Chapter 4- Paparazzi? Or paparudezz

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*jenny's POV*

This car ride is so boring. I thought to myself. I got my phone from my pocket because it kept vibrating, my twitter is going crazy I'm just going to ignore it for now because I know it's all going to be hate because the Harry styles has a 'girlfriend'! I decided just to text my friend she understands my reluctant behavior towards this but she's the one who talked me into it because I need the money I'm 19and live with my best friend, Natalie, she's 19 also. I sent her a quick text 'OMG IM IN THE HARRY STYLES' CAR!!' I wonder how many other girls have sat were I'm sitting!!!' I hope she notes the sarcasm. We've been in the car for 10 minutes I really have to pee, it's so quiet in here too doesn't he listen to the radio? Trying to take my mind off my bladder I looked around the Range Rover, it was black on black and the leather seats were very comfy. I hope he listens to music because his sound system looked sick. It was fairly clean which surprised me because he's a boy, but then again he's famous and probably had a servant clean it. After looking at all that I could I focused back on the road ahead of us enjoying the scenery outside.

*Harry's POV*

Well Jenny is not what I want in a girlfriend so far by how quiet she is and she seems to have an attitude. It's really quiet in here. I'm so use to singing along to the radio and dancing in my seat, the air is just awkward and I can hear, I'm sure she can also are breathing. It's that quite and I can't take it anymore.

"Mind if I turn on the radio?" I asked her just incase. I don't want to be rude I hardly know her what if she has something against music, oh that would suck.

"Yeah that's fine it's really quiet" she answered laughing a little it sounded nervous and forced though. She has a nice laugh there's finally a plus to all her attitude. I leaned up and turned on the radio. Wrecking ball was playing. I smirked to myself thinking about Halloween and 1DDay. The memories flashed back and I held in a chuckle not wanting to have to explain it to Jenny.

"I love this song!" I said enthusiastically. She looked at me oddly and laughed a full on laugh, did she have something wrong with me liking this song?

"I'm being serious." I said glancing at her before refocusing on the road, she continued to laugh. I finally started laughing also I guess she thinks I'm funny? I'm honestly doing nothing funny.

"It's not a bad song but you don't seem like the 'wrecking ball' type of person" she said putting air quotes around wrecking ball.

"Oh so there's a type?" I said chuckling at the end partly as a joke and partly as actual question what does she mean 'type' there's a music type to her. If she's SOMONE who only likes a certain type of music and caliber she hates a certain genre we'll definitely have a underlying problem.

" You seem more of a Justin Bieber type" she said giggling while staring at the road ahead.

"Is that an insult?" I asked sounding a little in a joking tone I don't want her to know I'm not fond of her yet. She doesn't seem so found of me either though.

"I guess you could be a 'wrecking ball' type" she said before she could say any thing else I started screaming the lyrics well if she's gonna be a party pooper she can be, I won't be one.


*Jenny's POV*

I can't believe this. Although he's not so bad he made me laugh a few times but apparently I made him 'unhappy' with the musical types I said it was just a joke but my humor is some what dry, I'm not really in the mood to give my good jokes. He's still belting out the lyrics in a moment of weakness, I decided to join him. We both chanted out the ending part of the song. As we arrived at the frozen yogurt shop. Oh no the paparazzi were everywhere how did they know? This should be fun, note the sarcasm. I see why I didn't want to do this other than because of Harry I hate big and forceful crowds. That's why I usually stay in the back during concerts and didn't go to school dances. Well here goes nothing.

Wow a lot happened this chapter didn't it are they friends are they not? Me and Mykaylynn my BFF are doing a partner thingy whenever she updates I do! So encourage her to update go comment/read/vote and follow her cuz she's amazing or amazayn!! And plz read/comment/and follow me! Hahah thanks to the readers I have now :)

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