Chapter 25-Golf Cart

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*Harry's POV*
The movie ended about an hour ago. Jenny feel asleep in the middle of it and I feel asleep shortly after her. Our tiredness catching up to us after waking up so early and running.
"Harry! Jenny!" Paul yelled which woke me up instantly due to me being a light sleeper.
"Yeah?" I grumbled reaching up trying not to disturb Jenny as I rubbed my eyes.
"It's time for sound check, come on. Sorry to wake you." He said looking at me sympathetically.
"No worries." I smiled thinking about the concert tonight. I quickly got up trying to rest Jenny's head on a nearby pillow but I ended up waking her up.
"Sorry. I have to go to sound check." I told her giving her a apologetic look.
"Actually now that you're awake could you come with us. We have to pass the paps." Paul said rubbing some sweat off his head.
"Sure." She mumbled and did a big yawn.
"Let me fix my make-up." She continued and got up.
"Also could you change? Work out clothes aren't so fashionable. You too Harry." Paul said looking questionably at us.
"Yeah no problem." I said and Jenny just nodded as we all parted ways. Jenny and I went to are separate rooms to change while Paul waited by the door. I just changed in the small hallway in the bus.

*Jenny's POV*
I fixed my make-up, by reapplying most of it. I was pleased with the way my eyelashes looked and the way my winged eyeliner looked after having to do over a few times. I usually don't do that but it matched my outfit I was going to wear. I put on some tights and short black skirt and a One Direction shirt. I think I'd be funny to see everyone's reactions. I slid on my boots to 'complete' the look and walked out of the small bathroom surprised I actually changed in it. My injuries from this morning are hurting quite a bit and make up didn't cover my chin, you could also see the bandage through my tights in my knees and a short sleeve obviously didn't cover my elbow bandage.
"Is it cold-oh sorry!" I was going to ask as I walked out of the bathroom but then I saw Harry just standing there in his boxers. Quickly I covered my eyes and stepped back into the bathroom. A blush creeped into my cheeks as I became embarrassed, but not only cause of walking in on him but because I took a moment to admire his tattoos and his abs.
"You can come out now!" I herd Harry say as I walked out again.
"Sorry..." I awkwardly laughed to him now seeing him clothed in skinny jeans and a Packers sweatshirt.
"It's ok. And by the way it is cold." He laughed with me. I nodded and grabbed a black Nike sweatshirt and threw it over my head and onto my body. Welp it was a all black outfit day, the usual. I thought to myself as I looked down at my outfit.
"By the way I love your shirt." Harry winked and I laughed. At least one person got to see it before I had to put on my sweatshirt.
"Let's go!" Paul yelled from behind us as he opened the door. Harry walked down the stairs before me and turned around as he saw me making my funny and slow way down the stairs.
"Slow poke." He mumbled smirking at me.
"Don't be rude I'm hurt!" I bantered with him as I finally made it down the stairs.
"I know and I feel bad about it." He said seriously at me as we both sat in the back of the golf cart that Paul was driving.
"Don't worry about it. It was my fault." I said trying to convince him to not feel bad.
"But it partly was mine too so I'll continue to feel bad until you're all better!" He said putting his arm around the back of the seat.
"LOOK!" I herd someone yell followed by ear piercing screams. I flinched a bit and laughed a little.
"Wave guys!" Paul chuckled as he yelled at us.
"Oh...right!" I laughed as I started waving.
"No Jenny this is how you wave." Harry corrected as he started doing a princess wave and making a goofy face. The fans screams erupted into shrieks as he did so.
"Oh well pardon me." I laughed too copying him. I faintly herd a girl scream "relationship goals" if only, I thought.

