Deku x lonely reader

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Midoriya P.O.V.

One day (y/n) stopped showing up to school with a smile on their face. I stared at them as they took notes with their color coded pens next to them. They had all the colors laid out, but didn't use them, like it was to much work to make the extra effort. Their movements were sluggish and tired. I wanted to reach out to them, but after our fight I haven't been able to talk to them.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong? I just wan to help!" I yelled at them. They looked scared as my quirk reacted to my anger. Green energy crackled around me.

"You can't help everyone! You can't fix everything Midoriya-kun. You're usually so kind! Why are you being like this? Is there something wrong with me?!" They yelled furiously. I was so angry I hardly even processed their words.

Something was wrong, and I tried to wait for them to tell me, but they kept pushing me away. Was I not good enough for them? Did they not trust me? The thought made me sad.

"Yes something is obviously wrong with you! Why won't you tell me what it is?!" I yelled back. I gripped their wrist but they ripped it away just as fast. A stinging feeling fanned out on my cheek. Their hand was raised in the air. Their face looked so broken. It made me feel helpless. Before I could apologize they stormed away.

My heart clenched just thinking about it.

They stopped doing a lot of things like sleep...

They look so drained, I thought. Bags seemed to pull their eyes closed, but like the stubborn person they are, they refused to close them. As each day passes it seemed like (y/n)'s eyes began to close a bit more. They didn't try anymore.

They stopped doing a lot of things like eating...

I watched as they once again turned down food from their best friend Shoji. Their closest friends Tokoyami, Koda, Aoyama, Jiro, and Yaomomo were worried about them. It got to the point where they would constantly ask me what was wrong with them, but I didn't know. Momo even offered to make them lunch everyday, but they always turned it down.

Their face was slightly flushed at the cheeks, but was otherwise pale and sick looking. Small beads of sweat dribbled down their face. It was hard to not hear the small noises their stomach would make throughout the day. I tried to ask them about it, but they raised their hand and asked to switch seats with Aoyama so they didn't have to sit by me. Aizawa-sensei noticed the changes in them to and looked between me and them before agreeing.

They stopped living and I think, I think they stopped being okay...

It was after class and (y/n) was on cleaning duty alone. I had stayed after to talk to All Might. I passed the classroom, but stopped when I saw them.

Their arm was raised slightly as they cleaned the board. They were supposed to be cleaning the board, but their hands weren't moving. Suddenly a hiccup made its way to my ears. My eyes widened as I watched them curl up into themselves with their arms gripping their stomach as their knees collapsed taking the rest of them with it.

Their sobs became silent after a few minutes. I stayed behind the door watching them. Just then their arms dropped to their sides lifelessly and they closed their eyes while throwing their head back. Silent tears streamed down their face and their rolled up sleeves began to unravel beginning my attention to their arms.

My eyes widened as they traced over each scab on their arms. There were so many. They started from their wrist up to their elbows and there was no doubt more hidden under their sleeves.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I shoved the door open and dropped my bag at the entrance. I walked up to them with steady steps. They looked up with their eyes wide and immediately covered their ears. I stopped.

They must not want me to say anything. I thought.

Keeping that in mind I just dropped to my knees and enveloped them in a hug. They struggled for a few seconds before giving up and wrapping their arms around my waist. I tightened my grip as their tears began to flow faster.

"It's okay. I'm right here. I got you" I whispered sweet nothing into their ear until they calmed down. I pulled away and wiped the tears from their face.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" I asked quietly so not to spook them.

"I'm surrounded by such amazing friends and teachers and I have everything i'll ever need, but, but, I just feel so lonely. I don't remember when it started but one day it was as if I was stuck in a dark room watching you all smile brightly. I can't even remember what it's like to be with you all anymore. It's like i'm just some phantom that no one notices. I hate it" They told me. My heart broke as every word left their mouth.

"I'm just not important to the class" Something in my snapped and I brought their face to mine and gently locked their lips with mine. They were tense in my arms at first, but melted into me. I felt relieved.

I slowly pulled away, but kept my eyes closed. I didn't want the feeling to end, but I had to be there for them.

They went completely red. When I saw them bring their fingers to their lips I became aware of what I did. OMG! THAT WAS SO EMBARRESSING! I DIDN'T EVEN ASK THEM! WHAT IF THEY DIDNT LIKE IT? WHAT IF I JUST MADE IT WORSE? WHAT IF THEY ALREADY LIKE SOMEONE ELSE?! BUT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I DONT THINK MY HEART COULD HANDLE THAT! I internally freaked out.

An airy giggle snapped me out of my internal panic attack. There was no doubt I was redder then Kirishima's hair.

"I liked it. I like you Midoriya-kun" They said with a small smile on their face. Steam came from my head as I fell backwards. The world was spinning. Another giggle left their lips before I felt them connect with mine again.

We both calmed down and I pressed my forehead against theirs. I looked at them as they closed their eyes. I then grabbed their arms softly and ran my fingers down their scabs. Looking at them hurt so bad, but at least they were light. They would heal without leaving any scars on their precious skin.

"Never do that again" I scolded softly. They wordlessly nodded into my forehead.

We both picked ourselves up and I wrapped my arms around their weak form. I walked them to the train station and them lead them to my house. Mom made us some food and let them sleep over.

We fell asleep hugging one another while wrapped in blankets, but we woke up in a heap of limbs. I yawned as my eyes opened. I was met with their sleeping face.

It was tense and their brows were furrowed. I untangled my hand and ran my scarred fingers across their cheek.

"I love you"

"Mhnnnnn luv' you too Zuku" they murmured in their sleep. My face lit up and I used my free hand to cover my flustered face. Small huffs turned into a chuckle. I felt my hair being played with as they laughed.

You were both thinking the same thing as you both laughed.

'I could get used to this'

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