Chatper 5-"So tell me about your self"

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*jenny's pov*

Harry and I stepped out of the car at almost the same time. The paps would not let up they were screaming questions and it was flash after flash. My vision wasn't the best at this point, I was seeing the blueish gray dots infront of my eyes. Come on it's day time do you really need flash I wanted to say, but Rebecca made clear in her rules to not talk bad to the paps. They mostly ignored me with the deep and personal questions it was all shot at Harry. From "why are you wearing your hair like that today?" To "how does it feel to not be signal anymore?" "Now you can't be a womanizer or can you?" To be honest I feel bad. Do all the famous people get treated this way or just him? He doesn't deserve to be treated like this no one does. Even though I don't like that guy no one should have their personal space or private life invaded like this. Who thinks they have the right to ask questions like that? Wow I'm not even famous and I hate the paps. Harry and I  soon ended up walking next to each other. He grabbed my hand and then the paps went into a frenzy they were screaming questions it was so loud and now they were actually talking to me. They asked "what's it like dating the Harry Styles?" Emphasizing the word 'the' And "how did you and Harry meet?" A lot of questions and I didn't even have time to answer even if I wanted too, which I didn't. Finally, we made it in the frozen yogurt shop. It was cute and only had about seven tables total. The counter was green and the self serve table was pink. The lady behind the counter had a cute unifier on and a had in the shape of a swirl of frozen yogurt. The list of toppings above her on the wall had me in awe. Harry got this totally healthy fruity one but it's frozen yogurt it's already healthy well to me it is so I loaded mine with gummy worms, M&ms, Carmel sauce and chucks of snickers. It was honestly delicious. After Harry so kindly paid for me we sat down at a table in the back so the paps couldn't see us.

*Harry's POV*

"So Jenny tell me about yourself?" I said. I mean we have to know something's about each other what if I get asked in an interview. I had fun in the car ride but I'm still not sure if I like her as a person.

"I'm from Bakersfield, California." She spoke blandly. I knew she wasn't British! It's pretty cool she's American. I've said before it'd be nice to date an American girl, but I don't know if Jenny's the right kind of girl for me. Thinking about this makes me mad why couldn't I pick my fake girlfriend!? I want someone who is kind to everyone and gives them the benefit of the doubt unless they have prior reason not to. Someone who is interested in my not famous me. Someone who loves my knock knock joke, I know that's a long shot but I'll try. Someone who understands my work schedule. Someone who wants me for me.

*Jenny's POV*

"So tell me about yourself as people say you're the Harry styles!" They way I said that sounded kind of rude but he seems like jerk. I know what I said about the paps but all paps are scum that just want dirty little secrets. I'm a person who really wants to know for certain reasons like I have to 'date' him I should know. Both of us should have gotten a folder from Rebecca and Steve about one another.

"You don't know anything about me?" Harry asked me looking shocked. Yup he's obviously stuck up. Who assumes everyone knows about them because they're famous?

"No sorry should I?" I asked cocking my eyebrow up as I took a bite of my frozen yogurt. I guess you could say I'm being sassy. He gave a half sigh but a smile as well. This boy is confusing.

"No I think it's cool." He said smiling. He thinks it's cool what us wrong with him?

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