Kirishima x reader: My Hero Academia

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You hugged him closer to your chest. Kirishima's big, warm arms enveloped you completely. His head was nuzzled into your neck as you pet his hair. It was down for once in his life. You liked his hair down. You wished you could enjoy it, but how could you when the boy you love in completely broken up. 

Kirishima cried harder into your chest as you stroked his hair. He was a mess. He hadn't gelled his hair up since the accident happened. You see there is a girl he loves. You had heard all about it when you guys would hang out. He gushed to you about her every chance he got. You loved that he was so happy. It just hurt that it wasn't becasue of you. 

As time passed he began to hang out with her instead of you. You understood his feelings and waved him off with a smile. Your eyes would water, but before he could see them you would wipe them away. 

A few days ago the two of them were walking around when a villain attacked. Kirishima did what he could, but she ended up getting hurt. The heroes had come too late. She was rushed to the hospital but there was a problem with her heart and they needed one fast, but they couldn't just take a heart away from someone on the list. 

"If I could I would give her my heart, but we're not a match" He sobbed into my arms. I pat his head as he choked on his own breath. It took hours, but you eventually calmed him down and to asleep. It was late at night when you left his house. 

You walked into the hospital and let out a loud sigh. 

The next morning Kirishima woke up only to find you gone. He figured you just might not have wanted to sleepover when he was this much of a wreck. To the best of his ability he pulled himself together and headed to the hospital. 

As he walked in the room his girlfriend was in his heart stopped before shooting up to his mouth. She was laying on the bed with her eyes open and her parents were hugging her. She should be asleep still unless...

Kirishima threw the flowers he brought to the side and scooped her up in a hug. The next few days went so well. His girlfriend was getting better by the day and was going to be discharged soon. Throughout this whole thing he didn't hear from you at all, but he figured you were just busy. He was too so he brushed it off, but after a week went by and you were radio silent he began getting worried. 

You hadn't answered any of his texts or calls so he rushed to the boarding house you lived in. Your parents had died a few years back and a nice woman decided to let you live in her house along with some foreigners. You had a job and payed her as best as you could on top of doing chores around the house. 

Kirishima knocked on the door only to find the nice woman who took you in, in tears. She dabbed her tears away with a tissue. 

"Is everything alright?" He asked immediately. The woman ignored him.

"Is your girlfriend doing alright now?" She asked. Kirishima was confused. You usually don't talk about other people too much so how would she know?

"How do you know about my girlfriends accident?" He asked. The woman was confused by his question. 

"Who do you think gave her the heart?" She asked. To be honest Kirishima didn't know.

"No?" He answered, confused again at how this woman would know about that. 

"It was (Y/N). They left a note for you" She said and handed him an envelope. 

"This may sound rude, but please go away. We're trying to deal with this and your presence would only make it worse" The woman shut the door on him leaving Kirishima standing there in shock. 

He walked back to his house and dropped himself on his bed. Even after the walk back to his house, he still hadn't really processed what he was just told. He numbly opened the envelope and began reading your messy handwriting. 

Hey Ei, 

You know I'd do anything for you, right? When I saw you broken up over her I knew what to do. She was important to you, so she was important to me. This was my own decision, and mine alone, so don't blame yourself. I never got to say it when I was with you, but I love you. You stood by my side since we were hardly able to walk and stayed with me through all of those rough night where I cried in your arms. You were my world, please don't forget that. Please be happy and promise me you'll treat whoever you love as well as you did me. 

I love you, (Y/N)

Tears fell from Kirishima's eyes and began to stain the note you had left behind. He felt horrible. If he was being honest you were more important to him than any girl he dated could be. If he knew you would do something like this he...

He what? Would have kept it to himself? That wouldn't of worked, you knew everything about him. Honestly there was nothing he could think of that would have changed your mind about this. Now all he wished was for more time with you. 

He got that time every few weeks while he spent time at your grave, but it wasn't the same. He felt so broken and he was having troubles with his relationship, but he couldn't leave her. You were alive inside of her and that was reason enough to keep her by his side. He just wished it was you. 

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