Chapter 20- Grumpy

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*Harry's POV*

The boys and I were standing by the back drop waiting for the first of many fans to come and take pictures with us. I could hear the screams and bits and pieces of some fans yelling crazy stuff. For example, I herd the very old joke "Harry give me some of your gravy!" Being yelled multiple times. Finally the first group of fans came in. We all posed in the way she wanted us to, then gave hugs and said goodbye. This pattern continued until we got to the last girl. She walked up to us and wanted to do a fake kissing picture with me. But Paul came and intervened.

"Sorry he can't do that cause he has a girlfriend."

"Well, I paid a lot of money for this, and it's not a real kiss so it shouldn't matter!" She said in this very nasally voice, that made me and out if the corner of my eye I saw Niall wince too.

"Sorry love but we can't do that anyway."Paul said patting her on the back. All she did was roll her eyes.

"Ok then let's just do a normal pose, cause this stick in the mud isn't letting me do what I want." She demanded. As we all smiled right before the picture was taken she spoke again.

"Wait! Can you move I want Harry next to me!" She wined and dug her nails into my arm to pull me towards her. Making me bump into Zayn that I had to trade places with.

"Uh! Harry I love you!" she yelled practically in my ear while still hanging onto my arm but now rubbing my bicep.

*Jenny's POV*
I was told by a security guy to head down the hallway and take one left then one right and that's were the boys should be, meeting the wealthy fans who got meet and greats. His words not mine. I took the right and walked around the corner. They were posing for a photo so I didn't show myself quite yet. But I did she a blonde girl clinging to Harry. Maybe that's his girlfriend? What about kiara? Wow he really is a womanizer. I'm still behind the corner cause I'm not quite sure if all the fans have left yet and from what happened last time, I'm not fond of them yet.

"Wow she was almost as worse as Jenny! But the opposite cause she was a cling on and Jenny treats you like you have Ebola!" I herd Louis, I think say then laugh.
"Nice one Louis! Almost as good as the one earlier at sound check!" Niall yelled and they bursted into hysterics. I felt hurt because they're talking about me behind my back and it's not nice things obviously. I just herd their laughter and failed realize the were walking towards me. Next thing I knew I was face to face with them. They all stopped laughing and looked like school boys in front of the principle. Trying to come off as innocent, but very guilty in actuality.
"Jenny! did you enjoy the show love?" Liam smiled at me. Even though he was laughing along with the boys he has been the nicest to me.
"Yeah, you guys are good." I said with a small smile at the end.
"Well we have to shower! LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTON EGG!" Louis made a dorky face and bolted away, with three boys trying to get ahead of him. I turned back to see Liam still standing there. He had a pained expression on his face.
"Jenny I'm so sorry about them, I wish they wouldn't be so hurtful." he sighed and looked down, giving me a reassuring pat on my forearm.
"Thanks Liam, But I don't think they'll stop. I really appreciate you being nice to me though." I looked him in the eyes and did a genuine smile. He returned one to me.
"Well it looks like you're the rotten egg..." I trailed off and laughed a little.
"Seems about right. Oh well, see you later." he smiled and started waking off to the showers.

This feels like being the new student in school. But to a higher degree because in school you get someone assigned to you to help you out. But here I have no one, I just get pity from
Some and everyone here has no obligation to like me. I sighed and made my way back to the rec room only getting lost once, I'm horrible with directions. I had a coke, then stretched out on the actually comfy leather couch. Then pulled out my head phones from my pocket and pulled them into my phone and clicked shuffle. I feel meloncauly, music should cure that, atleast I hope it will. With a sigh I readjust and close my eyes just as photograph by Ed sheeran comes on.

Hi ! Long time no update ! Huh ?

Well here it is !!!! Yay !!!

Update on me life!
I hurt my knee so I have a brace on &
That means no P.E (YASSS) & I have
The elevator hey haha !!

Kk ! That's all for now ! Love you alls update soon (hopefully!!)

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