Chapter 35-Run Styles Run

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*Jenny's POV*

This is so fun. I've always wanted to travel, order expensive room service, and see concerts every night of my life. Although I didn't think it would be with the biggest boy band in the world, I'd be dating one of them, and I'm not the rich one. I always thought it would be with a band like The 1975 or All Time Low. In the end though I'm happy with this way. I can't believe I use to be so angry toward this band, to this amazing guy. I use to mock him and think my friends were crazy for loving them.
"Hey Harry." I said after swallowing a mouth full of my very good omelette.
"Yea?" He mumbled out with a mouth full of waffle.
"I want to say I'm sorry for being so rude to you and the boys when I first met you all. I feel bad about it and you deserve an apology." I said honestly looking at the profile of his face because he was fixated on the screen of the T.V.
"Jenny. That means a lot to me, thank you for apologizing. I need to also. I'm sorry for treating you the way I did and making you cry. I feel awful about that especially, and I'm glad I get to actually see your personality now." He said to me giving me a very sincere look. I couldn't help but feel a smile spring on my face at his words.
"I'm glad we got that out of the way.......boyfriend." I did an awful wink at the end. I always feel like a serious moment needs some comic relief because if not you start feeling awkward. I guess it was a good thing because he chuckled.
"Oh me too.....girlfriend." He awfully winked back. It's nice having someone else with the same humor and being able to play off of it.
"I forgot how much I loved Bambi." I said as the ending credits rolled by. Our breakfast was long devoured by our hungry selfs and we were both stretched out on the surprisingly big couch.
"I don't know I still feel beauty and the Beast is the best Disney movie of all time." He said his British accent really showing when he said I don't know.
"No way. Tangled is the best Disney movie of all time." I said making clear by stressing the word all.
"That's not true. It's is a tie between Beauty and the Beast and Tangled." He said and stood up.
"Are you finishing this argument with a dramatic exit?" I asked raising eyebrows.
"One, this wasn't a argument and Two, I have to pee." He said matter o factly and walked off to the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh a little and snatch the remote. There was nothin on so I opted to grab my phone. It was quite surprising how we spent two and half hours in the couch hanging out without being on are phones. I clicked twitter to see what people where up to and what Harry's fans were saying about his tweet. He didn't tag me thankfully and it added some mystery to myself, but the fans were like detectives and quickly found me. I didn't read any replies to his tweet only favorited it. Then I searched my name on Twitter. I had over a million mentions.

*Harry's POV*

"Hey love what ya looking at?" I asked as I came out of the bathroom.
"My mentions. I have over a million." Jenny said astonished.
"That's incredible but don't read those." I said feeling worry inside my chest. I didn't want her to read hate about her, it was inevitable anyone that has any connection to me or the boys other than our mums, dads, and siblings get hate.
"I agree I'm not going too." She laughed and threw her phone in the smaller couch away from herself.
"Up for another movie?" I asked her as I sat back down on the couch.
"Hmm. I don't know is there anything else you want to do before you have to go preform?" She asked looking at me. God she's beautiful.
"I'm up for anything. Ya wanna do something else?" I asked.
"Maybe something active, my leg is feeling a lot better wanna go on a jog?" She asked then looked down at her nails.
"Yeah, but no racing this time." I laughed and we both simultaneously stood up.
"Yay!" She cheered and ran over to her bag grabbing work out clothes.
"I'll have to go back to my room and get dressed then I'll come back here. Alright?" I told her.
"Mm hmm." Was all she responded with to focussed on her wardrobe choice. I walked out and down the hall to my room. I herd a room door open and click.
"Harrrryyy! Just the man I needed to see!" I herd Rachel's high pitched voice screeched my name. I turned and plastered the fakest smile ever.
"Hey. What ya need?" I questioned hoping to get this conversation over with.
"Ok, so I need you too meet me after your show  behind the tour bus. I'll explain everything else there because you're probably confused." She ended with an over loud obnoxious laugh and walked towards the elevator before I could respond. What would she possibly want now? I pushed this thought to the back of my mind and grabbed my Adidas pants and a neon green shirt and my neon green Nike shoes. It didn't really match but I don't ever really match. I walked back to Jenny's room quickly and knocked.
"Hey!" She smiled. She looked so refreshed, I could see she re did her make-up, brushed and pulled her hair into a high side pony tail, and had put on Fila brand black running shorts and a neon green and black top. She also had on neon green shoes but they weren't Nike.
"Hum accidental twining." She laughed as we both  looked  each other up and down.
"We have to take a picture." I said and set my phone on the small night table  and set the timer for ten seconds.
"You can't see out faces." She laughed.
"That's the point." I smiled. She seemed to understand and after the last second went up I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket.
"Mind if I barrow a hair tie?" I asked.
"No problem." She smile and handed me the one off her wrist.
"Ready?" I said after putting my hair in a man bun.
"Yep. Are we just gonna run around the hotel?" She asked then placed her hand on her hips.
"Yeah I think so, then we'll be close in case the fans see us or I have to leave to sound check early." I said and we both walked out of the room. The elevator ride went fast because we couldn't talk due to it being full of strangers. We headed left after walking out the main doors.
"Lap one." She said as we both started jogging at the same pace.
"Oh don't be a Paul." I laughed.
"Well if he's not here someone has to stand in his palace." She laughed.
"Well if your Paul I'll be the medic if you fall again." I winked at her in a joking manner.
"Watch it styles." She laughed back. We rounded the next corner and the one after that in silence. The only noise was out breathing getting heavier.


Yee! Another update. Love you guys!
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