Natsu x Reader x Gray: Fairy Tail

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* ∞:. Dragons or Ice .:∞*

"They're coming back!!!! Everyone prepare!" A voice shouted. Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza, Mira, and Elfman immediately perked up and cheered. The guild was lively and everyone buzzed with excitement.

The ground began to shake and rumble before the city began breaking apart. As the person stepped into the cracks of the city they walked with a small pep in their step. You were pulling a large cart full of food and art and gifts you were given throughout the last five years you were gone. You made sure to keep your precious things  safely packed away where they couldn't break.

As you reached the guild hall you looked at it in confusion. Did you have the wrong place?

Your doubt was wiped away when you saw Natsu and Happy burst through the doors and tackle you with gray walking behind him.

"Hey guys!" You cheered. As the three males lead you into the new guild you spotted a few new faces. One was a angry looking man with a lot of piercing and unruly black hair, a blue haired girl that seemed to stalk Gray, a blonde, and a few others.

"Who's this Natsu?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah. How come the city broke apart for a pipsqueak like them?" The iron dragon slayer scoffed.

"Well Mr. Iron dragon slayer that's because I know a few types of magic and most of them destroy things when I touch them" You explained happily.

"Yeah! (Y/n) is awesome. They have Crush magic like Gildarts, really powerful Satan souls (she can even beat Mira at full power, but it's always close), illusion magic, summoning magic, and best of all they're a Ice dragon slayer!" Natsu yelled happily. He slung his arm around your shoulders. You stood there and laughed nervously.

"I'm not that great" you said.

"Don't be so modest my child. You're one of the ten wizard saints. The youngest wizard to ever hold that title" a voice came from behind you by the counter.

"Gramps!!!" You yelled and squeezed the old man tightly.

"(Y/n) the master can't breath" Mira said. You jumped back and scratched the back of your neck nervously as everyone laughed at your excitement.

"Hey (y/n). Welcome back. You owe  me that dinner you promised when we ran into each other in Bellnow city" Gray said from one of the tables.

"Oh yeah! I'll get changed and head back to the guild after I talk to the newbies" you told the male. He smirked. You couldn't see the fire dragon slayer glaring at the ice boy from next to you.

You headed back to the guild hall after changing into something more appealing and comfortable. When you spotted Gray you saw that he was sort of dressed up with a black bottom up shirt and matching slacks. Staying true to his stripping habits Gray's shirt was completely unbuttoned and slipping off of his shoulders.

You smiled and walked up to the blue haired male, but someone else's Face popped in front of yours.

"Hey (y/n)! Happy and I are going on an easy mission and it's perfect for the two of us! You should come" Natsu cheered. You smiled at his childlike excitement and nodded.

"Of course Natsu. I'd love to spend time with you and little Happy. Speaking of have you seen (exceeds/n) around? They've been floating around since we got back" you asked. Natsu giggled and pulled (e/n) out of his jacket.

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