Todoroki x Reader: My Hero Academia

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* ∞:Strength In Scars :∞*

You felt so weak. Your back gently fell into the white wall of your room and then your body slid down to the floor. Bringing your knees to your chest you tucked your head to your chest, you wrapped your arms around your knees. Silent tears poured from your eyes. Every passing minute they began to flow faster and faster until your tears began to rush down your face. Your tears dripped down your cheeks and onto your knees like a leaky faucet.

The whole scene was picturesque. Your black blinds were open for once letting the moonlight illuminate the room giving your (s/c) and earthly glow. Your hair was loose.  Everything in the room was either white from the moonlight or black from the shadows of the night. A larger shadow moved, but stopped after a few steps. You sat in the middle of your room with your knees to your chest, but this time your chin rested on your knees and your eyes were focused on a picture. A short, cold breeze rustled your clothes. All you were wearing was tight shorts that barely covered the top of your thighs (+ bra if you're female) and a loose white button up shirt. It was more like a short robe made of a soft cotton. A silk ribbon was untied and fluttered. The back of it was splayed out behind you like a wedding gown of sorts. Most would argue you looked to gorgeous to be real, but the tears staining your face and the way your bleak eyes yearned for the memories from the photo. Like you were willing it to jump from the paper and dance around you. Like you could just unfold a memory, butt hat was all it was, and all it can ever be anymore. A memory.

It was you and a picture of (A close friend/family member/ SO). You missed them. They didn't pass away or anything like that, but they might as well have killed you. Dark thoughts wandered from your happy memories to the last one you two every had.

"My darling (y/n). I will always love you. Loving you is the one thing I can always be sure about." (c/f-f-so) said softly. You were with the person they loved most. They were all you ever needed if you could have nothing else. They made you feel like they had built the sun just for you, and if you could you would make a whole universe for them. But you couldn't.

You couldn't do a lot of things lately. No one seemed to notice until they finally noticed. They had asked what was wrong and you had told them. You were no longer sure of yourself or anything for that matter.

You loved to people watch, but now when you did there was always something deeper. The beautiful young couple who were hugging weren't actually a couple, but siblings who had just lost their mother. The old man who sat alone with a smile on his face as he looked around wasn't actually smiling at the people around him. He smiled at the image of his dead wife everytime he closed his eyes. He knew he didn't have much time left so he decided to spend more time in her favorite park. The girl feeding the ducks with a wide smile on her face laughed as she pulled her sleeve away from a duckling who was pulling on them. It hurt to smile. Her black eyes ache as her cheeks lift, her arms are sore and lethargic as she throws bread to the animals, because no one deserved to starve like she was.

One day you had been attacked. A cloaked figure snuck into your house and robbed you. Thankfully you were home alone so you knew you only needed to protect yourself, but there wasn't anyone else. No one was there to protect you.

They restrained you before slicing the sides of your throat and then stabbed you over and over again until all you could do is play dead. You couldn't move so holding your breath was all you could do. In the end a neighbor found your unconscious body and you were taken to the hospital.

Here you were sitting in your room of your new house with (c/f-f-so). They had wanted to make sure you were okay. Of course you were, you told them. You were all healed up physically.

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