Todoroki x Reader: My Hero Academia

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You're head nodded to the side as your heavy eyes began to droop closed from exhaustion.  With all the villain attacks targeting 1A, classwork, hero training, internships, your job, and taking care of everyone cramped into your small boarding house, you were beat. Sleep was no longer a part of your routine, but a rare treat instead. That being said the lack of sleep you were enduring was beginning to affect you. You were falling behind on classwork, chores for the house, and you didn't preform as well as you used to during hero training, and your internship as well as your job. Lately ass you've been doing is scrambling to get task after task done without missing something or forgetting another task. Sadly, rushing to get things done wasn't your strong suit.

A strong wave of sleepiness smacked into you and you yawned as you pulled the hood of your jacket over you head. You didn't have the time nor energy to keep your appearance up at school. Over the normal uniform bottoms was just a hoodie. The rest of your uniform was dirty, but you didn't have time to wash it. You assumed it wouldn't be to big of a deal. As you thought the only one who had a problem with your outfit was Iida.

You forced yourself to try and concentrate on Aizawa's words as you pulled your knees to your chest. You head was even heavier then your eyelids making you drop it on your knees. Soon enough you dozed off.

"(Y/N)!!" Your eyes snapped open at Aizawa's raised voice. The small anime bubble of drool popped and you sleepily made eye contact with your teacher.

"Take your hood off" He demanded. You pushed the hood that barely covered part of the back of you head off and it pooled around your neck.

"I'm waiting (y/n)" Aizawa piped in making you sigh. You quickly stood up, pushing your chair into Todoroki's desk which was placed behind your own. You raised your arms up in a goalpost position and began to take your hoodie off

"What are you doing?!" Iida yelled. You turned to him with uncaring eyes.

"Aizawa told me to take off my hoodie so I-"

"NO!" Iida yelled. Aizawa sighed and face palmed as you held your sweater to the side revealing your stomach and bra/tones chest.  Your stared at your class rep blankly and sighed before putting your hoodie back on. Your arms were through the holes and you were about put it over your head when your felt a warm breath on your neck and back. You turned to look at Todoroki. Most people wouldn't notice, but you had known the dual eyed boy since for a few years. His ears burned red and the sleeve, pant leg, and collar of the uniform covering his right side were singed at the ends. Hot puffs of breath escaped his mouth showing he was embarrassed and well, you know.

Usually you wouldn't even dream of doing something like that, but damn you were tired. You yawned one more time before fully putting the jacket on again. With absolutely no fucks you placed your hand on Todoroki's right side and mildly burned yourself. Your hand was red, but it wasn't to worrisome.

"Oops sensei, I burned myself. I'm going to Recovry Girl's office. This might take awhile, so i'm bringing my stuff with." You said lazily as you threw your bag over your shoulder and left the classroom leaving a burning Todoroki alone to cool himself down.

You sighed as you pushed the door to the nurses office open and slumped on one of the beds. You scribbled down a small note for Recovery Girl seeing as she wasn't there at the moment to not wake you until the school day was over. Right as your head hit the pillow you were out.

Your body was being shaken. You groaned as your consciousness began to come back to the real world. You missed the beautiful dream of you running down the beach along the water in a flowy dress and into the arms of your dog. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

"(Y/n) it's the end of the day" A familiar voice shook you. You squinted your eyes and puffed out your cheeks in a sleepy pout.

"but Sho~" You complained. Suddenly a cold sensation smacked you in the face. You shot up and held your cheeks ad you glared at Todoroki. He smirked in mild amusement. Once again a sigh left your lips as you sat up and looked at the clock. Your eyes widened and you shot up, quickly gathering your things.

"School got out three hours ago?! Why didn't you wake me up?!" You screeched as you shoved the homework you threw on top of your bag. You wished you had put in in your folder before you fell asleep.

"I have to go back to the house and clean the kitchen, then go to (random/hero) agency and do the paperwork for today. I already missed the patrol time. They're gonna kick me out! Wait! My shift at the restaurant was today to! If I leave now I can make it to the café and catch the last half of my shift. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!" You rambled. Your hands grabbed the office door and flung it open.

A hand on your shoulder, however, stopped you from leaving. Your turned to Todoroki with a stressed expression.

"I don't have time for this!" The words left your throat before you had a chance to register them. You froze on the spot and watched Todoroki's face scrunch in disappointment.

"You don't have time for me?" He asked. His voice sounded dejected and it broke your heart.

"I didn't- um, that was rude, I- that" You began to stutter. Shit. A low chuckle made it's way t your ears. You looked up at Todoroki to see his smiling playfully.

"I'm just kidding" He said. The panic in your chest died down and you breathed a sigh of relief before you realized you were waiting time.

"That wasn't funny! I have to much to do!" You couldn't help but feel irritated. You pulled your shoulder out of your best friends grasp.

"Wait!" He called. Before he could finish his sentence your phone began to ring. It was (r/ph). You paled and answered the call.

"Yes sir/ma'am?" You asked hesitantly.

"I got a call earlier from your boyfriend saying you weren't feeling well. I was going to call you sooner to check up on you, but I had to find someone who could help me patrol today. There aren't very many people as capable as you. I asked Chisimi to help, but she was so boring. Get better soon, so I don't die of boredom"  A hearty laugh echoed over the phone and then beeping. You looked at the end call screen with a blank face. What the hell just happened?

Your phone rang again and you immediately answered it. It was your coworker from the café you worked at.

"hey (n/n), a few people have requested to see you today. When I told them you were sick they gave us extra tips for your paycheck for today. They gave you triple what we make in a day! I just wanted to tell you that, and I wanted a reason to check up on you. Oh yeah, your boyfriend has a sexy voice. You gotta introduce me one day" You chuckled nervously and agreed to her weird comments. Just like before the line went dead.

You looked up to see Todoroki standing there with a smug expression and his arms crossed.

"Boyfriend? Really?" You asked him.

"You must be really tired (y/n). I asked you on a date two weeks ago and you agreed before running off to work. Don't tell me you forgot" His tone was snide, but you paid no mind to it and instead focused on his words.

Slowly, but surly the day Todoroki asked you out behind the school building after school came to you. Your face erupted in red and you profusely apologized to your boyfriend.

"C'mon. I called your house mom and told her you were staying at a friends house tonight. She is doing your chores for the day" you smiled tiredly as Todoroki wrapped his arm around your waist. You both walked to his house in the same position.

You had never slept more soundly in your life with Todoroki holding you as you laid on a very comfortable matress.  

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