Keith x Prisoner Reader: Voltron

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* ∞:. Legs .:∞*

Another violent coughing fit erupted from your throat as you fell into the desk you were at. The butt of a gun connected with your head. Your eyes widen and you yelp. Small buds of blood trickled down the side of your head.

You had been in the Galra's prisons for almost five years. You were sent on the Kerberos mission with Shiro, Matt, and Mr. Holt. You were the youngest out of the group. You were abandoned as a baby and was taken in by the officials at the Garrison. You succeeded in everything you did, but you had a rather cold and distant personality earning you the nickname the Aphelion Queen. You never really cared about things like that. You were to engaged in your work.

Only a year before you were captured you found a giant blue lion machine. An odd barrier surrounded it. You had been doing experiment after experiment on the fascinating substance.

Now here you were tied to a chair and forced to sit at a desk and due the Galra's bidding. It wasn't all bad. The technology these creatures had was so advanced and amazing. You were known as one of the most accomplished scientists even in the Olkari. You had developed advanced and deadly weapons. Little did they know that in each weapon you made there was an SOS signal and a location finder that connected to the tracker you installed in your earring. You had heard about Matt and Shiro escaping. You could only hope Mr. Holt was safe as well.

Heaving a heavy sigh you began to work again. You were assembling another one of your prototypes. The tiny fasteners you were working with took steady hands. Seeing as you hadn't had a good meal in a few weeks because you weren't working at a fast enough pace was making your hands shake.

"Dammit!" You screamed and chucked your tool at the Galran soldier. It pierced it's head making the robot spasm and spark before falling to the floor. You slammed your fist on the table angrily.

"Why must you make me wait!?" A loud booming voice called from the door. Your back was facing the direction of the voice so you swiveled around in your chair and glared at the man in front of you.

"If you would give me some food and more tools I could finish quicker, but when i'm in this state i'm unstable an unable to work!" You yelled at Zarkon. He growled.

"Fine. You, go get them whatever tools they need. You go get her some of the human food we have aboard" Zarkon ordered. You huffed and turned back to your desk.

"The next time I return here from the mothership I expect you to be finished" The Galra roared. The door closed behind him. You sighed and shook your head. You weren't scared of him. In fact you weren't really scared of anything. Your curiosity always overshadowed it.

As you began to screw the final fasteners the ship suddenly jerked. You dropped your tool and huffed in anger. Instead of picking it up you grabbed a similar one from your work area. more thumps and gunshots kept echoing through the halls.

Some sad soul tried to escape again. You knew it wouldn't work. You had tried hundreds of times, until you no longer could. Until your physical fitness was as bad as a snails.

You held up the finished new weapon in your hands with a satisfied smirk. It was a pair of gloves that tightened around your hands. A small metal infused with numerous codes and power sat in the palm and on the back of the hand in the same place. Both were diamond shaped crystals that glowed a dark purple. White metal lined the crystals keeping them in place. These gloves gave the wearer the ability to create any weapon they want as long as they can visualize it.

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