Vampire Todoroki x Reader Supernatural Part 1

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* ∞:. Vampire and the Beast .:∞*

You wandered lost, tired, and scared. Monster hunters chased a warewolf through your village and your family was unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle of it. The hunter had thrown the monster in your house tipping over a few candles in the process. From there your house burst in flames and your dad had been caught under a flaming beam. You had struggled to get him out, but all you did was burn your tiny hands.

"Be strong baby. Live and be strong" He had said.

The warewolf sacrificed his life to lift the beam off of your dad. He got shot by the hunter. They both died in the end.

You had heard stories about how bad monsters were, but you were young and the concept went over your head.

Tears began to bubble in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You would be strong like your father said.

A cough forced its way through your lips. Soot covered your clothes and skin. Your hands throbbed as blood slowly dribbled down your wrists then fingers.

You saw two tree trunks cut perfectly flat. With a sigh you limped over to it and sat down. Another sigh escaped your lips from relief that you were able you get off of your cut and bruised feet. You leaned forwards and buried your head in your hands. Then you let go. One by one tears dropped down your face as you silently sobbed. Your shoulders shook and you hunched your body over.

Dirty and exhausted it didn't take you long to fall asleep. You curled yourself into the smallest ball you could manage and then you slept. Your body shook violently from the cold.

In the middle of the night a figure approached you. It walked by you without sparing you a glance. Just beyond your spot, behind some trees, the man spotted a small, comfy wooden cabin. He stepped in letting the door close behind him.

Morning soon came and you immediately felt pain. Soreness overtook your body as soon as you could feel it. You sat up cracking quite a bones in the process. Lifting your dirty hands your closed them and rubbed your eyes. You moved your leg from the uncomfortable position only to hear the crunching of leaves and a sudden chill to take over your body.

You looked down and saw a thick, grey woolly blanket at your feet. Tiredly you grabbed it and wrapped  it around your shoulders. You inhaled the scent and quickly realized it was familiar.

Your features twisted in confusion. How could it be familiar when you've never gone further then the market place of your village?

You took another long sniff and this time you remembered. It smelled like the journal your father kept in a nice box.  You had caught him running his fingers over the leather with a faint smile on his face. You had asked about it but he would just say it's an important gift from an important friend. All he would say about that friend was that he missed him and that he would introduce you two when your father saw him a again.

A steady noise of crunching leaves caused you to look up. Your (e/c) eyes met with grey and blue ones. His features were stoic and cold.

"You should leave now" he spoke emotionlessly. Two sharp teeth were revealed as he spoke. He averted his eyes from your curious ones. Half of his hair was white while the other half was red. The red side was swept up while the white side hung loosely. It was an odd hairstyle, but not a bad one. His most striking feature though was the large burn scar around his gray eye. You instantly made a connection with the man.

Holding out your burned hands you smiled at the man. 

"Did you get stuck in a fire to?" You a asked.

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