Chapter 22- Question game

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*Jenny's POV*
I don't know what it is with music but it can just always put a 180 turn on your mood. We took a van over to the venue but the tour bus was waiting for us. Harry caught up to me and grabbed my hand right as flashes and screams came for the awaiting crowd outside. I fake smiled too. Before getting on to the bus Harry gave me a peck on the check, the paps went wiled.
"Good job, that actually looked believable." Paul said to us.
"Thanks." I said with a laugh, trying to sound sarcastic but they probably didn't catch on.
"Hey Jenny, I want to talk to you." Harry said pulling me into the very back room of the bus.
"Ok I think we got off on the wrong foot, we should start over. As friends."

*Harry's POV*
I knew after I said that, she probably wouldn't go for my idea. But it was worth a shot.
"I agree." She said. Her beautiful dark blue eyes looked up at me.
"Really?" I couldn't believe it I had to hear her confirm it.
"Yes. It good for what management wants." she nodded.
"Yeah." At least we've half way taken care of the communication problem.
"Umm. Where do I sleep?" Jenny asked looking up at me again. I kinda liked looking down at her lips when she talked.
"Uh. I don't know lets go ask Paul." I said, out of habit I grabbed her hand and lead her to where Paul was.

"Hey Paul, we were wondering where Jenny is gonna sleep." I said smiling to him. He gave an odd look to our hands being linked and Jenny caught on and pulled her hand away.
"Well I'm guessing on the couch in the back of the bus for now, sorry Jenny." He said giving her a sympathetic look.
"That's fine, it's probably more room than a little bunk anyway." She smiled.
"Well get you a bunk soon. Don't get to use to it." He laughed then closed the door after mumbling a quick "gotta get back to work" to us.
"So what do you wanna get to know each other?" I asked her as we took a seat at the little table in the small kitchen area of the bus.
"Uhm. How about I ask you a question then you ask me a question. Type thing." She said making me laugh at her explanation.
"Ok. Where are you from?" I asked her then reaching behind me to the cooler and grabbing two beers for us.
"California. Are you afraid of anything?" She said back opening her beer but not taking a drink yet.
"The dark, the dentist-" before I could continue she cut me off.
"HEY! You can't quote Miranda lambert's song!" She laughed.
"Wow I can't believe you caught that! I love her! But I am actually afraid of those things." I laughed. Does that mean we have the same taste in music?
"Uhm. Have you ever been to Disneyland?" I asked her taking a swig of my beer. I wanted to stay away from the 'what's your favorite..' Questions cause that's to easy and boring.
"Yes! When I was in 6th grade but I love that place!" She almost yelled from excitement. Her eyes light up when we talked about it making a small smile form on my lips.
"Do you like summer of winter?" She said leaning her chin on her hand.
"Summer a little bit more cause I hate the cold but I do love snowboarding." This was actually quite fun.
"If you have three wishes what would they be?" I asked proud of my question. I took the last gulp of my beer as Jenny answered.
"Hm. That's a good one, I'd wish 1. That David Beckem was my husband 2. Endless amounts of cotton candy and 3. To go to Paris." She said laughing.
"Well sorry I'm no David Beckem." I laughed happy to finally let loose after a show and the paps.
"If you had one hour to live, what would you do? And you can only pick on thing!" She said rushing the last part.
"Hmmm. I'd probably spend time with my family and the boys, talking about the good memories." I nodded my head happy with my answer.
"That's sentimental but depressing." She said with a small laugh.
"Did you expect me to say sky diving? Or swimming with sharks?" I laughed with her.
"Yes actually." She said honestly. I grabbed another beer from behind me and took a drink of it thinking of a question to ask her.
"What's your perfect date?" I asked bluntly.
"Oh uhm. Ok so we'd go to the movie store and rent four or five movies. Then we'd go to get Chinese or pizza or actually both. And then stop by 7-11 and buy slurppies. Then we'd head to his house and he'd have a surprise fort set up in his living room. Then we'd watch the movies and eat the food." She finished with a laugh. I was surprised at how thought out it was. But she added "But that'd never happen." I smiled at her not really sure what to say.
"Anyway your turn. What was your worst date?" She smirked at me. Oh no. Before answering I had to take a big drink of my beer. I know she knows about my rep the media give me.
"Well. I picked her up and we went up the the Mountain, I forget the name. We went snowmobiling and I lost control of it and we hit a tree. The mountains medical staff had to come and get us then take up to the hospital. I had to get three stitches in my head and had to get a X-Ray and a head CT. She was fine just shook up and a few small bruises. In the end she wrote a song about it and totally mixed up the story. And that's my worst date." I finished and took another drink of my beer finished it.
"Taylor Swift." Was all she said laughing.
"Yeah. What's so funny?" I asked standing up to throw the bottles in the recycling. I went to grab hers but it was still full. I got up to fast cause my head was spinning.
"That's who your story is about, I've herd that song! 'Out of the woods'." She said looking proud. I don't know why but it kinda ticked me off.
"Yeah. You guessed it. I'm kinda tired, we can pick up this game tomorrow. Goodnight." I gave her a small half smile before I walked back to my bunk and feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows

*Jenny's POV*

Maybe I pushed the boundaries my asking that question. I was just trying to keep the theme here. Uh! Why do I always say the wrong things? I need to be better at social queues or just not pressing things, I shouldn't of brought up Taylor. I finally took a drink of my beer finishing the whole thing in about three big chugs. After that I just decided to go lay on my 'bed' and talk to Nat for awhile, I couldn't sleep. She apparently was already asleep. So I facetimed my other friend she couldn't know about all this though. And she was actually a major fan of One Direction, it made it hard on me not being able to tell her. Finally after seven rings of the annoying tone of FaceTime she answered.

"Hey Jenny! It's so great to talk to you! How's your trip been?" She asked smiling wide.
"Hi! It's been good Mykaylynn! How's it back there been?" I asked smiling back at her. We hadn't been able to hang out since two weeks ago, I missed her optimistic attitude.
"Boring as ever! Lucky you get to travel the world!" She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.
"I'm sure it hasn't been that boring! And you will one day I swear! You know your lock screen. You'll go there one day." I said. I remember her telling me that at the last sleepover we had, it was a little town in Barcelona. The houses were beautiful all different colors but they oddly matched.
"Oh I know and I'm gonna take you with me!" she laughed but held up her pinky. It some weird friend thing we did whenever we promised each other something. I returned holding my pinky up as well.
"Well Jenny it's way past our bedtimes." Mykaylynn laughed and blew me a goodnight kiss, it was her new way to say bye with out saying 'bye'. I stayed smiling at my screen even though she hung up. She always knew how to make people happy and just full of joy with her presence even if it was through a phone screen. I smiled again as I finally repositioned myself and fell asleep rather quickly.

HI !!!
As you can see I have a new cover !
And I introduced a new character-(Mykaylynn ) she made me the cover so in return I'm putting her in the story. Obviously tweeking the character come though :) hope you enjoy this chapter all of you ! Have a wonderful day ❤️ <3

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