Bakugo x Reader: My Hero Academia

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"Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof. If you're lucky maybe you'll even have a chance of getting a better quirk in the next life" A harsh voice snapped at you. Your brought your hand to your chest and took a step back, but you were met with a wall. Anxiety built in your chest as Bakugo and his posy cornered and caged you in. This was normal for you, but it didn't make his tormenting any easier.

"You hear me you damn extra! I'm gonna be number one!" He shouted in your face. The kid with the red wings grabbed your hair and yanked on it pulling your face up to his own.

"Yeah. We're tired of stupid weaklings like you. You shouldn't be able to live when you're so useless." He barked with a sickening smirk. Your eyes steeled as you tore yourself from his grip.

"It doesn't matter how weak you are. Everyone deserves to live. Scum like you should be the ones living in filth. You say you'll be number one Bakugo, but you don't even know how to speak to someone without scaring them. How are you supposed to save people like that? I'd rather die then have you save me" You spit in Bakugo's face before kicking the minions where the 'sun don't shine' and walking away.

That was two years ago. The first day of middle school. So much has changed since then. You talked big back then. The three of them decided Midoriya was no fun to bully anymore and set their sights on you. Everyday you would come home with bruises and cuts only to get more before you go back to school the next day.

You were never able to come home to a warm meal and smiles. Instead you would be greeted my empty beer bottles and an equally vacant house. When people were in the house it was a free for all. You were your parents punching bag. It had always been like that. Their marriage came from a one night stand. Mother got pregnant and forced your father to stay. There was never love, only money. The only reason you were alive was for the money they got from the government.

A loud, familiar bell rang signaling the end of the school day. You had long ago dropped contact with everyone. Bakugo and his gang was the main reason for that. Midoriya made a few attempts during your first year, but gave up after you told him to stay away from you. Your tone was harsh and scared him away quickly. You hadn't meant to be mean, you just didn't want anyone to get picked on because they're friends with you. Especially Midoriya. He had enough to deal with already. 

You shook your head. Useless memories. Grabbing your bag you looked around with lifeless eyes. No one was left in the classroom. With a heavy sigh you began unpacking all of your textbooks. You laid then on your desk along with the money you owed the school. You had stolen it from your parents gambling fund. Oh well. The notes came next. The only person who ever showed you kindness was Midoriya. You may have refused his friendship, but that didn't mean you never helped him. He had been working like a dog lately and it was obvious he wasn't getting enough sleep. Although you kept your scores mediocre you are, were, one of the smartest person in class and took careful notes. It would be nice if they helped Midoriya do whatever he's doing.

With that done you made your way to the rooftop of the school. You allowed your uniform jacket slip off of your shoulders before you folded it and laid it next to your discarded shoes. Your bottom came next, revealing the tight shorts you always wear under your uniform. There was no point ruining a perfectly good uniform with your disgusting blood. 

Barefoot and empty hearted you stepped onto the ledge of your middle school. From this high you could see the nearby city. The sun was still high in the sky letting the glass buildings glisten and reflect the beauty around it. Why are glass boxes beautiful to others? It was just another cage. Your hair whipped in the wind as you tipped your head to the side. Your hair covered your desolate eyes. You looked out, but saw nothing.

With one last breath you let the wind take you from the building to the ground. Your eyes closed and the next thing you knew there was pain then nothing.

Your eyes opened as you heard screams around you. Your lifeless eyes looked around, but it was shrouded in red.

"Someone call an ambulance!" A crowd gathered around you. Using the last of your energy you grabbed onto the only person you could grab.

"Don't you dare call an ambulance" You growled. Familiar red eyes graced your sight along with blonde hair.

"The fuck is your problem!" Bakugo roared. He kneeled down next to you and picked up your head. The movement made you dizzy and you lost consciousness.

From above you Bakugo was frantically yelling at the people around him. He had noticed the increase in injuries you would have and tried to confront you about it, but the two extras following him always got in the way.

In truth he rather liked your earlier spunk. He thought he had finally found someone to match his attitude and drive. Yea, your lack of powerful quirk meant he could never actually see you as a true opponent, but rather someone to keep by his side.

If he was being honest with himself he had grown to like you, but it was new and he had only just figured out his feelings. Now he had no chance to tell you. He sat there in shock, but was snapped out of it in when a woman screamed at you broken, bloody body. When you grabbed his ankle and barked at him to not call an ambulance his heart sank. He realized what happened. You tried to kill yourself. Panic took over Bakugo and he ran his hands through your hair and over your body. The person he had come to love was twisted at an inhuman angle. Your arms and legs were thrown about without any guard for your joins like a child playing with a doll.

The blood was pouring out of a large crack in the back of your head. Bakugo's uniform was soaked in blood already, so he tore his blazer off with shaking hands, and pressed it to the back of your head. A whimper left your lips and Bakugo whipped his head to the side, so he could see your face. It was deathly pale.

Tears spilled from the blondes eyes as he shouted and sobbed. He was so worried about you he didn't even register his own reaction. His warm hand tapped your cheek a few times when your  breath became deathly shallow. Why wasn't an ambulance there yet dammit?

Overtaken by his emotions, Bakugo leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. He was begging for you to be alright in his head. As if he could will life into you with his lips. With his erratic breathing, Bakugo had to pull away earlier than he wanted to. Your breathing was so slow he almost didn't notice when it stopped.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Please, God no!" He sobbed. The usually angry male pulled your lifeless body into his. Your head lulled to the side as the last few drops of blood in your mouth dripped down your cheek. The ambulance came just then, but it was already to late. You were gone forever.

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