perfect to me, but now it's even better and now Jenny even feels it's perfect. We were still in our position beside the kissing and she continued playing with my hair and I rubbing her hips. We stayed like this for awhile just looking at each other and smiling. Then she leaned in and laid her head on my chest. It was a our first hug with each other, I'll have to try and commit this moment to memory. Never would I have thought a first hug with someone would be so important, but then again never did I think Jenny would be this important to me either. She shivered lightly as the hug loosened and I rubbed her bare arms quickly to try and warm her up. Unlike me in a suit and tie she was in a short dress.

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