Ex!Oikawa x reader x Kuroo: Haikyuu

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Warning: This one gets slightly suggestive at the end. If you don't like that, then please skip over this chapter

The crowd cheered as your band finished it's song. The band you were with now was full of high schoolers like you. Almost every member went to a different school though. The five of you met in a battle of the band for freshman and decided to form a band a year later after keeping in touch. You and Kuroo were already in a band together but the others either quit or graduated and because of his tendency to mix things up mid-concert we had trouble getting anyone else to join. 

Bokuto, the drummer, was always really fun to be around and could adapt easily to a song if one member decided to spice it up a bit whether it be you with vocals, or the other members with their instruments. He had a very fun loving personality that was easy to get along with so he fit right in. 

Our keyboard player was pretty much the opposite of Bokuto, but his fingers were very skilled and could move quickly (A/N If you know what I mean). Tsukishima was blunt and very mean to other people, even to those he kind of liked. The only one he had a soft spot for was his old friend Yamaguchi. He plays some music too, but doesn't belong to a band as of right now so we invite him on stage pretty often. He absolutely shreds on the acoustic guitar and can play all kinds of music. He does have some trouble learning songs quickly, but once he does he can play them to perfection. For this concert though, he was in the crowd. 

On the electric guitar was a big guy named Ushijima. He was pretty nice, but was on the quieter side. He was like a big puppy. He wanted a guy named Oikawa to join his band but after awhile he gave up on scouting him and moved to our band for his last year in school. 

Oikawa was my ex boyfriend. We had known each other since elementary school as well as Iwaizumi, but the two of us clicked at some point and we began dating. We weren't even together for a year when I found out he was cheating on me and did it more than once. I decided to cry out my sorrows with another band member, Kuroo. He was very supportive when we broke up and almost never left my side. 

Kuroo was our bands base guitarist. He was a wildcard and always changed up the music in the middle of our concerts. For that reason a few members left and that's how we got to the band we have today. Kuroo and I had begun dating soon after Oikawa and I broke up. I was crushed, so when he confessed his feelings I wasn't really sure, but I ended up deciding to give him a chance and it was the best decision I had ever made. Dating a bandmate was hard but the two of us were determined to make it work, and we did. 

As we began our next song my eyes landed on Oikawa in the crowd. I know I'm dating Kuroo but when I saw him my heart skipped a beat still. 

"But when our fingers interlock
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
'Cause after all this time
I'm still into you~" I sang harder as I locked eyes with Oikawa. A sheepish smile played on my face and for the last line I pointed at him in the crowd. 

"I should be over all the butterflies
But I'm into you (I'm into you)
And baby even on our worst nights
I'm into you (I'm into you)~" The base guitar began blaring, even over my own voice. All of us looked at Kuroo who was glaring deeply at Oikawa. I gave him a warning look, but all he did was mouth words at me. 

Eyes on me

My face erupted in red and the feeling I got when looking at Oikawa was suddenly the furthest thing from my mind. A wide grin spread across my face and when I had a short pause I blew him a kiss. He smirked and walked as far towards me as his cord would allow. He winked at me seductively and I shook his antics off as we all finished the song. 

I turned back at the crowd knowing I couldn't stare at my beautiful boyfriend the whole time. My eyes found Oikawa again and he was fuming. Iwaizumi had a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 

"And after all this time I forgot about you~" I sang and flipped off Oikawa and incidentally the crowd. They went wild and we began thanking everyone before walking off stage. 

The second we couldn't be seen by anyone else Kuroo grabbed me by the hips forcefully and hugged me close to his body. 

"Is our Kuroo getting all possessive?" Tsukishima sneered. 

"Oh go fuck Yamaguchi or something beanpole" Kuroo snapped back. 

"Woah Kuroo. Cool it" Bokuto told the man. Kuroo didn't say anything but tightened his already vice grip on me. As the other members of the band walked ahead of us Kuroo brought his lips to my ear. 

"Do I need to remind you who you belong to?" He whispered. My eyes shot open and red covered my face. He let me go and hyena cackled as he walked away. 

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