Jiro x Reader: My Hero Academia

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Jiro POV

I never thought that You would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around
And you knocked me off the ground from the start

The end of the day had finally arrived and I couldn't be more grateful. I picked up my head from my desk only to be greeted by (y/n)'s smiling face. I raised my hand up and sent a little wave their way as I began to pack up my materials.

"Let's do something together after school Kyoka!" They chirped happily. I shook my head tiredly at them. I slung my bag over my shoulder and fell into step with (Y/n) as we walked together.

"I can't. I have practice with the band today" I answered. I saw their smile falter for a moment from the corner of my eyes. I narrowed then slightly, but they noticed this and replaced their bright smile.

"That's right! How could I forget" They laughed nervously. I offered a faint smile in return.

You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home

Soon enough we both fell into a comfortable silence as we walked together. This wasn't unusual seeing as they lived in my direction. We have been walking to and from school together everyday since the beginning of our first year.

A small nudge snapped me out of my thoughts. They were looking away with a small blush on their face, I raised a brow before noticing a sticky note in their hand.

Kyoka, I like you! -(y/n)

My eyes widened as I read the note. An uncomfortable tight feeling welled up in my chest, and my face heated up instantly. I looked back up at their face only to see them smiling sweetly at me. Steam blew from my ears as I covered my face and rushed forwards. My house was only a few more feet away.

"B-bye" I murmured as I ran into my house. I could feel eyes boring into my back as I closed the door behind me. My body collapsed against the wooden surface and I clenched the area by my heart. Mustering up as much courage as I could, I peaked out of the windows. They were in the same spot as before looking down at the note in their hand before crumpling it up and shoving it into their pocket.

Our eyes met for a brief second before they turned away and began walking away.  

How many times will let you me change my mind and turn around
I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown

A few days had passed and they acted like nothing happened. I was relieved when it seemed they forgot about it. Maybe it was just some kind of prank, but you would never do that to her. You're to sincere and kind.

Something small touched my head. I raised it from my arms and looked around. I hadn't noticed that I fell asleep in class. However that still didn't explain what had hit my head. I looked down at my class notes only to see a wad of paper on top of them.

I fumbled with the mote for a few seconds before unfolding another sticky note.

Kyoka, I really like you. -(Y/N)

I looked behind me at (y/n). Their head was rested in crossed arms, but they was looking at me. A small warm smile was on their face, and their eyes almost seemed to be pleading. Our eyes met before I looked down at my hands. They were balled up into fists on my lap. I let myself relax, but kept my eyes downcast.

'I like you, too.'

I glanced at then from the corner of my eye only to find them copying down notes. This time I crumpled the note and tucked it into my school bag.

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