Chapter 29-Fun Day

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*Harry's POV*

I wish we didn't all have to hang out as a big group. I wanted to walk and talk with Jenny. Not all the boys and loads of security. I tried to be slick so I grabbed her hand and stopped walking for a second. She seemed confused so she stopped too.
"Now. You may or may not know but I'm a bad boy. So run!" I said to her then started running still holding her hand, she started to run too and laugh.
"Where are we going!" She laughed and ran with me.
"Frozen yogurt!" I laughed. I was determined to make it up to her, how I treated her in the beginning of this 'relationship' and frozen yogurt was our first 'date'. So I'm going to start from the beginning and make it up to her.
"Yum!" She laughed as we finally arrived at the front door.
"After you." I chuckled as I held the door open for her.
"Why thank you." She smiled. She had a really bright and benevolent smile, it was contagious when Jenny smiles I can't help but smile too. We walked in and there was only an old couple in the corner. Thank god, no crazy fans. We made our frozen treats in are cups and walked up to the counter.
"10.75!" The cashier smiled. I saw Jenny reach for her wallet but I quickly stopped her.
"Oh no. I'm paying." I said and handed the sweet looking old lady my card.
"You didn't have too. Thank you." She said as she grabbed her yogurt and picked us a table.
"You two are so cute together." The old women said.
"Thank you." I smiled big at her then grabbed my yogurt and sat across from Jenny at the table. She picked a good table it was in the back and quite, no one could see us but we could see them.
"So what's your favorite book?" I asked out of the blue after taking several big bite of my froyo. She took a big bite and hummed.
"Hmm. I'm gonna have to say Looking for Alaska by John Green." She said and smiled as she took another bite.
"Why?" I said
"What about you?" She said.
"Oh! Sorry!" She continued and laughed
"Cause it's just a good book it seems like it has no plot but it does!" She explained.
"That's a good book to like then. My favorite book is A Sweet Nothing by Richard Luke." I said and smiled.
"Because!" She mocked me and did a hand motion to show continue.
"Because It has a nice ending through a rough time." I said honestly and after because I made a dorky face that she laughed it. I liked her laugh, it's like music to my ears. As cliché as that is its true, I'm in the music industry and j hear different melodies all day but her laugh is a sound I wouldn't mind listening too everyday.
"That's a good reason to like a book." She said as she took a big scoop of her Froyo.
"Wait won't we get in trouble for leaving like that?" She asked and looked worried.
"No. Well I hope not." I said actually thinking about it.
"Text Paul!" She said and grabbed her phone.
"We'll be fine. Is there anything you wanna do?" I asked her hoping she'd get off her phone.
"Uhm wanna go to the souvenir shop over there?" She asked and pointed to this small store through the window.
"Yeah! I didn't even see that place!" I smiled. We stood up, threw are trash away and walked across the small street and into the souvenir shop. It was was bigger than I thought.
HI ! Sorry this is short
  Uhmmmm thanks for the reads holy shit nuggets
     &&& Harry's favorite book I made up !!
Keep reading/commenting/voting please it motivates me & thanks so much LOVE YOU ♥️

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