Yandere Bakugo x Reader: My Hero Academia

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"Y'know I realized something since you got here. Yeah, you've become a completely different person" Bakugo sneered. His handsome features were twisted into a devious smile, and his red eyes sparked with insanity as they stared at you like you were the only thing in the world.

"You've become so fucking ugly! Nothing like the beautiful smiling angel you once were. The only thing that changed is where you live. I took you from your boring life, so we can live fucking happily ever after" His face contorted into a rage filled expression. You flinched away, but was forced to look him in the eye when he grabbed your chin in a vice grip and forced you to look at him. It hurt. You let a small whimper pass through your lips.

Bakugo let out a feral growl and yanked his hand back to his body. You wanted to fight back so bad, but when you first kidnapped you in the first place he injected you with a quirk canceling drug.

He had invited you to his house after school one day. He had been acting weird for awhile and your classmates were getting worried. He had been quieter than usual; never yelling anymore or bragging about being number one. Instead he would sit in his seat staring at the back of your head. You had went up to him and asked if anything was wrong after Kirishima and Midoriya pretty much begged you. They saw how he looked at you and they thought maybe he would talk to you if not them. You were worried as well so when you asked him what was wrong and he invited you over you acceted immeditly hoping to help him. 

He had instead went into town with you. The two of you were silent as you walked. You waited pateintly for him to speak. He then turned into an alleyway. You turned around to ask him where you were when it all went black. When you woke up you were tied to a bed in a room that reaked of must and dirt. Your hands were bound over your head to the bed and your feet as well. He was laying next to you and snugglig up to you. Panic quickly set in and you began to struggle. Bakugo hushed you and calmed you down with sweet words. 

What was going on? Where were you? It was then you realized you were gagged. Bakugo got out of bed and sat on your hips. He smiled down at you with a snister grin. You swallowed the growing lump in yout throat as you looked at him. 

"Don't struggle Angel. I brought you here so we can live togther happily" He said. Your eyes went wide with fear and you began to shake you head frantically. His face quickly flashed with anger and he grabbed your mouth. He swiped the knife off of the nightstand and pressed it to your neck. You went still and he smiled again. 

"Behave Angel and I won't have to hurt you" He smiled. He moved his hand from your gagged mouth and ran his nuckles along your cheek. Hiccups left your mouth as you began to sob. Bakugo hushed you, but you continued to cry. He grew angry and stabbed the pillow right next to your head.

"You're not being very pretty right now. You're ugly when you cry and no one wants an ugly lover" He hissed. You bit your tongue and tried to stop sobbing. Instead you let out little whimpers as you tried to stop. 

"I said stop it!" Bakugo yelled before bringing his hand down to your cheek. Your head flew to the side at an unconfertable angle. 

You've been stuck with this maniac for months. The rules were simple, do whatever he says and you won't get hurt. You had begun to become somewhat comfortable in the house leading you to mouth off at him. 

Bakugo hated when you cried, but you only leaned on him when you were scared. Whenever you were scared you would revert back almost to an almost childlike state. You would scream for him and cling to him like a lifeline, and if he needed to scare you for you to love him he would show you the defenition of fear. 

A large calloused hand met with your throbbing cheek once more. Your head flew to the side as your body shook. He raised his fist again only to see you flinch back and squirm until you were in the corner of the room. Bakugo smiled sickeningly sweet and kneeled in front of you. He brought his hand up and you flinched, your body shaking like a newborns legs. Your squeezed your eyes shut only to feel a warm hand on your head. The smell of caramel filled your nose and he hugged you tightly. Comfort washed over you and you burried your head into his chest. 

"I won't hurt you anymore Angel. I will keep you safe" He cooed. You continued to shake and cry. A victorious smirk covered his features as you clung to him. 

"The people outside would do so much worse. I just want to protect you. Don't leave my side and nothing will happen" You nodded your head into his chest. 

"K-Katsuki," You studdered, "Please keep me safe" You begged. He pressed his lips to your head before looking into the mirrior behind you back. His eyes seemed to glow red and his smiled stretched ear to ear. 

He will have you no matter what, even if he has to break you first. 

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