Tamaki X Reader: OHSHC

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Your fist met with the glass mirror in your bathroom. It was attached to your room and that was pretty far from the rest of your siblings rooms, so the cracking noise didn't seem to wake or bother anyone. The force from the punch sent shards flying everywhere. Including one that flew across your thigh and cut it pretty deep. You sighed and wiped he blood that dripped down your leg before wrapping it haphazardly with bandages before going back to bed. 

The whole club was having a meeting downstairs at Kyoya's house while you, his sibling was resting upstairs in your room. Just recently you went through something traumatizing and ended up getting saved, but most of the damage had already been done. 

After being awake almost the whole night, you were thirsty. So in your pajama ants and a tank top you made your way down stairs and into the kitchen. As you passed everyone they all stared at your with worried expressions. Once you filled your glass with water and downed it before filling it again, you walked back upstairs. 

"Hey guys" You mumbled. They all just continued to stare at you. 

"Well, as fun as this has been, I'm going back to my room to take a shower" You told them before walking back into your room. You felt to bothered to clean up the glass on the floor from your mirror, but did it anyway. After all of the larger pieces were picked up, you simply put a towel over it so you don't cut your foot. You'll have someone vacuum it and put a new mirror in later.

You took off your clothes and put them in a hamper before grabbing a towel and stepping into the shower. 

The warm water ran across your whole body and when it hit the large cut on your thigh it stung. You cursed in your head and hurried up your shower. Once that was done you wrapped the towel around yourself and that was when you started feeling light headed. You fell to the ground in a less that graceful way before looking at your throbbing thigh. The blood stained the white towel and was leaking to the floor in fast streams. The blood began to pool around you on the floor.

A knock on your door alerted you to someone's presence.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" It was Tamaki. 

"Actually, I need a little help in the bathroom" You called out. 

"B-b-b- bathroom?" He yelled. Your eyes began rolling to the back of your head when Tamaki finally entered your bathroom. 

"(Y/N)!" He yelled. Tamaki rushed over to you and grabbed another towel to press it over where the gash was. 

"Kyoya! Get some medics in here or something!" Tamaki yelled causing a rush of footsteps up the stairs. 

A bunch of worried voices was the last thing you heard before passing out. 

When you woke up you were in one of your families hospital rooms. You knew it right away becasue of how large it was. There was a floor in every hospital strictly for the Otori family with few and large rooms. 

I felt really heavy as I sat up. It seemed like it was pretty late in the day, but not nighttime just yet. 

I couldn't move much due to the numerous machines I was hooked up to and the IV. I know it's just a tube, but it still feels weird to move my arm while something is inside of it. 

My other arm however was heavy for absolutely no reason. I looked at my other arm only to find Tamaki asleep while holding it. His eyes were red and puffy, most likely because he cried like a baby. 

The door opened disturbing my thoughts and I found Kyoya walking in. 

"Are you feeling better now? You gave us all quite a fright earlier. The twins almost fainted that the sight of so much blood" Kyoya chuckled and I copy him. 

He was your closest sibling. All of your other brothers were always busy, you rarely saw your older sister, and you two were only one year apart in age. So you spent a lot of time together in and out of school. 

"Sorry about that. I didn't realize how deep it went" You solemnly explained. 

"How did you obtain such a deep injury anyway?" Kyoya asked. He looked at you like he knew already, but what he was thinking was wrong. 

"I got upset last night and punched the mirror. A shard of glass ended up cutting me" I told him. 

"That indeed would explain why your hand was cut and bruised as well" He scolded lightly and sat down next to me on the bed. He sat on the opposite side of where Tamaki was sleeping. 

"You know he was really worried. He carried you to the car and held you the whole way here. He refused to leave your side even as they stitched you up. Our host king cried pretty hard" Kyoya informed me. I turned to the blond and smiled while using my free hand to pet his hair a few times before bringing my hand back to my side. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause all this trouble" You apologized to your brother while looking down at your blanket covered legs. 

"This may be out of character for me, but if you need someone to talk to I will at the very least listen and not tell anyone else" He tried to comfort me. I chuckled at his lame attempt and shook my head. 

"Thanks, but I think as long as I have everyone, I'll be fine" The two of you exchanged a few more words before he stepped out of the room again. As if on cue Tamaki groaned and lifted up his head while rubbing his eyes like a little kid waking up from a nap. That actually wasn't very far off. 

"(Y/N)! Are you alright now?" He yelled. You nodded and that seemed to calm him down a bit. 

"Whew! I was worried" He tried to act funny and play it off, but I could tell it was really bugging him. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I accidently got cut by a piece of my broken mirror and didn't think it was that bad. Thanks for helping me though" You told him. It was easy to see that the whole thing flashed across his eyes because they started to water and he began crying again. Tamaki leaped at me and hugged me tightly. 

"Tamaki?" You said, surprised at his sudden show of affection. 

"I was scared" He mumbled into my hospital gown. I once again pat his head a few times. 

"I know and I'm sorry" You tried to sooth him. 

"I thought I wouldn't ever get to tell you how much I love you" He cried harder. His words started me, but I momentarily brushed it off in attempt of calming him down. 

"It's okay. I'm here and alive Tamaki. Everything's alright" You hummed. It took quite a bit of coaxing, but the blond eventually calmed down and released you. 

"About what you said before... About loving me..." You spoke. Tamaki went completely red in the face and tunred away from me. 

"Tamaki. I like you to. A lot" You confessed as well. He got even more red, but perked up like an excited puppy. 

"Really?!" He asked like he didn't believe me. 

"Really" I smiled and Tamaki jumped on me again while nuzzling his head into me. 


"It took long enough" The twin remarked from the door. 

"Tama-chan finally confessed! Isn't that great Mori?" Honey asked.

"Yeah" Came his short answer. 

"Just wait until Kyoya finds out"

"How do you think he'll react?" The twins asked. Tamaki went stiff. 

"I wonder. How would I react?" Came Kyoya's cool voice. Tamaki nervously laughed before hiding behind me. 

"Don't bully the baby Kyoya" I scolded. He scowled and began writing in his little black book. 

"How should I use this information?" Kyoya asked. Tamaki's eyes widened and he ran over to Kyoya who was walking quickly out of the room. Tamaki gave chase to my brother and they ran around the floor and my room, but no matter where they went the rest of us could hear Kyoya teasing the blonde, and Tamaki reacting to every taunt. 

"They're so cute" You hummed. 

"NO! DONT TELL YOUR DAD YET! I STILL NEED TO ASK HIM ABOUT DATING (Y/N)!" Came Tamaki's desperate cried from the hallway. It was nice and loud, just how you liked it. 

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