*Harry's POV*

I was surprised Jenny actually followed what I did. We passed where the fans could see us and the screams quieted down.
"After sound check you can go say hi to the fans again." Paul chuckled. He probably saw us waving.
"And you two I'm proud you're actual making this whole thing believable." He continued.
"Yeah we could be actors!" Jenny chimed in making me do a small laugh at how out of the blue that comment was.
"Jenny tonight you're going to walk with me and meet a couple of fans." Paul told her. She instantly got a scared look on her face I noticed out of the corner of my eye.
"Don't worry they're not that bad. Babe." I finished with our joke hopefully making her feel better about it. I remember the last time we got caught by fans.
"Yeah the fans are really sweet and funny. I remember one concert I walked past the gated area and these three girls screamed my name. It was surprising and funny." He chuckled remember the moment. Jenny just nodded in response. After a few more moments Paul stopped the cart outside of a door that enters into the stage.
"Jenny you can just drive the cart around or something. Sorry but to be honest we just needed you to drive past the fans with us." Paul said turning in his seat to look at us.
"Ok." She laughed and jumped up from her seat. We copied her actions but with less hop in our steps.
"Can I drive to Starbucks in this?" She asked as she took the drivers seat.
"Jenny you can't drive a golf cart on open roads." Paul laughed at her.
"Then I'll take the back roads!" She said in a failure of a southern accent making me laugh as I walked towards the door.
"Good luck with that. We'll see you later." Paul laughed at her again and walked over to open the door.

*Jenny's POV*
I was a little worried on how to drive the golf cart. I haven't driven in awhile, I always took cabs. Reversing at about two miles an hour I went to drive back to the bus. I speed up a great amount getting the hang of things again. Rather quickly and surprised with myself.
"JENNY!" I herd as I was going to be passing by the fence of fans. I slowed down.
"Hi guys!" I yelled to them as I pulled closer but not to close.
"Are you and Harry really dating?" One girl asked with bright blue eyes.
"Yeah we are sorry ladies." I laughed and shrugged.
"I ship it like OTP!!" One screamed with a huge smile. I mirrored her actions getting a big smile on my face.
"Well I don't. Sorry Jenny Harry's mine." This other girl said with long Burnett hair.
"Hey. Never give up hope. Maybe one day!" I said honestly to her with a smile and small laugh.
"Jenny I love you, you're so positive!" This other girl with short red hair said to me.
"Awe thanks Hun!" I laughed she actually made my day.
"Larry is real." A different girl with a 'Red Socks' cap on said crossing her arms.
"That could also be true! My best friend ships Larry!" I said remember Nat chanting that one night.
"Really!?" She said shocked at my reply.
"Yup!" I smiled at her. She uncrossed her arms and smiled back.
"Well guys I'm gonna head back to the bus before the show. Enjoy it!" I said happily to them. Thinking about how I'd be acting if I was going to a concert like this.
"Bye!" They all yelled at once. I turned and waved at them as I got back in the golf cart. I drove off the and made it to the bus shortly after that. I'm glad that greeting went better than the first, the stain still isn't out of my sweater.

*Harry's POV*
"Good job boys! You were actually a little bit on task!" Richard said as he told it it was a wrap for sound check.
"Thanks man we tried for you!" Louis joked and ran off.
"Bro are you and Jenny good now?" Zayn came over and sat next to me on the stage.
"I guess we're being civil and she's actually not that bad." I told Zayn honestly.
"Yeah but watch out. There's a reason management chose her. And they're never up to anything good." He patted my shoulder then walked off with Niall and Liam.

I tried calling Paul but he didn't answer. I guess I'll just have to call Jenny I thought.
*ring ring* *ring ring*
"Hello?" I herd get answer.
"Hey can you come pick me up I'm at the same place." I told not feeling like walking.
"Yeah be there shortly!" She said happily. I wonder why she's in such a good mood? She could just be in a normal mood but I had a slight head ache. Hopefully she'll get here soon. I thought as I leaned against the wall and pulling out my phone to text my mum, aswell as going on Instagram and Twitter.

update !!!! Is !!!! Here !!!!
It's been a long week & I have finals next week so bare with me ❤️ love you all 😘

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