Chapter 3- Now it's real

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*Harry's POV*
"Harry let me see your phone please" Rebecca asked reaching her hand out, her long nails stuck out at least an inch past her finger tips as she got my phone in her hands. She reminded me of Curelella devil from 101 Dalmatians. I knew what she was doing as she quickly typed something and handed it back to me I look down and saw twitter open. Guessed it, and pparently I just tweeted @Harry_Styles I've finally found the one. @Jenny_R19 so glad you're mine :)) <33! Yeah right from what I've see of her and her remark back to me she seems very stuck up. The only plus side is she is very fit, her curves really stood out to me the most, in her tight green top under her gray sweater you could see how great her rack was and the way her hips came out and curved back in, she's definitely an eye catcher. Her smile was also a noticeable feature she smiled at Rebecca when she greeted her and it was almost contagious. Almost.

"Now what?" I asked very annoyed my mentions where already blowing up, it wasn't right for her to just tweet that and she didn't even type like I did. Some fans will defiantly know something fishy is going on. Jenny looked down at her phone and I bet hers were too.
"Now you go on a date let the paparazzi see you and do couple things. Okay" Steve said the okay at the end sounded like a demand not a question.
"Where are we going?" Jenny asked. I looked at her she looked confused.
"Wherever your 'boyfriend' wants to take you." Steve pointed at me which made her look at me. Wow she has nice dark blue eyes. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. That's some talent being able to only cock one eyebrow.
"Oh..uhh we're going to get frozen yogurt" I said the first thing that came to mind.
"Yum" she said. I think she was being sarcastic no, no she definitely was by the face she just made. Well this is gonna be hell. My mum always told me to be kind to everyone and that's how she raised me, but this was going to be very tough if Jenny kept that attitude.

"Well go on guys and remember be a couple because you are one now." This is the first time Rebecca didn't sound like a unrealistic happy person she sounded like an evil witch, well the boys and I all know she is but I bet jenny doesn't know that yet or maybe she does she seems smart.
"Come on my cars this way" I said gesturing my hand for her to follow me. We got in my car and drove to the frozen yogurt shop I couldn't help but notice she didn't have a British accent she didn't talk much so I don't know what accent she has yet. Maybe I'll get to know her at the frozen yogurt shop or maybe not, I'm not looking that forward to it.

Okay so third chapter is up vote/comment pls :)))) <333 every time my friend updates I do so go read her story she's my motivation it's called Strange kind of perfect  and it's an amazing story and it's by Mykaylynn isn't that an freaking cool name!!! Hahahha follow her !! And vote/comment on her story thanks !! <33

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