Tomoe x Reader: Kamisama Kiss Part 2 ⚫️🧸⚫️🧸

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* ∞A Goddesses Tears ∞*

You were hot. It felt like you were brining alive from the inside out, and your whole body was numb; you couldn't move. Your vision was going in and out of focus whenever you actually opened your eyes.

"/n). (Y/n). Don- eave- please. Need you. Sorry. Didn't mean I- you -n't die" a hazy voice hurriedly spoke as you drifted in and out of consciousness. The voice was soft, but shaky. Like they were crying. You felt something warm on your hand. It was relaxing. Your muscles loosened up a bit and you fell asleep.

You had been feverish for a week now. Your temperature would constantly fluctuate. There were some nights Tomoe thought you wouldn't make it.

Leaving Mizuki to run the shrine and take care of you, Tomoe headed out in search of Ebusi, the healing God. He was one of the seven Gods of fortune. He was the best healer out of all of the gods; as well as the most annoying. He was always laughing and making stupid jokes, but he owed Tomoe a favor and the fox would not let you die.

In the realm of the Gods Tomoe rushed to the Great Lake and only slowed when he saw a flash of red.

"Heyo Tomo!" The man greeted. His hair was pulled into a high ponytail but his hair just barely touched his neck. A tuff of red bangs was left hanging on the left side of his face. The man were deep grey eyes and a sharp tooth stuck out from his lips. His face was set in a cheerful expression. He wore a black button up shirt and tight white jeans. A log red scarf was wrapped around his waist and tied in place.

He was sitting on the peer with his fishing pole in the water. The man turned his face around clearly showing his face as well as the black fish tattoo on his forehead.

"Ebisu. I demand you come with me. You must save my lady and mistress/ sir and master" Tomoe said a bit to loud and worriedly.

"Gotcha!" Ebusi chirped. He picked up his fishing pole and a silver bucket before jumping into the water with Tomoe close behind.

They both popped out through a small creek near the shrine. Ebusi took his time looking around, annoying Tomoe to no end.

Eventually they got to the shrine and Tomoe rushed Ebusi to your bedside.
The red headed males fishing pole turned into an I.V. stand with the hook turning into a needle. He inserted into your arm causing you to whimper in your sleep. Ebusi smiled with his eyes closed as he inspected you.

"I'm surprised they're still alive. The deterioration of their nerves is so severe. They must be in unimaginable pain right now. Poor human" Ebusi said his his bright voice, with his time sounding a bit more serious than usual.

"You can save them right?" Tomoe asked. He was trying so hard not to kill the damn fisherman God.

"I'll see what I can do" he answered before shooing Tomoe and the shrine spirits out of the room. Over the course of the next few days the news spread that you were sick and many gods, goddesses, yokai, deities, and whoever else you had touched stopped by and left gifts as well as good wishes.

Ebisu hadn't left your side for a second since he examined you. He worked tirelessly through the day and night until there was nothing else for him to possibly do.

The red headed God sighed in exhaustion. He opened your door and stepped out only to be attacked by your loving fox.

"What's their condition?!" He yelled. Ebisu looked down. Tomoe's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry. They're alive, but their legs are paralyzed and their eyesight is almost completely gone. They're a bit shaken up, but otherwise you shouldn't need to worry for awhile" Ebusi explained. Tomoe was so relived that you were alive.

"Here is one of my Kenko (healing) fish. They will need to take this for awhile. Give them one scale everyday when they eat. Once there are no scales left they should be relieved of most of their symptoms" Ebusi said. He handed Tomoe a silver fish. The light reflected off of it making it shine all kinds of beautiful colors.

"With this my debt is payed. If you ever need another favor I will expect one in return little fox" Ebisu smiled and waved before jumping into a cup of water and disappearing.

Tomoe ran into your room and slid the door open. You were sitting up with your hands rested on your legs.

"Is that you Tomoe?" You asked. He walked towards you and collapsed at your bedside. He grabbed your hand and brought it up to his forehead. He apologized over and over again. You were surprised when you felt small water droplets hit the back of our hand.

You used your hand to lift up the foxes face and made eye contact with him.

"I may not be able to see you, but I can imagine the look on your face. There's no need to feel guilty dear Tomoe. You saved me in the end" you explained. For some reason losing your ability to walk and this experience as a whole made you realize that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Yes, you had been sick all of your life, but for the first time you had someone to take care of you.

You rested your forward on Tomoe's as he closed his eyes. He hesitantly reached up for your hair and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He clung to you like a child. You pat his head before bringing your soft lips closer to his until they met.

It was a soft kiss. Not long and steamy, but not short and sweet. It was two people conveying their words, speaking their stories into the others lips. When you pulled away your slightly milky eyes met his.

Tomoe picked you up and set you under the kotatsu in the main room and began to cook for you making sure to add a scale as the fisherman instructed.

You hummed happily at the taste in your mouth.

The next month was full of people visiting you and bring yet another gift and wishing you good health.

You had been forced to stay indoors that whole time and you ended up befriending many of the yokai that hung around your shrine. You even made a few of them your familiars so Tomoe didn't have to do everything alone with only Mizuki. This made the fox jealous and he tended to scare away the new familiars, but you scolded him every time.

You received a gift from someone. They didn't write their name on it. When you opened the box black stuff shot out and landed on your legs. The skin seemed to burn as the ink sunk into your flesh. Not that you could feel it. The ink began to move under your skin. It finally stopped moving and you were able to feel something tingling.

Tomoe caressed your legs and stared in awe. He described to you the beautiful tattoo depicting a lotus flower pond with numerous beautiful fish placed about. He told you the ink went up your legs and even covered your feet.

You suddenly felt your body move in a familiar yet impossible way. You looked down and the blobs of color before patting yourself down. You were...


You smiled brightly and giggled before jumping into Tomoe's arms. He picked you up and spun you around before setting you back on the ground.

Mikage's shrine was doing amazing since the festival and whatnot. You were busy with prayers and school, but you wouldn't want it any other way.

As soon as you could you held a banquet in thanks to everyone who helped you and wished you well. All of your friends and partners in crime were there an you all enjoyed amazing food.

Tomoe even upheld a human traditions and asked you to marry him. You accepted and told him he would have to wait until you radiated high school. He pouted at that, but was happy nonetheless. The partying only intensified after that. Who said Gods and yokai didn't know how to have fun?

The night settled and most everyone was drunk and asleep on the ground. You curled up into Tomoe's lap as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your back into his chest. You hummed in contentment at the foxes warmth. You closed our eyes and leaned into your fiancés body.

"You know I love you right?" You questioned softly. He hummed and you giggled at his tsundere ways.

You couldn't be happier.

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