Momo x Female Reader: My Hero Academia

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You were smaller then normal. You didn't like to admit it, but facts were facts. So of course no one ever thought much of you. Everyone except your glorious and beautiful girlfriend Momo Yaoyorozu. You would do anything for her. Which is how you got into this... chaotic situation.

Your quirk was nothing amazing like hers, but it was useful in certain situations. It was called 'rabbit'. It was pretty much what you'd expect. You had long (h/c) ears that hung down to your shoulders, fluffy (h/c) hair, sharp teeth you constantly had to file down, a small fluffy tail, and extremely powerful legs.  You took on some other qualities in the habit/behavior  department like constantly wanting to cuddle or burrowing under hordes of blankets. But this was besides the point... kinda.

You had moved closer to U.A. seeing as you'll be attending the prestigious school in a years time. This also meant you joined a new dojo. You were a martial arts enthusiast. It has always been a masculine environment, and you were rather sensitive and soft spoken. The male sensei's who ran the dojo were great guys, and they genuinely loved having a female around.

You always loved the adrenaline rush. When in the ring you thrived and loved being attacked. You hadn't been there long, but the second you found out they did full-contact sparring you signed up for the next session. It was rather brutal, but nothing you weren't used to.

The only rules were you had to wear a mouth guard, gloves, and no hits below the belt.

You were currently attending the first Fight Night with your girlfriend Momo. She wasn't there to fight, but rather to watch and cheer you on. She was so sweet.  Just the thought of her could turn you in happy goo.

While the sensei was explaining the rules one of the guys was getting handsy with Momo. She didn't want to disrupt the esteemed martial artist, so she tried to nicely push away the male. However he kept coming onto her. Your eye twitched as you watched, but was unable to do anything.

The sensei stopped talking within a few minutes. He had paired you up with the cocky asshole trying to mess with Momo. The older man must've noticed his wandering hands and the evil gleam in your eyes from a mile away. You talked about the blackette a lot, so he knew right away who she was even before you introduced them.

Your blood boiled as you stood in front of this asshole of a brown belt, who had been showing you the ropes a bit only a few days earlier. He was a lot bigger than you. He was at least a foot and a half taller than you and had large muscles ( he seemed proud of them when he was showing them off to your girl).

Now your sensei was not stupid. He would never put a normal white belt against a brown belt, especially with the height and weight difference such as drastic as yours was to the male in front of you.

Sensei finally yelled start, and this asshole didn't even put his hands up. He smirked at you and popped his hip out slightly.

"C'mon shortie. I'll give you a free shot. When I win with one shot you girl will realize how weak you are and come running into my arms" He mocked. Your eyes narrowed, but refused to show any more anger. He leaned back and slapped his sides before he leaned into your face.

"you weigh less than 100 pounds, you're short, and you're a girl. So go ahead little girl. Hit me" The man finished. You took a deep breath and took a step back. With an evil glint in your eyes you cocked your knee up in the air and held it there for a few seconds before turning your body for a roundhouse and connecting your foot to the top part of his ribs. You released all of your contempt and might you felt for this ugly-ass, freckled, nasty-ass braces (if you read the A/N at the end-this is honestly what I was thinking) bitch into one kick. You could've sworn you heard a few cracks with your super hearing.

He had a look of surprise on his face, before he dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The sensei leisurely strolled over from a group of black belts, while Momo ran to your side. The black belt laughed their asses off at you, the tiny female white belt taking down the ogre of a boy with one kick. They thought it was some kind of game.

"Brown belt why are you on the floor? Did you not see the white belt assigned to fight you?" One of them yells. Another falls to the floor clutching his stomach in tears. Meanwhile the asshole was crying on the ground with a few broken ribs.

The sensei squats down next to this kid and whispers, "Don't you know woman are made of pain?" I tipped my head back and smirked victoriously.

"Don't mess with her girlfriend kid. She's going to be a hero in a few years. A damn good one to" He finished.

Momo gripped your arm. You leaned into her chest and snuggled into her with a hum. She looked down nervously. You turned around and pointed at the boy on the ground.

"Messing with my Momo is a No-no!" You shouted while shaking a finger at him. The black belts were crying on the floor themselves from laughter.

Momo brought you back into a hug and locked eyes with you.

"That was uncalled for you little menace, but thank you" She cooed at you. You hugged her tighter.

"I'm your menace Momo. I love you" She nodded in response to your words. She would have to keep an eye on her sweet girlfriend, so this doesn't happen again.

"I guess i'll just keep you by my side all the time" She spoke. You giggled and nodded.

In the background sirens were going off as the boy had to be taken out in a stretcher.

(A/N something similar happened to me. I saw a tumblr post similar to what happened for me and decided to write about it.

I was a gymnast for a few years before joining a dojo with my mom and brother. Now I was tall, but at the time I was in forth grade so I was still on the smaller side of everyone else in the class. I had already been on the gymnastic team for about a year so I had some pretty crazy conditioning for such a small human being, but the jacket we wear was baggy on me. It was our first sparring session, and I was still a white belt. However I loved sparring, Judo, and all that fun contact fighting. The master ( Not like that) knew of my *special* circumstances and decided to put me with this jerk of a brown belt. Like in the story he was huge. Probably twice my side and triple my weight. He was a bonified (NO) football linemen. The master didn't like cocky kids and he had a major attitude problem, so I was paired with him (My brother and Mom were across the room, watching this whole thing and gave the master permission to put me with this dude). He said similar things to that in the story like me being short, small, weak, blah, blah. So when he gave me the open shot I lifted my leg as high as I could and roundhouse kicked this guy in the head. Hard. He fell to the ground unconscious while the black belts cackled like crazy hyena's in the background with the other instructors. I felt no remorse when he was carried to the hospital by one of his friends (one of the aforementioned black belts who thought this was funny as hell). #NoRegrets After that I wasn't allowed to kick during sparring ever again (Unless it was a master/ second degree black belt)   

I now have a black belt in Judo, Akido, Tae Kwon Do, and took some kickboxing lessons. Sadly I had to quit because gymnastic was taking up to much of my time. I got a bad injury in seventh grade and left gymnastic. I'm looking for some kind of swordplay dojo where I can put my bokken to use.

And if it makes it any better I used to yell at people to 'fight me' all the time and still do.)

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