Deku X Amnesia Reader: My Hero Academia

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"No (Y/N)!" Midoriya screamed  as the love of his life jumped in front of the bullets to protect All Might. They curled their body around the ex-Symbol of Peace as bullet after bullet pierced through their diamond body. The bullets were shot from a gun in the hands of a desperate villain who had used all of his energy. The villains quirk was quite powerful leading to a very long, drawn out fight. All three of them, (y/n), Deku, and the villain, were covered in scratchedsand bruises, but neither party yielded.

With a final bullet (y/n)'s diamond body cracked and shattered. The villain grinned as he gathered the last of his power.

"If I'm going to hell, I'll make sure one of you comes with me!" The villain yelled. Using the last of his strength he used his quirk to make blades of wind. The villain was falling over while he executed his last ditch attack, so Deku was sure he'd miss. In the end, he did miss. He missed your body at least, but he hit his target. The building around you began to crumble so fast you could only  once again throw your body over All Mights. Using the little energy you had left you hardened your back into diamond just as the rubble made contact.

You tried to hold back your cough, but it was no use. It ripped out of your throat bringing blood with it. Your eyes widened as you saw the blood drip from your lips to the side off All Might's face. Shock morphed into a smile. After all you were taught to smile when you were scared.

"Are y-you alri- alright All Might?" You huffed. Tears gathered in your mentors eyes as he looked up at the terrible state you were in.

"Young (Y/n)!" He yelled out. He tried to fuss over you, but when he realized you were doing all you could to keep the rubble from crushing you both his hands fell limp to him side. Your own arms shook from the overwhelming amount of weight you were holding up. It was almost completely dark despite it being midday. The sun being blocked by parts of the crumbled building.

"Y'know All Might - Screw it. I've always wanted to give you a nickname. Toshi, I always wanted to be a hero. It was funny. I was hero crazy as a child, I never knew exactly what drew me to our line of work." You coughed violently and Toshi told you to stop talking. You shook your head and reestablished eye contact with the greatest hero the world has to offer.

"As I grew up I began to lose my self-confidence. People like Katsuki, Eijiro, Tsu, everyone in class 1A had amazing potential. I never really figured out what made me special. Everyone else in the class had something unique about them but me. My quirk is just a petty imitation of Eijiro's, my personality  is bland, and my looks plain as can be. I was about ready to give up what I had been blessed with. Someone like Shinso deserved it so much more then me."  You took a shaky breath and bared your teeth in pain in an attempt to fight against the unbearable pain coursing through your body.

"But then I watched you in action to protect us, and after One For All I realized what it was. I was drawn not to your smile or power, but the hope you gave people and what you stood for. I never dreamed of being number one. I knew that wasn't realistic for me. I resigned myself to that fate long ago. But if I could be even a fraction of the hero you are, I'd be happy" You smiled with your eyes closed. Tears began to gather betraying your will to stay strong.

"Do you think I did good Toshi? " You asked.

"Young (y/n), you are a better hero then I ever was" All Might began, but you cut him off.

"Thanks. I can leave knowing I saved at least one person. Oh! But Izuku! Someone needs to cook for him and remind him to eat, and draw him baths. Someone needs to be there for Izu when he gets sad because he didn't think he did well enough, remind him to take off his costume, and clean it. Haha. That boy is hopeless. I'm like his second mo-" Blood spilled from your throat. Your vision was blurry and your limbs were numb and lifeless.

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