Chapter 28-Free Day

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*Jenny's POV*-(Same Night)

I didn't hear anyone moving or making noise anymore so I called my mom, after three rings she answered.
"Hey Hun! How's the tour?" She asked in a joking manner.
"It's great. But." I said ending my sentence as a fragment.
"But what? Jen?" She sounded worried.
"This whole thing is fake right. But I actually have feelings for him." I finally said out.
"Oh Jenny. That nothing bad." My mom laughed.
"Yes it is because he actually hates me and our relationship is just civil but we've disliked each other and now I don't know what to do." I sighed and did a small laugh at how pathetic this is sounding.
"You'll figure it all out. And Jenny sometimes feelings change. Maybe this is how he's thinking to." She said out trying to comfort me.
"Thanks mom. It's really late so I'll call you later. Love you." I said she said it back and we ended the call.
I sighed and rolled over in my still make shift bed. I thought about how good Harry and I's day was and how we laughed a lot. Soon I drifted off to sleep thinking of what other fun we'll have together tomorrow.
"Wake up Jenny!" Niall nudged me. He seemed to be nicer that usually to me.
"I'm awake." I yawned and sat up.
"Harry made breakfast. Get ready and let's eat!" He shouted and ran out of the room. I quickly grabbed my clothes, showered and got dressed before leaving the bathroom I brushed my teeth and then finally walked out.
"Took you long enough love!" Louis laughed. I was confused they're all being so nice to me.
"Here you go Jenny I made this plate special!" Harry laughed and sat it in front of me.
"Thanks. How's it special?" I asked as I took a bite of the toast.
"I'm not sure it was a joke." He said and went back to cooking. This is really strange. I finished eating and Paul walked in.
"One more show tonight and then we're on the road to the next city." Paul said and sat down looking over some papers.
"So we have a free day?" Zayn asked as he took a sip of his juice.
"Yep. Feel free to do whatever tell 5:00pm" Paul said looking up at us.
"Great. I kind of want to paint." He said and looked at us seeing what we wanted to do.
"Awesome! I love painting." I said getting excited.

*Harry's POV*

Zayn was making her laugh daren't! Early this morning I told the boys I kind of liked Jenny and they all promised to not be mean to her anymore, but they're over doing it cause she keeps making strange faces.
"We should paint today." Zayn says with a smile.
"Yeah." Jenny agrees.
"I'd love to try and paint but I'm gonna go get some new shoes and hats." Liam said and we all laughed.
"Oh I love shopping too." Jenny laughed.
"We can do all the stuff we wanna do. We should do it all together." Niall said excited.
"I like that idea." I said as I turned off the stove and put back the cold items.
"Get ready and let's go!" Paul said as he stood up.
"I'll get the other security." He said. He knew this was gonna be a busy day.
Omg Zayn !!!! I love him so much and I want him to come back! :( but his happiness is very important so I'm glad he's taking care of himself. Love him always. In my recent fics and future fics he will still always be in them.
Sorry this is a short update I've been so busy !!

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