Chapter 21- wakey wakey

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*Harry's POV*
"Does all she do is sleep?" Louis asked.
"I don't know, I hardly know her!" I said, causing Niall to burst into laughter.
"You Harry you gotta start making this believable the paps will find out!" Paul said to me.
"Now everyone come with me get on the bus and Harry wake up Jenny and get here, we have a schedule to keep with." Paul said with a stern voice, I wonder if management is giving him a rough time. Paul and the rest of the boys all left and I was left with a slightly snoring Jenny.
"Jenny, Jenny. wake up." I said in a soft voice, trying to be nice. she mumbled and rolled over. I sighed and tried again. Still no where.
"JENNY!" I yelled finally. Still nothing, what is this? She always sleeps she's such a pain, Especially to wake up.
"You could have taken out my headphones!" Jenny snapped at me. Oh my gosh I said that out loud.
"I didn't mean that, it's just Paul wants us to hurry and get on the bus..." I rubbed the back of my neck trying to apologize.
"Next time I won't be such a pain." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. I sighed and finally stood up and walked out the door I could see her ahead of me her head held down, most likely on her phone as always. Did management even interview her first? Did they think that me and her could actually work if we don't get along.

*Jenny's POV*
I can't believe I signed this stupid contract! I would do anything to get out of it! Why do millions of billions of girls and boys love this boy band! They're horrible! Especially Harry! All those tabloids are right! As I was storming out to the bus, I herd Harry walk out of the room too. I quickly tried wipe my tears. Sure it wasn't a big deal being called a pain, but it bugged me for some reason. I went on my phone and hit play on my music.

I want chocolate like soooooooo bad
Anyway here's an update ! I dedicate it to Mykaylynn cause I haven't been face timing her or texting her :((

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