Tomoe x Reader: Kamisama Kiss Part 1 ⚫️⚫️⚫️

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*A Goddesses Tears *

It had been getting worse lately. You're body was so heavy and numb, but you smiled. You smiled for the shrine spirits, the other gods and for your precious Tomoe. Of corse he didn't know just how precious he was to you. Your heart was always full of him and nothing else, but the stubborn fox refused to let anyone in.

So here you were stumbling home from school Your vision a mess. It was boring, but you were lucky to even be attending. Your father had taken your money and ran away leaving you alone. Your mom had passed away a long time ago, but you could still remember her every feature.

She was an angelic being. With beautiful (h/c) hair and soft (e/c) eyes. She was your whole world.

But now you have a different world. One with the Mikage shrine and the spirits that came with it.

About a year ago when you were kicked out of your house and was wondering around with a small bag of your belongings you had helped a man who was hiked up a tree and shaking while a dog barked at him from below. You crouched down by the dog and reached out your hand. The fluffy creature nuzzled it's head into your hand and you picked it up.

"You can come down mister. You're safe" you called sweetly up to him. He seemed suspicious of your smile so you raised your cheeks higher and let out a small giggle. You had no right to drag strangers into your problems.

"I see you have a bag. Do you now have anywhere to go?" He asked. You went slightly stiff before sighing and nodding. The man smiled and handed you keys.

"I shall give you my home then. I have no right to be there and someone is there waiting for me. Please take good care of the house for me" he said. The man grabbed your arm gently before kissing your wrist.

Before you could refuse the offer he was gone. In his place was a map drawn in crayon. You picked it up and chuckled. It looked like a kid had scribbled it. You decided you had nothing to lose before trying to follow the poorly drawn map.

From there you found a shrine and a fox spirit. He was just as stubborn as he was back then. You giggled softly to yourself. He was your world. Your love. Your lifeline.

Your foot hit a small rock and your numb legs buckled making you fall forwards. You braced for impact but was pleasantly surprised when you fell into something soft and warm instead of the cold pavement.

"You're so clumsy. How did you survive before you came to the shrine?" A steely voice barked. You nervously chuckled as Tomoe set you back on your feet.

"I'm sorry Tomoe. I'll try to be more careful" you said sweetly. He sighed in frustration before swiftly walking away, but not before checking to make sure you were right there behind him. Even if he was cold when he spoke, you knew he cared about you when he came out from hiding just to catch you.


"You're useless! Why did Mikage have to pick some filthy commoner off of the streets to take his place?!" Tomoe yelled at you. You flinched back and tumbled to the ground. The fox glared down at you in anger.

You had been captured by Karuma again. Not that you minded the tengu had grown on you, but Tomoe always flipped out.

"I don't know why you're so mad. They're nice to me" You stammered. That just seemed to make him more angry. Mizuki was trying to calm him down but the raging fox ignored the snake.

Tears gathered at your eyes. Everything was just building up and you couldn't handle anymore.

The kids at school were at your throat for being close to Karuma, you had just been told your father had died, the Gods have been making you work harder than ever to prove yourself and your sickness was getting worse.

Like a kettle your lid blew and tears flowed down your face. You picked up the bottom of your white yukata and sprinted out of the shrine without shoes or a coat.

Your feet turned red from the cold snow and the ice was curing into the soft skin. Your arms pumped as you sprinted through the cold weather as white flakes fell upon you.

Once again your legs gave out and you yelled as you fell. They were numb from the cold and the sickness you couldn't move. Your nerves were on fire and your body shook violently. White puffs came from your mouth in a quick rhythm showing just how tired you were. Your eye lids grew heavy and your skin paled. Your body fell forwards into the snow.


"Wow! Who knew that great Tomoe could be so heartless to poor little (y/n)?" Mizuki mocked. The fox just scoffed.

"In all honesty I'm surprised (y/n) has put up with you for this long. They're  so caring and comforting; someone like you doesn't deserve someone like them" The snake continued with contentment laced in his voice. His yellow eyes sent a piercing glare towards Tomoe.

"Be quiet snake" Tomoe hissed. Mizuki quickly adorned himself in a coat and shoes.

"Where are you going?" Tomoe barked.

"To find (y/n). You say you'll protect them yet you know nothing. I'm going to stay with them in my dimension. If I were (y/n) I wouldn't want to spend my last days with a hormonal fox" he sneered before storming out of the shrine leaving Tomoe standing there with confusion written all over his face.

He turned to the two spirits and they both yelled before hiding behind a wall.

"What nonsense is that damn snake spewing? I know everything about them" Tomoe huffed.

"Master Tomoe we didn't want to say anything because we wanted (y/n) to tell you, but it seems they won't do it themselves." One spirit stared.

"Mistress/Master (y/n) has a very severe disease that affects their nerves and brain. They've had it since they was born. Their nerves are almost completely deteriorated. They doesn't have long to live" the other finished.

Tomoe's face paled and he sprinted out of the shrine.

(Y/n) was dying, and his fit might cost her the little time they had left.

He couldn't let you die. He loved you god dammit.

He won't let the same thing happen to you.

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