Chapter 40-Dinner

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*Jenny's POV*

Within a few minutes Harry pulled up beside me and I quickly go into the passenger seat before anyone noticed who was behind the wheel.
"Hey." He broke the silence after a few moments of being stuck in traffic.
"Thanks for picking me up." I ignored his hey, I wanted to tell him that second chances are important to me and he was forced, but I also I didn't think it was the right time. I had to make him wait. I glanced around the car thinking of when I first rode in it. It was are first 'date' and we went to get frozen yogurt. I stifled a giggle as I thought about us dueting 'wrecking ball.'

"Jenny?"He said cautiously.


"Are you still up for our date tonight?" He asked giving me a side glance trying to keep his eyes on the road as the traffic started to move five feet. Crap! I totally forgot. I guess tonight could be where we talk or completely ignore what happened and act 'in love' and like a 'happy couple'
"Of course I am." I smiled, I hope he couldn't tell I'm totally faking my emotions towards him. But he sighed in response to me, confirming he did know I was a faker.
"We don't have to, I understand if you're not up to it." He sounded defeated as he spoke.
"I just want to make it up to you." He continued.
"I want to go and we can talk about that over dinner." I looked at him and smiled this time not faking any feeling.
"Thank you." He said smiling himself, I could see the deep indent on his face from his dimple. We arrived back at the hotel and he ran over to open my door for me, I giggled at his actions. He interlocked are hands right before the flashes started going off and the yells from the paps asking where we were and what brand of pants Harry was wearing. Keeping our heads down we got through the revolving door of the hotel.
"What do you wanna do now, girlfriend?" Harry laughed bringing up our joke. I wasn't in the mood but laughed anyway.
"I don't know, what's there to do when you're trapped inside a hotel?" I asked looking around at all the posh people in the lobby.
"Oh babe, just watch." He chuckled. Quickly, grabbing his phone from his back pocket he typed a text to god knows who? And within a few minutes the elevator dinged and out came four rowdy boys and Nat. We smiled at each other and Louis started talking before Nat and I could say hi.
"Okay boundaries are no between the first floor and the top floor, no roof or leaving the hotel, and this is hide and seek tag." He put emphasis on the word tag and everyone was nodding.
"Oh and teams of two I call Nat!" Niall said quickly standing super close to her, I wanted to tell Niall Nat was my nickname for her and not his, but kept my mouth shut. I was still trying to wrap the fact that we're about to play hide and seek tag in the very expensive hotel around my head.
"It's a odd number." Zayn stated. Louis turned to count and silently cursed.
"No cause one person is it and then when they tag someone they become a seeker as well." Liam problem solved very quickly.
"Louis is it!" Harry giggled.
"I'm fine with that I'm great at this game." He said puffing out his chest to show his confidence.
"Zayn be my partner." Liam stated even though it should have been a question.
"That leaves me and Jenny." He smiled down at me.
"Ready go!" Louis yelled as he turned and started to count silently. I felt some adrenaline as the six of us all raced to the elevator.
"Oh no get the next one!" Liam yelled laughing as he held the door close button. We got there a second to late.
"We'll have to wait for the next one." He huffed. We were holding hands so we wouldn't loose each other but I was hoping because he actually wanted to hold my hand.
"Stairs." we said in unison as we ran through the door leading to the stairs.
"How many floors do you wanna go up?" He asked. Both of our chests were heaving up and down from going up three flights already.
"Let's go in here and catch the elevator now." He suggested.

"Finally no more stairs." I said as we were safe in the elevator heading up to the top floor.
"Wait, what if Louis thinks all of went to the top floor and checks up here first?" I asked as we walked out of the elevator.
"We're not staying on this floor." He winked and lead us through a door beside the elevator. I felt worried in this new territory. Before I knew it there was a huge gust of cold air and a incredible view.
"Harry this is out of boundaries." I gasped as I looked down on the city, it was breathtaking.
"Who cares." He laughed also looking around.

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