Levi x reader : AOT/SNK

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"Hey (Y/N)?" Levi asked to the person sitting on his desk next to him. 

"Yeah?" You answered. 

"Would you die for me?" You were shocked at his odd question, but answered seriously anyway. 

"Of course" Levi seemed bothered by your answer but instead of explained himself he went back to his work. Levi looked at you with his deep piercing eyes. You loved those eyes. They may seem harsh, but whenever they meet your own they melt with love. Getting loved and loving Levi was hard, but you  made it work. You knew when he needed alone time, and when to comfort him, you knew not to bother him while he was working, and when to distract him from when because he was getting irritated. Most importantly you were strong. Just as strong, if not stronger, than Levi himself. He'd been alive for years while in the survey corpse thanks to his strength so he wasn't particularly worried about you getting killed. You hardly even got hurt. 

The two of you guys rose on your separate horses into the forest with the newer recruits behind you all. Erwin and some other officers with a similar rank joined this mission meaning you got to stay with Levi for this one, which was rare. You yourself was one of those high ranking officers and lead the other teams during expeditions so the two of you were always split up. 

Your groups encountered titan after titan and the two of you managed to take down most of them yourselves with ease. Unlike Levi who liked to only take calculated risks, you just killed every titan you saw coming at you in fear of it hurting those inside the walls. He liked your sense of justice and how easily protecting people came to you and he told you numerous times. 

A titan on the larger side darted at you from the side and you narrowly avoided it by using your gear to get off of your horse and land in a tree. From there you used your gear to follow your team while hopping from tree to tree and titan to titan. Levi warned you numerous times to get down and ride his horse, but you both know that having both of you on one horse would only slow everyone down and you could use your gear until your team made it's way back to the walls. 

All of a sudden a titan with hard spiked covering it's body charged at Levi. What you all didn't expect was the fact that he could shoot those spikes out of it's body  in any direction. This wasn't your first titan shifter you met. To you it was easy to tell it was once based on it's intelligence. You were always good at picking up small things even when it came to titans. 

"It's a shifter. Lets try to avoid it and regroup. We finished what we came here for!" I yelled to Levi. He nodded and I used my gear to swing towards him and land behind him on his horse. We navigated the team through the forest, and after awhile we managed to lose the titan. We all slowed down and headed back in the direction of the walls. 

What no one saw was that the titan was just hiding in wait until we came back out of the forest. You managed to catch a movement fromt he side of your eye at last second and pushed Levi off of the horse and brought you guys both into a tree. 

Levi was clutching his side in pain and one of his gas tanks had been busted completely. His other one was almost empty as was yours. It wasn't until you both landed that you noticed your ankle was broken. You tried to hide it from Levi but the longer you two stood there the further away the team would get. On top of those injuries you had a few other broken bones and a large gash on the side of your stomach as well as a missing arm from one of the titans spikes. Blood gathered in your throat and you coughed some out alerting Levi to your state. 

"(Y/N)!" He yelled out your name and you almost doubled over and fell out of the tree. 

"Levi, you know I love you right?" I asked.

"Now's not time for this!" He yelled. You pulled him to yourself  and hugged him while switching out his broken gas tank for one of your own.

'What are you doing?" He asked. You didn't say anything and pulled away from him. 

"If only one of us can survive, it should be you. I'll bleed out before we get back inside the walls. 

"(Y/N) No!" He yelled. You smiled and used his gear to attach him to a nearby tree so he could catch up with the others.

You kissed his with your bloodstained lips before leaning backwards and falling out of the tree and into the hands of the spiked titan. 

"(Y/N)!" Levi screamed as he was sent flying to a nearby tree. 

"Levi hurry up!" Erwin scolded him and Levi glanced back at you for only a second before following the others back inside of the walls.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Levi asked to the person sitting on his desk next to him.

"Yeah?" You answered.

"Would you die for me?" You were shocked at his odd question, but answered seriously anyway.


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