Chapter 18-Misunderstanding

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*Jenny's POV*

I sat in the rec room area trying to stop biting my nails. I can't believe he has a girlfriend! Why wouldn't he tell people that? Why didn't he tell me that!? Maybe he and the band don't hate me I just seem like a home wrecker since he has a girlfriend! My thoughts were running wild. The sound of the door opening made me turn my head and stop think about Kiara his girlfriend, who I was slightly jealous of.

My jaw dropped Simon Cowell just walked through the door. He as always is wearing a white t-shirt and jeans.

"Hello, you must be Jenny!" He smiled and moved to shake my hand. I thankfully pulled myself out of shock that Simon Cowell was talking to me and shook his hand back. Does he know I'm a fake girlfriend? Is he allowed to know? Is he gonna say 'it's a no for me' when he finds out? Being a famous boys 'girlfriend' is stressful.

"Y-yes I'm Jenny, I can't believe I'm meeting you right now!" I finally spoke and laughed at the end, I laugh in every situation mostly when I'm nervous.

"How's Harry treating you? I'm happy he's finally found someone, even though you two just came out publicly. I can see a connection." he sat down a cross from me putting his leg up to rest on the other.

"He's treating me right so far." I giggled and continued. "But we just started dating." Simon had his lips pressed together like he was thinking, uh oh does he know me and Harry are fake!?

"Hmm, that's odd that you two would go public so soon.." He trailed off and just as I was about to speak he said. "Are you using him for fame?" he was so blunt. Now Simon hates me! Could this get any fricking worse, by the end of this I'll be the most hated person in the world.
"No! I really really like Harry, uh I've been a fan for years! I promise you, this is not for me to get famous, we had to meet with management about our relationship and they thought it'd be best to tell everyone." I said very quickly. He was still giving me this odd look.

"Well that's a bit odd.. But I'm happy for him because he's dating a fan not another famous person cause we all know how those relationships turn out." he laughed while rolling his eyes. I forced myself to laugh too, I didn't technically lie because I don't hate One Direction I just never looked into them.

"Well it was nice meeting you but I should go check on my boys." he got up and left the room. I sunk into my chair and starting texting Nat about Kiara.

*Harry's POV*

As always I'm last up to get my hair done by Lou. The lads are all sitting around getting pumped for the show like I am but Lou keeps yelling at me to sit still, which makes me laugh she knows that's impossible.

"Think fast!" Louis yells as he threw a banana at me. I didn't think fast enough but tried to dodge it, in result caused Lou to mess up. "Alright that it all of you out!" she sternly yelled to Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. They just laughed and mumble a sorry before leaving. "Now I can finish your hair before the show!" she said laughing.

"Lou, have you met Jenny yet?" I asked her after a few moments of silence.

"No not yet, I can't believe you've got yourself a girl, what I've herd from Steve is she's nice and quite pretty!" she said smiling at me.

"Well when you do will you tell me what you think of her? You're good at reading people." I wasn't allowed to tell her it's fake but she was looking at me funny.

"Is everything ok with you two? Troubles at the start of relationships isn't a good sign." she said now hairspraying my head.

"Yeah I just wanna make sure everyone likes her ya know?" I covered up, I really wanted to know if Lou thought she was genuine, because so far with Jenny I don't like her but we have moments were we laugh together and I think it'll work to develops a friendship but then it ends badly and I'm just confused.

"I'll meet her probably while you're performing, I know it's hard cause you had to go public so soon but if it's right it's right Harry, don't think of it too much just focus on right now, the show make it a good one!" She said smiling and signaling that she was done with my hair. I thanked her and headed for the rest of the guys to head to the rec room again while 5sos got ready to go on, keeping Lou's words in my mind.

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