Chapter 43- Start of something new

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*Jenny's POV*

Harry's soft snores wake me up. I stretch and yawn pulling my shirt sleeves up, Harry's body heat making me hot. I turn and glance at the clock, 11:00am. What a night. I smile to myself. Harry and I confessed our mutual feelings for each other, I can't believe it. A huge smile spreads across my face as I turn to cuddle him. He stirs and stretches.

"Morning love." He smirks his rough morning voice could make anyone melt.
"Morning." I smile gazing into his eyes.
"It's 11:05." I continue and his eyes shoot open.
"Shit." He mutters as he grabs his phone.
"Eleven missed calls from Paul, that even worse than missed calls from my mum." He says as he dials Paul's number. I chuckle at his comment.

"Hey Paul sorry, I was so tired I slept through everything. Okay we'll be there soon." He speaks quickly and stands up as he ends the call. His tone back facing me, what a view.
"We have to go to the arena for sound check. Got a show today." He smiles and walks into the bathroom. While he's in there I quickly change into some skinny jeans and a Nike sweatshirt along with my pink vans.
"Gorgeous as alway love." Harry smirks as he walks out of the bathroom in a blue button up shirt with white hearts on it and black skinny jeans, along with his signature black boots. I roll my eyes at his sarcastic comment. I'll change into something more dressy before the show starts.
"Well I'm tired, someone kept me up all night to cheat on scrabble." I shot back laughing as I placed a hair tie in my mouth and brushed my hair into a high pony tail, that should tame my unruly hair for the day. I walk over and grab my back pack and grab a skirt and top for later. The top is a surprise for Harry I almost laugh to myself as I think about it.
"Don't blame me, you agreed to play the master." He chuckled as he walks over to the mirror and messes with his hair.
"We're gonna start this debate again?" I question raising my eyebrows and smirking at him through the mirror.
  "I'd rather not." He chuckles and turns to grab his phone off the side table. I grab mine and toss it in my back pack  and walk to the door.
"C'mon slow poke." I yawn and rush him with my hands.
"You just need coffee then you'll be nice to me again." He chuckled as he opens the door.

After escaping out of the back exit from the hotel Harry so kindly went through Starbucks to get me my much needed coffee before we headed to the arena, it's the last night here and I can by far say Liverpool, England is my favorite place. Not just because of the cute antique stores or amazing sights to see but because of what memories I made here. I definitely have to talk to Nat about it later and my mom of course.

"Hey where'd you go?" Harry chuckles as he looks down at me as we're almost to the entrance.
"Just thinking." I smile up at him.
"I hope it's about how amazing I am." He winks down at me and plants a quickly kiss on my forehead. I giggle as we reach the door and he holds it open and bows pulling a goofy face making me laugh loudly which echoes because of the bare hallway.

Paul is standing there his arms crossed and is trying to hold an angry face but Harry has on a pout and is apologizing profusely.
"Quit it just go to the stage." He points behind him. Harry snickers and we walk to the stage hand in hand again. We disconnect are hands and I opt to sit on top of a speaker while Harry walks to center stage where all the others boys are, goofing off per usual.

The sound check goes like usual and I find myself getting bored. I hop off the speaker and walk to the break room. I snag a handful of m&ms and plop myself on the couch. Reaching for my back pack I unzip it and reach for my phone. But grab my skirt and top and then the bags empty. A flash of concern rushes through me as I sit up straight and check all my pockets, the couch, the table. I even run back to the stage and check where I was sitting. Nothing.

"Harry!" I call as he's going to leave the stage on the opposite direction. He turns around quickly and jogs over to me.
"Yes love?" He asks still smiling.
"Have you seen my phone?" I ask the tone in my voice makes Harry smile drop and brows furrow.
"No. Maybe you left it at the room?" He offers but I'm sure it put it in my bag.
"Yeah maybe." I say letting it go trying to believe that's why.

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