Chapter 36-Many things

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*Harry's POV*
After rounding what I Think is the the fifth lap but feels like the tenth, Jenny slows down and finally comes to a stop as I do. I was surprised how we kept up with each other.
"Wow. I haven't worked out that much in a long time." Jenny said her hands on her knees breathing kind of hard.
"It was nice though. I've never had fun running before." I laughed a little and she stood up straight.
"Yeah you have a point there. C'mon we need showers." She laughed and grabbed me by the shirt to drag me back inside.
"Do you mind if I just wait and take one in here after you?" I asked as we got back in her room.
"No problem." She smiled and shrugged as she walked into the bathroom, locking the door with a small click. I took this time to go on Twitter, I haven't been on in awhile and thought I owed it to the fans to reply to some tweets. It's kind of crazy that there was 100 plus pictures of Jenny and I jogging and we hadn't been out there long. I decided to search up 'Harry and Jenny' a lot of results popped up. A lot was hate, but I saw one tweet it was almost top tweet. It said: "Harry seems happy with Jenny we all don't know her personally so we should stop the hate because we're better than that guys. C'mon he's happy so lets be happy too. :)) #henny!" She definitely deserves a follow, favorite, and retweet. I did all three and then started replying to some tweets. I could help but think 'henny.' That's cute but I prefer 'jarry.' Or actually I think the fans should decide. So I tweeted: "henny or Jarry?" With a picture attachment of a funny selfie we took while locked out of the bus.

*Jenny's POV*

I hopped out of the shower and got dressed quickly so Harry could get in before he has sound check.
"All yours!" I smiled as I took a seat on the couch.
"Great thanks! Hey sorry to ask but I totally spaced, would you mind grabbing me some clothes from my room?" He asked. He had a cute puppy dog face on so I couldn't say no.
"Sure." I said and stood grabbing his room key off of the small side table.
"Thank you Jenny!" He smiled and closed the bathroom door. I waled the short walk to his room no problem, which is good because I have a towel on my head, most likely have raccoon eyes and to top it off I'm in one of the complementary hotel robes. I should have thought to not look like this because of paps and fans but this is how I usually act in hotels and I'm not use to this huge adjustment yet.

After getting into his room I grabbed him a shirt with a lot of hands on it and a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of basketball shorts, just in case he wasn't ready to wear leg suffocating contraptions known as skinny jeans. After grabbing that I headed back out the door. I opened it and started walking back when I was stopped by two girls.
"Oh my god you're Jenny!" One said with purple hair.
"Yes. Hi!" I said trying to be nice, the last fan experience I had wasn't so great.
"We love you so much! We know you're new and all but you seem really great already!" The second girl said with awesome winged eyeliner.
"Thank you so much. That makes me so happy girls. A lot of people don't feel the way you do." I said honestly and touched by their kind words. All three of us giggled at my comment.
"Jenny could we get pictures by chance?" The one with purple hair asked.
"Well look what I look like are you sure?" I asked because I only knew what I was wearing I wasn't sure what my face looked like.
"You look beautiful! Please!" The second one begged.
"Well alright! And I have to say. I love your hair and I love your eye liner." I told them and they smiled huge .
"Literally goals to be completed by Harry styles girlfriend." The first girl said and we all laughed.
"Ok smile!" The purple haired girl said as me and the one with amazing winged eyeliner had our arms around each other.
"My turn!" The purple hair girl said as she put her arm around my waist.
"Smile big!" The winged eyeliner girl said and I tried to do my best hard core cheesing.
"That's great! Thank you so much Jenny!" They said.
"No thank you for not hating me." I said and we all chuckled lightly.
"Where is Harry?" The one with purple hair asked, obviously the more talkative of the two.
"He's taking a shower." I said and smiled. There eyes almost bulging out of there heads was quite funny because you could tell they immediately pictured him naked and in the shower.
"Oh that's nice." The winged eyeliner girl laughed.
"Yeah. Well I gotta give him these clothes so I'll maybe see you two around." I said and they nodded and said their goodbyes. I'm so thankful my walk to and back from Harry's room was good even though fans found me.

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