Haru x Female Siren Reader: Free!!!

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* ∞:.。Siren Song .:∞*

Arm extended, hand reaching out, tears falling slower than your body, cement block tied to your ankles. Your body hit the water harshly. The cinder block pulled you to the sea floor. As you struggled air left your lungs and instead began to fill with salt water. Your lungs stung and it was as if you were being choked. You couldn't even get water in your lungs. A cough escaped your lips as well as blood. Your eyes were burning and closing them did nothing.

Those men. How could you do that to you? Your crew had been met with misfortune after misfortune on the high seas. Apparently this violent storm was where they crossed the line. It was a strong belief that woman were bad luck when sailing. Crews of men after men would throw female over board after tie their feet to a cinder block so they couldn't swim back up.  

You winced when you felt your feet land on something sharp. Your consciousness faded, but somehow it was getting easier to breath. A few painful minutes passed until you were able to wiggle out of the ropes tied to your... fin? A beautiful (f/c) fin with layers was where your legs used to be. The end of the small layers faded into a (2/f/c) hue. Your white pirate shirt was ripped, but your leather vest covered what you really needed to cover.

As you swam up you could see the bottom of a boat. It only took you a few seconds to realize it was your own ship. A dolphin nudged you with its snout (?). You smiled and pet it before settling on it's back. You felt a melody bubble to your throat. Opening your mouth you let whatever was happening happen. You watched as your ship headed in your direction only to crash into a large chunk of ice and sink. With that done you swam around as your ship sank and packed something like jewelry, knives, and other beautiful things into a small pouch which you tied around your waist. 

A few years had passed and you had traveled around the sea, never wanting to stay in one place. You had accidently strayed into a few other sirens territories and got chased, but you were a clever human and even cleverer siren. With that said you could count the number of sirens you had met on your hands.  You were told that only a few years before you died there was a large siren hunt and most of your kind were killed.

You found shore after years of staying away from land like the plague. You were feeling bold and wanted to know what was going on in the human world. The other sirens didn't care at all as those humans were the ones who killed them in the first place. You were able to count three small islands and then a larger one with a building on it. You would have to make sure to stay away from that one.

Since it was nighttime you decided to situate yourself on a rock in between two of the islands. It was beginning to storm you were sure the wind and rain would cover your voice. You doubted anyone would be able to hear you because of how far you were, but you liked to stay safe. You didn't feel like sinking any ships tonight.

A melody poured from your mouth like water. Your song always came out a bit more haunting then you wanted to, but you supposed it fit you best.

Suddenly you heard screaming. You looked out to see a few younger boys running out into the ocean. What were they doing? The waves were dangerous in this area. You continued singing knowing your voice will lull their bodies towards you, so they wouldn't drown.

Even though men had killed you and you spent God only knows how many years sinking ships, you didn't actually hate humans all together. You always watched how the ship was operated before sinking it. If the men were decent you would leave it alone, but that wasn't the case most of the time so they sunk to the bottom of the ocean like you had.

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