Sugawara x reader: Haikyuu

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"Those cookies smell great (Y/N)" Sugawara complimented. 

"The frosting is looking good to. The cookies are almost done" I answered him. Sugawara nodded and continued mixing them. The oven beeped and I turned around to get the cookies out and lay them on a cooling rack. 

"Hey (Y/N), look!" Sugawara said. I turned back around to look at him only to find the white frosting  he made was on his face like a mustache. My hands covered my mouth as I giggled at how ridiculous he looked.  

"Come here my darling Hoho" He spoke in a terrible French accent. My hand couldn't contain my laughter and I instead used them to clutch my stomach. Suga walked up to me and I put my hands around his neck. 

"Je t'aime de tout mon coeur" I answered in French back. He seemed shocked. 

"You know French?" He asked. 

"Only a little. I studied it a little in college" I told him. We had gone to the same high school and college so there wasn't much he didn't know about me, but I try to keep surprising him when I can. He always says it's 'a part of my charm'. 

"What does that even mean?" He asked. I smiled and brought my lips as close to his as  could without them touching. 

"I love you with all my heart" I translated for him. Before he could open his mouth I brought our lips together and kissed him. It was a light, innocent kiss, but we had trouble parting. When we separated Suga grabbed my head and sloppily kissed all around my face with  loud kissing noises. I laughed and he took a step back before I felt his touch my nose. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. He had just smudged frosting on my nose. 

"You didn't!" I hissed. It was Sugawara's turn to laugh. I scowled and scooped a bunch of pink frosting and dabbed it on his cheeks like blush. 

"Hey!" He yelled. I moved to run away, but he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back to him before smashing a handful of red frosting in my face. 

"Are you feeling alright? You look a bit red" He taunted me. At the same time we both grabbed a bowl of frosting and began throwing it at each other. Once those bowls ran out we grabbed the next few. In the end we used all of the frosting and it was not only all over the both of us, but all over the kitchen. 

Once we finished laughing we noticed just how much of a mess we made. 

"I think we're gonna need more frosting (Y/N.). We only have a little left" Sugawara said sheepishly. I grabbed the last of the frosting and slapped it on the top of his head. 

"Now it's really gone; and yes we're going to need more, but this was a lot of work..." I pouted. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Suga asked. We both smirked at one another before shouting it out. 

"Store bought icing!" The both of us nodded before taking off our aprons and throwing them in the washer. 

"We both need a shower first before we go anywhere" I chuckled as I undressed and threw the clothes I was wearing in the washer as well with Suga's following behind my own. 

"Well we shouldn't waste water if we don't have to" I turned around and playfully punched Sugawara's shoulder. 

"That was so cliche babe" I stated. 

"But it worked didn't it?" He asked with a cute smile. I stared at him for a few seconds before giving in. 

"I suppose so, but you need to wash my hair" I called to him as I walked to the bathroom first. 

"Yes ma'am/sir" Suga playfully saluted from behind me and we both got into the shower. 

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