Chapter 37-Show Time & Suprises

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{Pls read A/N at the end of the chapter}

*Jenny's POV*

We all got out of the car, I was surprised at how the rest of the boys actually talked to me and were nice. Harry must have talked to them. That would explain their attitudes the other morning of he did.
"Ok sound check time. Some fans are already inside." Paul told everyone and the boys nodded and walked off with Paul. Gray was with me still.
"Right this way Jenny." He smiled and lead me into the stadium and to the wing of the stage to watch.
"Have fun." He smiled and left, he was such a kind old man. I stood waiting for the boys when I felt a funny feeling on my sides causing me to yelp due to it tickling me.
"Got you!" Harry laughed and stuck his tongue out.
"Not funny that scared me." I laughed and playfully hit his arm.
"C'mon Harry kiss ya girlfriend we don't have all day!" Louis joked and went to grab his microphone. Harry shrugged and leaned in and kissed me. Gosh his lips are soft.
"See ya in a few, go get in the audience." Harry smiled and as I turned to walk away he smacked mybbutt making me jump a little, while I was asleep he must have drank a red bull, he seemed really hyper.

"Hey Paul will you take me down to the audience?" I asked because I wasn't in the mood for getting lost in a stadium again.
"Of course!" He smiled and leading the way, we got down there and I was near the right part of the stage in the very front.
"I'll be walking by so if you need anything just hollar." He offered and walked off. I smiled and started fiddling with my ring that Harry bought me, he had the matching one on still. The fans haven't noticed yet and I'm thankful I don't want them think they're promise rings or something more.

"Jenny!." Someone yelled out my name and I turned. No way, it was Nat!
"NAT!" I yelled back and she and I both ran towards each other.
"What are you doing here?" I asked still giving her a big hug.
"I got time off and you know my grandma lives here so." She said and shrugged we finally let go of each other.
"So how's Harry?" She asked with a funky eyebrow move making me laugh.
"He's good. I think it's kind of awkward at the moment, but we have a dinner date in two days and we're gonna talk I'm guessing there." I filled her in. She didn't know I actually liked Harry a little bit.
"Talk about what?" She asked getting serious.
"Long story! Tell you later. I just can't believe you're here!" I smiled hugely and changed the subject.
"Ok so as you know I have an undying love for Niall-" Nat went on but I knew what she wanted.
"Of course I'll introduce you!" I cut her off with a laugh.
"You're the bestest friend EVER!" She yelled in excitement. I loved her but her inner fan girl was pyscho.

"Jenny?" I herd a small voice say behind me so I quickly turned around.
"Hi?" I said looking at the girl who looked about twelve.
"Could I please get a picture?" She asked in a small voice.
"Of course!" I smiled at her having Nat here put me in a super good mood.
"I'll take it for you!" Nat smiled and took the camera from the girls hand.
"How should we pose?" I asked bending down with my hands rested on my knees to make eye contact with her.
"Could I get on your back?" She asked sheepishly.
"Of course!" I smiled and crouched all the way toward her. She jumped on and held on tight as I stood up.
"Okay big smiles!" Nat cheered behind the camera smiling wide also.
"I took five." She laughed as I sat the girl back on her feet.
"Thank you so much!" She smiled and ran off to where she was seated.
"She was so sweet!" Nat said smiling.
"I wish they were all that nice." I chuckled and turned around to face the stage.

Screams erupted from the lucky fans who had passes to sound check as the boys took the stage.
"Ah!" Nat joked and plugged her ears. The boys started singing moments a old song I'm guessing because the song was so innocent and Nat explained to me it's from their first album. She was a big fan but not a directionar as the fans called themselves.

Sound check ended and I couldn't help myself from smiling throughout it. The boys seemed so happy and filled with energy. They kept joking around with the fans and each other. You could tell they love the fans so much. But you could also tell Zayn was acting somewhat different. He was smiling and happily joking with the rest of the boys but when everyone's attention was on someone else he looked like his thoughts were somewhere else, like he had others ideas in his head than being on stage at this moment.

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