Chapter 27-Feelings?¿

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*Jenny's POV*

"We've been out here for almost an hour!" I said looking at my dying phone to see the time.
"I know I wonder when they'll be back." Harry said also looking at his phone.
"Hey Jenny wanna make a video for Instagram? Like a little update." Harry said smiling as if he just has the best idea ever.
"Sure." I said moving over so I was in view of his phone camera.
"Hi guys! We're locked out!" Harry said giving a thumbs up to the camera.
"It's almost been an hour!" I said with a small laugh.
"Let's play a game to pass the time! Comment questions and Jenny and I will answer in videos!" Harry said in a funny voice causing me to laugh and just nod in response. It actually did sound like a fun way to pass the time.
"Andddd GO!" He yelled as the video came to an end.
"Now we wait for comments!" He said as the video fully uploaded to Instagram.
"By the way I tagged you in it so you'll probably be getting followers." He said as he moved his eyes away from his phone screen to me.
"Welp I'll have to follow some back once my phones charged." I laughed as I put my phone in my pocket as the screen went black.

"Holy cow there's a lot of comments!" I exclaimed as he started to scroll through his notifications.
"Yeah...there's no way we're getting through all of these. Oh! Let's do this one. What are your favorite colors?" Harry read and then looked at me.
"Yeah sounds good." I said smiling.
"Ok!" Harry counted down to start the video.
"The questions is what are our favorite colors." Harry spoke to his phone.
"My favorite color is green!" I said smiling.
"That's a good color. My favorite color is Blue." Harry said and then ended the video.
"By the end of this you're gonna have to apologize for all the spam." I said laughing and thinking of all the videos we will be posting before Paul gets back.
"Well hopefully they love it cause I'm hardly on Instagram." He said scrolling through more comments of questions. We continued answering many generic questions for the fans and all the fans seem to love it. Harry laughed about how crazy his notifications were and we have posted fifty videos so far.
"What are you guys doing?" Paul said. Interrupting our video.
"Ah! Paul's back! We can go inside!" I yelled excitedly.
"Guys Paul's back its been three and a half hours!" Harry said to his phone in a excited tone.
"You guys are acting like I left you for ten years." Paul said laughing as he unlocked the trailer.
"I can finally charge my phone!" I yelled to no one inpreticular but just happy I could have my phone and contact with my friends.

*Harry's POV*

I must be jet lagged because I cannot fall asleep. I feel my eyes burning when I blink but I cannot fall asleep. Hmm maybe I'll call my mum I thought.
"Hey mum!" I smiled as I saw her face pop up on my screen.
"Hey Harry! How are you? How's the tour?" She asked smiling at me.
"It's really good had a great show tonight and I'm good too!" I laughed and then realized how much I missed her.
"That's good babe! I miss you!" She half smiled and I could see in her eyes how much she missed me.
"Mum! Don't cry I miss you a lot too." I said as a surprise yawn came up.
"Harry what time it is there?" She asked as she yawned due to seeing me yawn.
"It's 2:35am." I said with a laugh.
"Harry you need to go to sleep!" She said and looked surprised.
"Mum I have an issue." I said finally admitting this issue is why I can't sleep.
"Harry what is it?" She asked looking concerned.
"It's not bad. I just. I think I like Jenny. More than just a friend." I admitted as I said it out loud to her it assured this thought to myself. I do like Jenny more than a friend.



Cliffhanger ?¿

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