Chapter 41-For Two

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*Jenny's POV*
As I continued to tell Harry about myself I noticed I was hogging the conversation and felt sort of bad. He was looking down to take a bite of his meal and I glanced around this elegant restaurant, everyone here was dressed so fancy the waiters and waitresses even looked so posh. Posh is a good word to describe this place. The chairs are cushioned velvet and all the tables have white cloths on them, every table gets complementary wine and the food was amazing. I wish I had a better vocabulary to describe this place, it was honestly breath taking. I feel really special that Harry brought me here but he probably brings a lot of lady friends here.

After taking a drink of my water I looked back up at Harry, he was staring at him. I giggled.
"What?" I questioned.

"Jenny you're beautiful." He smiled while giving me this odd look I couldn't name.

"Thank you. You're quite the handsome man yourself." I joked trying to lighten the situation. His stare was intimidating if he gave that look too long.

"It's your turn to tell me about yourself." I smiled while looking him in the eyes.

"Okay but I plan to hear a lot more about you later on." He smiled and took a sip of his wine before taking a deep breath and speaking.

"You know the basic stuff about me like I'm from Cheshire, England. I have a sister, Gemma, and she's my best friend really. She's taught me all about girls and how to cook, that along with my mum. I love preforming and have since I was a boy. I was in the plays and choirs in school. I always boasted to everyone when I got the lead role. My two favorite jobs when I was young was being the paper boy and working in the local bakery. Now it's obviously being in One Direction. I really like cats and wish we could have a tour cat. Scrabble is my go to game and I bet I could beat you at it in my sleep." He laughed as he stopped talking to take another drink, I felt myself smiling. His face has a look of nostalgia as he reminisced on his life before One Direction. As I continued to listen as he started talking again I came to the realization that I bet if I had met Harry Styles in that bakery, I probably would have fell for him. I couldn't be possibly thinking that though, it's against the contract.

"Knock knock." Harry chuckled as biting his lip.

"Who's there?


"Doris who?" I held in a sigh of disappointment. Knock knock jokes are so lame. Sometimes they can be funny but you have to be in the right mood to want to hear one.

"Doris locked that's why I'm knocking." Harry burst into laughter as he said the punchline. His laugh is contagious so I stared laughing too.

"See I'm a funny guy." A proud smile on his handsome face.
"Sometimes but that joke wasn't funny you're laugh is just contagious." I smiled back at him cocking one of my eyebrows as a joke.
"But it was better than your king tut knock knock joke." He shot back with a playful laugh.
"You got me there." I laughed as well but I was proud of myself for making that one up on the spot.

"You know Jenny, you're really not the person you were when I first met you." He said looking serious but a smile is still evident on his face.
"Thank you?" I tried to say but it came out as more of a question.
"It's a good thing. I really like you and I'm happy we got to talk on the roof, because I really have feelings for you. I didn't expect it but I'm thankful we get to try this again as an actual couple." Harry said sincerely to me. It was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me.
"I'm glad too Harry, thank you for saying that." I replied and looked down at my plate to hide my blush and wide smile.

"So you mentioned a brother and nachos. Tell me more about this brother? I have to know how to get his approval." He smiled his signature smile. But it wasn't the fake one, it's his real one.
"Ok well his name is Jonas and he's pre-law at Columbia law school. I don't get to visit a lot cause of are conflicting schedules but when I do or when he comes to me. We have a blast. He's six years older than me and he's the best brother I could ask for." I answered his question and I'm happy he asked about him. I love my brother.
"He sounds like a great and intellectual lad." Harry spoke after he took a moment to process what I said.
"Thanks he really is. I think you two would get along great!" I smiled happily thinking of the two of them meeting.

"Are you finished?" Harry asked while throwing his napkin onto his plate. I had finished way before Harry had and nodded to him in response.
"Well then shall we?" He asked standing. I stood too and Harry took the two short steps to me and hooked are arms together, like in old moves how the men escorted women around.
"My lady." He said in awfully posh voice while trying to hold back a smile. I let myself smile and giggle.

We walked to the front and Harry paid quickly then we waited a few moments for the valet to bring Harry's rang rover around. It was quick service but I wasn't surprised because he is famous. The valet boy also opened are doors for us and while Harry was pulling out of the parking lot wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus came on the radio. We instantly started laughing and singing the lyrics. This was a sign obviously, and obviously I have true feelings for the Harry Styles.

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