Chapter 13-Out & About

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*Niall's POV*

I was having the best dream if my life. Me and and this beautiful girl were at a football game. Derby won and we got to go out on the field then it all stopped when I was being shooken awake.

"Niall, uh Niall you have to get up.." It was a girls voice I immediately opened my eyes. I thought it was the beautiful brown eyed girl from my dreams who had a stunning smile...but it wasn't, it was jenny. Don't get me wrong she is attractive but no girl of my dreams, Harry has made it clear how horrible of a personality she's got on her.

"Sorry to wake you it's kinda early, but Liam asked me too. He's waking Harry up." She trailed off at the end she sounded awkward and shy.

"I thought you were suppose to wake your 'boyfriend' up." I said to her not in the kindest tone, I know it's rude and I know I could've been nicer but she wanted to date 'the Harry Styles' just to get some cash. That's not a good trait in my book. She puffed out her cheeks looking upset and walked out of the bedroom section of the suite.I got up and put on a white T-Shirt and my comfy black pants with zippers on the sides, it's early and I'm so tired we didn't get checked in to the hotel until late last night. I walked out into the living room and saw Liam sitting on the sofa while flipping through T.V channels in the middle of the room. Harry then walked out in only his boxers from the bathroom.

"Where's your 'girlfriend' Harry?" I said 'girlfriend' in the same tone I used to Jenny.

"Right here." She said walking out of the kitchen area ending with a small wave. I mentally cursed to myself. It's fun to collectively make fun of her when she's not around or if you're Louis is fun when she is but I don't want to personally say mean things to her face. There was a moment of silence but then Paul walked in with tired looking Zayn and Louis.

"Morning boys, got a show today you have sound check at 3:00pm sharp. Charles, John and I are your body guards today." He chuckled at the end, he practically had that line rehearsed by now, every time we have a show he has to come in and say that. I yawned and looked around at everyone in the room.

*Jenny's POV*

"Good morning Jenny" Paul said smiling at me. I smiled back and replied morning.

"Let's all head down to eat breakfast then we'll go." Paul said to the boys.

"Oh, Jenny and I already ate." Liam said. All the guys looked at him oddly and then at me I quickly looked down it kinda hurt for them to not like me so much, I get I'm not Harry's choice of a girlfriend but we have to do the best with what's going on I just don't get why they won't give me a chance to prove I'm not a total bitch 24/7 but I don't think I'll ever get the chance.
"Did the paps see you?" Paul asked Liam with a stern voice. 

"No, I don't think so it was early and I was in disguise." Liam told him and Paul sighed in relief and nodded.

"Uhm Jenny your body guard is Chris, management wants you two separated for today...and then tomorrow they want you and Harry to walk around before the show together." He instructed Paul had an pained expression on his face like he felt bad for saying the schedule. I nodded at him so he knew I understood. Then the boys and Paul headed down for their breakfast and I went to my room to 'freshen up' I changed into black skinny jeans and a Ramones T-shirt. I pre straightened my hair and then put on my favorite black and white toms. Lastly, I grabbed my gray bag and walked to find Paul to introduce me to Chris.

*Harry's POV*

The boys, Paul, and I were eating except Liam, but we were all talking and joking around but then Jenny walked down and we all stopped talking. She looked down and walked over to the water container in the breakfast area and filled up her water bottle. I felt kinda bad for her because she looked nervous and embarrassed. After that she walked over to Paul and asked who and where Chris is and was. He told her and she said thanks and went to walk away. But Paul cleared his throat and looked from her to me.

"Oh bro you gotta kiss her goodbye the paps can see us all now." Niall laughed.

"Smoochie smoochie!' Louis laughed. I got up from my chair and she turned around.

"Make it believable." Paul coughed weirdly. She looked down and I put one hand on her waist and the other under her chin and kissed her. This was the second time and it was as good as the first one she kissed back a few seconds later. Once we pulled away I said "Have a great day beautiful." she did a small smile.

"You too." Then walked away to find Chris.

"Ewwww Harry has cooties now!!" Zayn joked and everyone laughed but Liam and Paul.

"Guys stop, give her a break, we've all been so harsh to her." Everyone stopped laughing and looked at Liam.

"Mate think about it, she chose to take this job Harry told us how horrible she is, she's getting what she deserves." Zayn explained. We nodded in agreement.

"But it's also temporary so are we just gonna hate her this whole time, she was nice at breakfast today when it was me and her, I apologized to her on everyone's behalf for how we acted last night. She smiled and said thank you, please lighten up on her.?" Liam asked almost begging.

"Wow Liam from the looks of it, she sounds like your girlfriend." Louis said and everyone laughed but Paul and Liam again. He just shook his head and stopped trying to talk to us about 'ligthing up' on her. We all finished our breakfasts and changed to get ready to walk around and 'explore' but as always it's  just for exposure so the paps could get more pictures than they already had. I put on my Ramones T-shirt and my signature super skinny jeans and signature shoes or 'high heels' the fans called them which always made me laugh. After we all met back in the lobby then left.

*jenny's POV*

It was weird having a body guard, he followed behind me and I know he was suppose to but it felt odd, like I was being followed. I went into a store and I was recognized by some girls. They screamed and came over asking for pictures and questioning if I was wearing Harry's Ramones shirt. I laughed and shook my head on a no motion.
"Hi I'm Meagan, you're so pretty!!" she laughed nervously. I smiled at her for the compliment and giggled nervously.
"You all are super pretty! I love your shoes." I complimented to Megan. I took a few pictures with them but it felt wrong and weird I'm not famous.

I didn't buy anything but walked around with the girls for a few in the store then we parted ways. I walked out of the shop it was swarming with paparazzi. Chris came over and helped me out of the crowd, I felt so claustrophobic. Thankfully Chris was nice and stayed a little closer behind me so that wouldn't happen again, but the thing that stuck in my head was one paps said "Jenny you and Harry are the cutest couple planing your outfits matching even though you're not together." It was confusing me but I don't want to think of them because they hated me so why waste my time thinking of them.
I walked into H&M and picked up many articles of clothing and headed for the dressing rooms. After I discarded what I didn't like I headed to the check out. Surprisingly I was kinda tired so I asked Chris if we could head back he agreed and we started walking back. Once we got back to the hotel after having to go through the back entry due to the many fans and paps still out side the front entry it was only 1:15 I thanked Chris for being my body guard for the day and headed to my room to chill tell 2:55 when we had to meet at Paul's room. I ended up face timing Nat for 30mins then taking a nap.

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