Deaf Bakugo x Glasses Reader: My Hero Academia 🧸🧸🧸

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  * ∞:.I Hate You, I Love You .:∞*

You and Bakugo both had opposite dispositions. You were rule abiding and kind, while he was reckless and rude all of the time. You hated how he treated your classmates. He was rude and cold to everyone, especial you. What did you ever do to him?

This tension created a rivalry of sorts. Bakugo would try and get on your nerves while you would try and whip the barbarian into shape.

"What the fuck (y/n)?!" Yelled Bakugo. You had smacked him on the head with a heavy textbook.

"Why can't you be nice for once? Kaminari was trying to invite you with them, so you're not left out of your friend group. Even if they don't really like you" You added the last part under your breath.

"What's that supposed to mean four eyes?!" Bakugo yelled his question.

"All these questions. It's a wonder you made it past middle school. Be nice to people. It easy" You said flatly.

"I don't need to be nice to you extras. I'll be the number one hero and none of you will matter. You'll be begging at my feet" He scoffed arrogantly. You raised a brow.

"last time I checked You were fifth in the class ranking behind Momo, me, Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya" You said pushing up your glasses.

The argument went crazy from there. You were usually a clam person, but when it came to the explosive blonde you were like a demon. Even he was slightly scared.

Eventually Aizawa Sensei entered the classroom and the two of you were shut down. You apologized and sat back down while Bakugo kicked Midoriya's chair making him fall before stomping back to his own seat, curses rolling off of his tongue.

Later that day you were paired with the explosive blonde himself for hero training.

"So what's our plan?" He asked in his usual rude tone. You didn't answer him, making him angry before repeating his question.

"That's odd. I could've sworn I heard a pissy voice. I guess it was my imagination" You said making eye contact with him.

"Oi! Are you really pretending I don't exist?" He called out angrily. You just looked past him before smiling brightly and walking towards him.

"Good. You came to your senses four eyes" He smirked. You jogged past him.

"Hey Kiri! Need help with that?" You ask. He smiles and nods. You begin helping him fix his suit. You ran your hands down his chest as you secured the buckles making Kirishima's face as red as his hair. He looked away bashfully. You could feel eyes burning into your back making you smirk.

"Wow Kiri! I didn't realize how hard your muscles are. Is it your quirk?" You asked as you intentionally ran your finger across his chest again. He squeaked, but made no move to remove your hands.

"N-no." he stammered. You smiled and nodded. With a few more compliments you began to make your way around your classmates making sure they were all prepared for training. You made sure to keep Kiri close. The whole time Bakugo's eyes were trying to combust you into flames. Good. Let him be as angry as you were.

During training you two fought Mina and Kirishima and lost horribly. You two were completely uncoordinated and got in the others way. Your quirks never mixed well, but usually you two were a perfect match up due to you both being creative thinkers and understanding how the other thinks.

At the end of training you and Bakugo were yelled at by Aizawa before being released to get changed. He cornered you before you could get into the locker room.

"Stop being petty you little shit" He yelled. You stared at him blankly before pushing his arms that were caging you in away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IM NOT DONE WITH YOU!!" He screamed at you. Sighing you grabbed your glasses and took them off.

"I don't want to look at you right now" You tell him in a condescending tone.

"FINE!" He replied even angrier than before. He reached up to his ears and removed his hearing aids. He began making signs. You scowled.

"You know I can't see what you're signing. That's very childish Bakugo" You huff. He angrily stuck his middle finger out.

"I can most defiantly see that. Katsuki Bakugo if you give me the middle finger one more time I'll tell Momma Bakugo that you're cheating on me" He narrowed his eyes. He could read your lips easily. You made sure to always talk slower than most people even if it was only a smidge, so he could read your lips.

It gave him a chance to stare at your lips without seeming creepy.

You took out your phone and dialed him moms number. You began to sniffle and cry fake tears.

"Hello? (y/n) is that you? Aren't you two still at school?" She asked sweetly. You sniffled loudly.

"Katsuki. He's- he's being mean to me again. Usually I can handle him, but he took out his hearing aids and won't stop making insulting gestures at me. In front of the class to" You fake cried. Mitsuki was cursing at the boy saying how disrespectful he was and how he didn't deserve you.

"Was that (y/n)?" Ms. Midoriya asked. Mitsuki stiffened. If (y/n) was anything like her mom, Katsuki didn't want to mess with her. The blonde woman shuddered when thinking about the demon aura that surrounds Inko every once and awhile. She looked away. He's so screwed. She breathed to herself.

You both changed and walked home. He made sure to trail far behind you as you two made your way to the station. You ended up going to Bakugo's house instead of your own. He paled. What had you done when his hearing aids were out?

"Why are you coming to my house Four Eyes?" He called. Bakugo tried to keep his voice steady, but some of his fear seeped through his normal angry tone. You turned around with a smirk and Bakugo could almost see devil horns coming from your head. Oh Shit.

"Wait! Shit! (y/n). I'm sorry." He panicked. You stared at him blankly. His heartrate increased. He was so fucking screwed.

You knocked on the door and was greeted with Mitsuki and your mom sitting on the couch. You smiled and ran into your moms arms. She hugged you as Bakugo nervously trailed behind you into his house.

"(y/n) Honey, would you please go make some tea and cake for us?" Your mom asked. You happily nodded and left the living room leaving Bakugo with both of your moms. You snickered as you began to hear shouting and crashes. By the time you came out Bakugo was sitting on the couch covered in bruises while the two older females chatted happily. You laid the tray down.

"I'm back. What did I miss?" You asked feigning innocence. Mitsuki turned to you and spoke.

"Katsuki has something to say to you" She said. In her tone was an underlying threat aimed at Bakugo. You turned your gaze to the blonde boy.

"I'm sorry. I don't deserve someone like you. I won't be rude to you anymore" He said bashfully looking away. He didn't want to say it, but his words were sincere. You smiled.

"What about everyone else in our class?" You asked nicely. He scoffed, but Mitsuki shot her son a glare, while Inko smiled with he murder aura radiating off of her. He stiffened.

"I'll be nicer to everyone to" He mumbled.

The next day you two walked to school hand in hand. Izuku, your brother, flashed Katsuki a pity look when he noticed the state his childhood friend was in. He had heard what happened from you as well.

It was nice having your boyfriend back. If he's mean again all you have to is call yours and his moms and you would be set. You would need to remember that when something like that happens again.

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